php.ini's Chinese translation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45


PHP is still a constantly developing tool, its function is still constantly being reduced; and PHP.ini setting changes can reflect considerable changes, before using the new PHP version, study PHP.ini will be beneficial.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; About this file; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

This file controls many views of PHP. In order to let PHP read this file, it must be named; 'php.ini'. PHP will look for this file in these places: the current working directory; environment variable phprc; indicated path; the path specified when compiling. Under Windows, the path to compile is a Windows installation directory. In command line mode, the PHP.INI's lookup path can be replaced with the -c parameter.

The syntax of the file is very simple. Blank characters and semicolons ';' starting rows are simply ignored (just like you may; guessing). The chapter title (for example: [foo]) is also simply ignored, even if they may; there is a meaning. The indication is specified using the following symptom: indicating the identifier = value; Directive = Value; Indicates the identifier is * case sensitive * - foo = bar is different from foo = bar. The value can be a string, a number, a PHP constant (such as: e_all or m_pi), in constant; one (ON, OFF, TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO AND NONE), or an expression (Eg: e_all & ~ e_notice), or the string ("foo") enclosed with quotation marks ("foo").;; The expression of the INI file is limited to the position operator and parentheses. (Bitwise OR; & Bitwise and; ~ Bitwise Not;! Boolean NOT;; Boolean flag can be placed in the state of the value of 1, ON, TRUE or YES. They can be placed in the relationship with 0, OFF, FALSE OR NO. An empty string can be used in the equal sign, or use the None keyword:;;; foo =; foo = none; foo = none; set FOO to an empty string; foo = "none"; set the FOO to string 'none'; if you use constants in your value setting, these constants belong to the dynamically transferred extension library (not PHP expansion, that is, the extension of Zend), you can only After transferring these extended lines * * Use these constants. All the values ​​set in the php.ini-dist file are the same as the built-in default (this is said, if pHP.ini; is not used or you delete these rows, the default value is the same).


Engine = ON; makes PHP Scripting Language Engine (PHP Scripting Language Engine) is valid under Apache. Short_open_tag = ON; Allow tags will be identified. ASP_TAGS = OFF; allows asp-style <%%> tags precision = 14; the number of valid bits when the floating point type is displayed Y2K_COMPLIANCE = Off; whether to open 2000 adaptation (may result in problems in a browser that is not Y2K adaptation)

Output_buffering = OFF; Output Cache Allows you to send a Header (including cookies) after outputting the text; its cost is a little speed slower. You can use the output cache to turn on the output cache when running,; or here will be set to ON to make the output cache of all files open. Output_handler =; You can redirect all output to a function of your script,; doing you may be useful for processing or logging it. For example, if you set this output_handler, the output will be transparently compressed for browser that supports Gzip or Deflate encoded. The output processor is set automatically opens the output buffer.

Implicit_flush = OFF; Force Flush (refresh) Let PHP tell the output layer to automatically refresh their own data after each output block. This is equivalent to calling a flush () function after each print () or echo () call and each HTML block. Opening this setting causes a serious runtime conflict, it is recommended to open only during the Debug process.

ALLOW_CALL_TIME_PASS_REFERENCE = ON; Whether the forced function is transferred according to the reference to transfer parameters. This approach is protest, and it may not be supported in the future version of PHP / Zend. The method of encouragement specifies which parameters is transmitted by reference to the function declaration. You are encouraged to try to close this option and confirm that your script will still work normally to ensure that in the future version of the language; they still work. (You will get a warning every time you use this feature, and the parameters will be valued instead of reference; delivery).

; SAFE MODE security mode SAFE_MODE = OFF SAFE_MODE_EXEC_DIR = SAFE_MODE_ALLOWED_ENV_VARS = PHP_;? Setting CERTAIN ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES;? May Be a potential security breach.; This indicator contains a comma-separated prefix list. In the security mode, the user can only replace; the value of the environment variable at the beginning of the prefix listed here. By default, the user will only set the environment variable starting with PHP_ (eg pHP_foo = BAR). ; Note: If this indication is empty, the PHP will let the user change any environment variable!

