Emacs's configuration files in ~ / .emacs files, if you don't have your own environment variables in a Windows environment, if you set the Home environment variable, in the directory set by Home, it is the extension Tarbar you need on the root directory. .el at http://www.lifl.fr/~hodique/code/emacs/tabbar.html can be found in your Load-path in your way and naming tarbar.el; Chinese Environment Settings (SET -LANGUAGE-ENVIRONMENT 'CHINESE-GB) (Set-Clipboard-Coding-System' Euc-CN) (Set-Terminal-Coding-System 'Euc-CN) (SET) -Buffer-File-Coding-System 'Euc-Coding-System' Euc-CN) (Setq Default-Process) (Setq Default-Process " Coding-System '(Euc-CN. Euc-CN))) (SESTEM' EUC-CN); No need in setting X under Windows (set-language-environment 'Chinese-GB) ( Set-default-font "-Outline-New Song-Normal-R-NORMAL-NORMAL-12 - * - 96-96-NORMAL-12 - * - 96-96-C - * - GB2312") ;; load-path setting: (setq load-path (cons) Expand-file-name "~ / .emacs-lis /") load-path)); EMACS extension: ;; Tabbar and Require 'Tabbar (Global-Set-Key) (KBD) "" "Global-set-key (kbd") 'Tabbar-forward-group) (Global-set-key (kbd ")) 'Tabbar-Key (KEY (KBD ")' Tabbar-Forward ;; Require 'setNu; Programming Settings:; Hook C-Mode C - Mode and Font-Lock -Mode Turn-on-setnu-mode (add-hook 'c-mode-hook' turn-hook 'c-mode-hook' Turn-on-setnu-mode) (Add- HOOK 'C - Mode-hook' Turn-ON-Font-Lock (Add-Hook 'C - Mode-hook' Turn-on-setNu-Mode) ;; Match between M-Left M-Rights GLOBAL-SET-key [(meta left)] 'forward-sexp); mobile to a line (global-set-key [ Meta g)] 'goto-line) ;;