New version: "driver = {microsoft odbc for oracle}; server = oracleserver.world; uid = username; pwd = asdasd;"
Old Version: "Driver = {Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle}; connectionString = Oracleserver.World; UID = myusername; PWD = mypassword;"
Standard security: "Provider = msdaora; Data Source = MyOracleDB; User Id = UserName; Password = asdasd;" This one's from Microsoft, the following are from OracleStandard Security: "Provider = OraOLEDB.Oracle; Data Source = MyOracleDB; User Id = UserName; Password = asdasd; "
Trusted Connection: "provider = oraoledb.oracle; data source = myoracledb; osauthent = 1;"
OracleConnection (.NET)
Standard: "Data Source = Oracle8i; Integrated Security = YES"; this One Works Only with Oracle 8i Release 3 or LaterDeclare The OracleConnection:
C #: use system.data.racleClient; OracleConnection OracleConn = New OracleConnection (); oracleconn.connectionstring = "my connectionstring"; oracleconn.open ();
VB.NET: IIMPORTS System.Data.OracleClientDim Oracleconn As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection () Oracleconn.Connectionstring = "My Connectionstring" oracleconn.open ()
Data Shape
MS Data Shape: "Provider = MSDataShape.1; Persist Security Info = False; Data Provider = MSDara; Data Source = ORAC; User ID = UserName; Password = MYPW"
Example 1: Namespace Oracle {///