ZMUD command details

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  43

ZMUD is the MUD client program from Zuggsoft, providing many useful tools, such as alias.

(AliaS), Actions, Macro (Macros), Shortcuts, Button (Buttons),

Scripts (Scripts), Map (Maps), etc., making you a relaxed and efficient life in MUD.

Here first, introduce ZMUD characteristics.

First, macro keys define shortcuts to quickly perform one or a series of commands.

Second, aliases save a series of commands as a shorter command.

Third, trigger determines the executed command based on the information obtained from MUD.

Fourth, variables (variables)

Five, functions

6. Buttons built a row of your own defined buttons in the window.

Seven, the path (Paths) records the path walking in MUD, you can fall along the path of the record,

You can also edit the path of the record.

Eight, map (Mapper)

Nine, multiple chars simultaneously log in to multiple characters, one command can be sent to different windows

Or send it to all windows.

Ten, preventing the spam protection of too many strings to MUD.

Eleven, all ANSI Color support, color can be customized.

Thirteen, can replace Telnet

14, multimedia function allows you to play Sounds, MIDI, Movies, and so on.

Fifteen, script (scripts) save the command in a text file.

XVI, the character database (Character Database) saves all your MUD roles to facilitate quick connection.

Seventeenth, Tab Completion allows you to type a few letters of a long string and then use Tab

Key complement.

See the #ta command.

Eighteen, history is equivalent to doskey. (Remember doskey?)

19. Timer built-in timer is used to send a command to MUD.

Twenty, Status Line Customizable status rows can display variables and triggers.

Twenty-one, color, font, sound, special characters can be modified and saved.

Twenty-two, the configuration file saves all configurations (Aliases, Macros, etc). A profile

Can be used in several different roles.

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Syntax: #Number Command

This command repeatedly sends Number commands to MUD, Number must be a constant, if you want to use

Variables, please use the loop command. The currently repeated count is stored in system variable% RepeatNum.


# 4 speed bing% i

The command will be interpreted to {Fight Bing 1; Fight Bing 2; ...; fight bing 4} sent to MUD10

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Stop the analysis to handle the part of the current command line.


Get all corpse; #abort; split In this example, Split will be ignored

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Syntax: #ac pattern command [classname]

Related: #trigger # t # t- #ignore

This is one of the most useful features in ZMUD. Pre-defined when receiving a matching text from MUD

The command will be executed. The first parameter of this command is the text that is matched, if the text contains spaces,

You need to enclose it with parentheses {}. Pattern can include special pattern matching

Symbols and wildcards. The second parameter is the command that will be executed, and the command of more than a word is also

Need to use parentheses {}. The third parameter is used to give different triggers to naming categories for easy management. high

Level trigger settings must use the parameter dialog, in the dialog, you can decide

The triggering action is to be executed in a new line after the matching text is followed.

A simple example:

#Ac {You bought a vine} {wear jia}

In this way, whenever you bought a vine, it can be automatically put on.

An example of automatic login:

#Ac {^ Your English name:} {river}

#Ac {^ Please enter the corresponding password:} {12345}

Then close the Trigger on Newline settings in the Parameters dialog and open Trigger on Prompt

Such name and password will immediately prompt the input without waiting for the wrap. Note that characters ^ will force from one

The head of the row begins to match.

Trigger parameters

#Ac {^ You get (% d) CoinS} {chat i get% 1coin} Rich

When you see a line "You get [Number] COINS", the value is stored in the variable% 1,

The order that will be executed can use this value. In this example, the class named Rich is used.

This way you can use the T and T-command to open or close this trigger.

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SYNTAX: #AD Variable Amount

This example allows you to make a simple arithmetic calculation. Amount can be numeric or variables. If you want to subtract down,

Negative values ​​can be used. Complex arithmetic calculations, please use the #math command.


#Ad Moves 1

Give variable @moves plus one

#Action {you get (% d) coins} {#Ad gold% 1}

When you get money, add the amount of money to the @Gold variable.

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Syntax: #Ala TimePattern Command

Related: #trigger

Establish a time-based trigger instead of triggering the information obtained from MUD. TimePattern

It is a specific time or includes a wildcard. If you add (-) before minus, the connection time is not real.