SAFE_MODE_PROTECTED_ENV_VARS = ld_library_path; This indicator contains a comma-separated environment variable list, which will not change with Putenv (). These variables are protected even in the case where SAFE_MODE_ALOWED_ENV_VARS is set to allow.

Disable_functions =; This indication allows you to fail for a particular function for security. It accepts a list of functions separated by commas. This indication * is not affected by * security mode. The color of the syntax highlight mode. As long as you can be able to work with anything accepted by .

Highlight.string = # dd0000 highlight.comment = # ff8000 highlight.keyword = # 007700 = #fffffff highlight.default = # 0000bb highlight.html = # 000000

MISC miscellaneous eXPOSE_PHP = OFF; determine if the PHP indicates that it is mounted on the server (for example: adding on it-php- to the web service; sent on the signal). (I personally comment, when there is a Power-by HEADER, turn this off.); It does not have a security threat, but it makes it possible to check if PHP is installed on your server.


Max_execution_time = 30; Maximum execution time of each script, Memory_Limit = 8388608, a script (here 8MB)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; error handling and logging;; error control and registration; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; error report is bits. Or add a number to get the desired error report level. ; E_ALL - All errors and warnings; E_ERROR - Fatness running error; e_warning - runtime warning (non-poor misalignment); E_PARSE - Compile error; E_NOTICE - Running (these often is your code) BUG is caused; it may also be caused by intentional behavior. (such as: automatically initializing the unin-initialized variable to one; use an uninitialized variable in the facts of the empty string)

E_CORE_ERROR - A fatal error occurred during initialization during PHP; E_CORE_WARNING - Warning (Non-Derived Wrong) during initialization during PHP startup; E_Compile_ERROR - compile life; E_Compile_Warning - Compile time warning (Non-fatal Sex error); E_USER_ERROR - the error message generated by the user; E_USER_WARNING - the warning message generated by the user; E_USER_NOTICE - the user generated alert message; example: ire_reporting = e_all & ~ e_notice; display all errors, except for reminding; error_reporting = e_compile_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR; only error error_reporting = e_all & ~ e_notice; display all errors, except for display_errors = ON; display error message (as part of the output); on the final released Web site, it is strongly recommended that you turn off this Features, and use; error logs are replaced (see below). In the final released Web site continues to make Display_ERRORS valid; expose some information about security, such as file paths on your web service,; your database planning or other information. Display_startup_errors = OFF; even when Display_ERROES is opened, in the step of starting in PHP; error is not displayed. It is highly recommended to keep display_startup_errors to close, except for the wrong process. Log_ERRORS = OFF; record errors in the log file (the server specified by the server, STDERR standard error output, or error_log)); as in the above description, it is highly recommended that you have a logging error in the finally released Web site; replace Direct error output. TRACK_ERRORS = OFF; save the most recent error / warning message in variable $ php_errormsg (irean); error_prepend_string = ""; string output before the error message; error_Append_string = ""; error The string output after the information; error_log = filename; record error logs in the specified file; error_log = syslog; Record error log in system log Syslog (Event log under NT, WINDOWS 95 is invalid) WARN_PLUS_OVERLOADING = OFF;? ' Warning when using strings

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Record; Get, POST, Cookie, Environment and Built-in the order of these variables. ((Represented by G, P, C, E & S, usually referenced by EGPCS or GPC). Press from left to right records, the new value replaces the old value.

Register_globals = on; whether these EGPCS variables are registered as global variables. If you don't want user data, you may want to close it. This is even more meaningful to TRACK_VARS - so that you can pass; $ http _ _ vars [] array access all GPC variables. Register_argc_argv = ON; This indication tells PHP to declare Argv and Argc variables; (Note: here Argv is array, ARGC is variable); (which contains data from the GET method). If you don't want to use these variables, you should turn off it to improve performance.

TRACK_VARS = ON; An array of $ http _ * _ vars [] is valid, here * is used in use; ENV, POST, GET, Cookie or Server replace post_max_size = 8m; PHP will accept the maximum size of the POST data accepted.

GPC_ORDER = "GPC"; this indication is opposed. Use Variables_Order instead.

