My Emacs configuration file

zhaozj2021-02-12  180

Emacs's configuration files in ~ / .emacs files, if you don't have your own environment variables in a Windows environment, if you set the Home environment variable, in the directory set by Home, it is the extension Tarbar you need on the root directory. .el at can be found in your Load-path in your way and naming tarbar.el; Chinese Environment Settings (SET -LANGUAGE-ENVIRONMENT 'CHINESE-GB) (Set-Clipboard-Coding-System' Euc-CN) (Set-Terminal-Coding-System 'Euc-CN) (SET) -Buffer-File-Coding-System 'Euc-Coding-System' Euc-CN) (Setq Default-Process) (Setq Default-Process " Coding-System '(Euc-CN. Euc-CN))) (SESTEM' EUC-CN); No need in setting X under Windows (set-language-environment 'Chinese-GB) ( Set-default-font "-Outline-New Song-Normal-R-NORMAL-NORMAL-12 - * - 96-96-NORMAL-12 - * - 96-96-C - * - GB2312") ;; load-path setting: (setq load-path (cons) Expand-file-name "~ / .emacs-lis /") load-path)); EMACS extension: ;; Tabbar and Require 'Tabbar (Global-Set-Key) (KBD) "" "Global-set-key (kbd") 'Tabbar-forward-group) (Global-set-key (kbd ")) 'Tabbar-Key (KEY (KBD ")' Tabbar-Forward ;; Require 'setNu; Programming Settings:; Hook C-Mode C - Mode and Font-Lock -Mode Turn-on-setnu-mode (add-hook 'c-mode-hook' turn-hook 'c-mode-hook' Turn-on-setnu-mode) (Add- HOOK 'C - Mode-hook' Turn-ON-Font-Lock (Add-Hook 'C - Mode-hook' Turn-on-setNu-Mode) ;; Match between M-Left M-Rights GLOBAL-SET-key [(meta left)] 'forward-sexp); mobile to a line (global-set-key [ Meta g)] 'goto-line) ;;


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