TimePattern's format is expressed as hours: minutes: seconds, the hours and minutes are optional

Item, if it is not specified, it is assumed that hours and minutes are replaced by wildcards *. Tongcillar * can replace any value, and * 10 can match 10, 20, 30, and the like. You can also specify several values ​​to be separated by (|). Finally,

You Can Put Parenthesis Around The Wildcards to Save The VALUES MATCHED

To the% 1 ..% 9 parameters. (I don't understand this sentence, who will help me?)


#Alarm -30: 00 {save}

The HOUR here is not specified, so the default is *. Therefore, this example will be connected every 30 minutes after the connection.

Execute the save command.

#Alarm 3:00:00 {Gossip why too at you sleeping?}

The command will trigger at 3 am.

#Alarm -5955 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59) {#SHOW 60-% 1}

This command displays 5 4 3 2 1 on the screen at the last 5 seconds of each hour.

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Syntax: #al [aliasname] [String]

Related: #variable

Save one or a set of commands into a shorter alias. When an alias is executed, the variables in the command can be expanded.

If you need to delay the variable extension, you can use two variable flags (%%).

If you do not have a parameter, all aliases will be listed in the output window. If you are in order alias

Specify an alias in the name, the specified alias will be displayed.

An alias can be extended with a key. Type a separate name and press the key in the command line, the alias in the command line

The commands included in the alias will be replaced.

If you use the parameters (% 1,% 2, ...) when you define an alias, the text following alias in the command line will replace this

Some parameters. Special parameters% -1 to% -99 represent all text after -N. (Example of using parameters)


#Al fs {fill waterskin}

FiL Waterskin will be sent to MUD when FS is executed.

#Al fs {fill @container}

Use variables in the alias, and variables can be assigned with trigger when purchasing a container.

#Al make {#Alias% 1 {CAST% 1 %% 1}}

In this example, executing Make Heal will issue #alias heal {casual

% 1} command, this is created

A new alias HEAL.

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Syntax: #all command

Send a command to all roles


#All quit

Send a quit command to all activated role windows.

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Syntax: #ba

Related: #path #retrace

Delete the last step from the path currently recorded


If the current path is .NSEW, execute #ba will make it .nse. If the current path is .N4S

Then, #ba will become .N3S.

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SYNTAX: #beep [value] related: #play

Vocal in the PC speaker, Value corresponds to the corresponding Windows event.


#Beep 16

Play the sound of Windows event 16.

#Beep; #wait 500; #beep

BEEP twice, intermediate interval 0.5 seconds.

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Syntax: #bu Number

Trigger a custom button, numbered (from 1 to 16) determines the triggered button. Number can be a variable.


#Bu 1

Trigger the first button, the effect is equivalent to pressing this button on the screen

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SYNTAX: # c [name]

Related: # c-

Start getting the text to the window name, if Name is omitted, the text will be sent to Command Editor.

(If the Capturing settings in Editor are available). If you are selected in the Preferences dialog

Capture Commands Settings, typed commands will also be sent to this window.



Start copying all the text obtained from MUD to the window named TEMP

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Syntax: # c-

Related: # c

Stop get the text to another window

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Syntax: #cap [Number] [name]

Related: editor window

Get the last Number line to another window. If Number is omitted, only the last line is obtained.

If NUMBER is -1, all rows will be copied. If Name omit, the target sent will be Command

Editor window.


#TR {Coffee tells you: Help! } {#cap tell}

The contents of TELL are stored in a window called Tell to avoid ignore.

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Syntax: #ca index command1 [commandn]

Allows you to select a command from the command list. The index parameter decides which command to perform. If Index

Big than the number of commands in the list will be reselected from the first start. For example, there are 4 commands in the list.

And INDEX = 6, then the second command will be executed. You can also use the variable% random random selection to be executed.


#Case 2 {first command} {second command} {third command}

Execute the second command

#Case @Joincmd {JOIN} {rescue}

If the variable @Join is an odd number, execute Join, an even number of rescue.

#Case% random {hello} {hi there} {hiya} {hi}

Random selection greetings.

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Syntax: #CH

Related: #host #pw

Returns the name of the current role from Charater Atabase


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