Filter Name Description Alpha Sets Transparent Gravity Effect Blur Generate Fast Moving When Chroma Changes a color in the image to transparent Dropshadow Generate Falls Shadow FLIPV Generate the opposite image Glow generates light around the object The molar edge Gray turns the color image into the color phase, saturation and brightness of the grayscale invert, resulting in a negative film effect Light to generate a light source MASK using another object to generate an image transparent mask Shadow generating product shadow WAVE The contour of the wave deformation XRAY can be generated in horizontal or vertical direction, just like irradiation X-rays: filter: filter, filter Properties Select FilterName is the filter property name parameters means each filter Mirror property parameter alpha attribute format: filter: alpha (opacity = opcity, finishopacity = finishopacity, style = style, startx = startx, starty = starty, finishx = finishx, finishy = finishy) Description: Opacity represents transparency, optional value From 0 to 100, the representative is completely transparent, and 100 represents completely opaque. The Style parameter specifies the shape characteristics of the transparent area. One represents a unified shape; 1 represents the line shape; 2 represents the radiation; 3 represents the rectangular. Finishopacity is an option to set the transparency at the end, thereby achieving a gradient effect, and its value is from 0 to 100. StartX and Starty represent the beginning coordinates of the gradient transparent effect, finishx and finishy represent the end coordinates of the gradient transparent effect. BLUR attribute
Format: Filter: blu (add = add, direction, stregth = strength) Description: The Add parameter has two parameter values: true and false. It means that the specified image is changed to a fuzzy effect. The Direction parameter is used to set the fuzzy direction. The fuzzy effect is carried out in a clockwise direction. Where 0 degrees represent vertical up, one unit every 45 degrees, the default value is 270 degrees to the left. The Strength parameter value can only be specified using an integer, which represents how much pixels will be blurred. The default is 5 pixels. Chroma attribute format: filter: chroma (color = color) Description: Color Parameter Set Color DROPSHADOW Property The dropshadow property is to add an object's shadow effect. The effect it achieves looks like the original object leaves the page, and then the projection of the object is displayed on the page. Format: Filter: Dropshadow (color = color, offx = offx, offy = OFFY, POSTIVE = POSTIVE) Description: Color represents the color of the projected shadow. Offx and OFFY respectively x direction and the shift of the Y direction. The offset must be set with an integer value. If set to positive integers, represent the right direction of the X axis and the downward direction of the Y-axis. Set to negative integers. The Positive parameter has two values: TRUE establishes visible projections for any non-transparent pixel, False establishes visible projections for transparent pixels. FLIPH, FLIPV Property Format: Filter: Fliph Filter: Flipv Description: FliPH represents horizontal flip, FLIPV represents vertical flipping. Glow Property Format: Filter: Glow (Color = Color, StRENGTH = strength) Description: Color is the color of the specified glow. Stregth specifies the intensity of the illuminating, the parameter value from 1 to 255. Gray attribute format: Filter: Gray Description: Gray property turns a picture into a grayscale. Invert Attribute Format: Filter: Invert Description: The Invert property can turn all the visualization properties of the object, including color, saturation, and brightness values. Mask Attribute Format: Filter: Mask (Color = Color) Description: Color parameter, used to specify what color used as a mask. Shadow Property Format: Filter: Shadow (color = color, direction = direction) Description: The shadow property can establish a projection of an object in the specified direction. The Color parameter is used to specify the color of the projection. Direction parameter is used to specify the direction of the projection. Wave attribute format: filter: Wave (add = true (false), freq = frequency, lightstRength = enhanced light effect, Phase = offset, strongth = intensity) Description: WAVE properties are used to disrupted the object according to vertical corrugated style .