Magic quotes magic_quotes_gpc = ON; use magic references in the input GET / POST / COOKIE data; (in this way, huh, the so-called MAGIC quotes should refer to control characters that use escape characters in the quotes, such as / ' ....) MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME = OFF; uses the data generated at runtime Use the magic reference, for example: data obtained by the SQL query, the data obtained with the exec () function, etc. Magic_quotes_sybase = off; use the Sybase form of magic reference (Out of '' out of 'without us /')

Automatically add file auto_prepend_file = auto_prepend_file = auto_prepend_file = auto_prepend_file =

Like 4.04B4, PHP is always encoded by default in the "Content-Type:" header. To make the output character set, as long as the setting is empty. ; PHP's built-in default value is text / html default_mimetype = "text / html"; default_charset = "ISO-8859-1"

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Include_path =; include path setting, UNIX: "/ path1; / path2" Windows: "/ path1; / path2" DOC_ROOT =; PHP page root path, only in non-empty time_dir =; inform PHP When using / ~ username to open the script, which directory is looking for, only in non-empty time; UPLOAD_TMP_DIR =; Temporary directory for file uploaded with HTTP protocol (not specified using the system default) UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE = 2097152; file upload The default limit is 2 meg extension_dir = c: / pHP /; the directory enable_dl = ON to which the loadable expansion library (module) is stored; whether DL () is valid. DL () function * on multi-threaded server * cannot be * good work, for example IIS or Zeus, and it is disabled in it ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; File UPLOADS; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, file_uploads = on; HTTP mode file is allowed to upload; UPLOAD_TMP_DIR =; temporary directory for files used for HTTP (not specified) UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE = 2M; uploaded the maximum license size

Fopen wrappers; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; allow_url_fopen = on; Whether to allow URLs as http: .. or file as FTP: ...

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dynamic extensions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; If you want an extension library to be automatically loaded, use the following syntax:; extension = modulename.extension; for example, in Windows,; extension = msql.dll; OR under UNIX, @ =; This should only be the name of the module, and does not require directory information. The location of the specified expansion library is indicated by the above extension_dir.

; Windows extension; extension = php_nsmail.dll extension = php_calendar.dll; extension = php_dbase.dll; extension = php_filepro.dll extension = php_gd.dll; extension = php_dbm.dll; extension = php_mssql.dll; extension = php_zlib.dll; extension = php_filepro.dll; extension = php_imap4r2.dll; extension = php_ldap.dll; extension = php_crypt.dll; extension = php_msql2.dll; extension = php_odbc.dll; note, MySQL support is now built-in, therefore, not Need to use its DLL

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; module setting;; module settings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [syslog] Define_syslog_variables = OFF; Whether various system log variables are defined; such as: $ log_pid, $ log_cron, and so on. It is a good idea to turn off it is an improvement. When run, you can call the function define_syslog_variables () to define these variables.

[Mail Function] SMTP = localhost; only for Win32 system sendmail_from =; only for Win32 system; sendmail_path =; only for UNIX, also support parameters (default is' sendmail -t-iod " )

[Debugger] = localhost debugger.port = 7869 debugger.enabled = false

[Logging] These configurations indicate logging mechanisms for example. Reading Examples / Readme.Logging to get more explanation; logging.Method = DB; = / path / to / log / directory

[Java]; java.class.path = ./php_java.jar; java.home = c: / jdk; java.library = c: /jdk/jre/bin/HOTSPOT / JVM.DLL; java.library.path = ./


[ODBC]; uodbc.default_db = Not yet implemented; uodbc.default_user = Not yet implemented; uodbc.default_pw = Not yet implemented uodbc.allow_persistent = On; allow or prevent persistent connections uodbc.check_persistent = On; check connections before the reuse You can also use uodbc.max_persistent = -1; the maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents unlimited uodbc.max_links = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents unlimited uodbc.defaultlrl = 4096; controlling the field of the long type. Returns the number of bytes of variables, 0 represents pass (?) 0 means passthru uodbc.defaultbinmode = 1; control binary data. 0 represents ????? Handling of binary data. 0 means passthru, 1 Return AS, 2 Convert to char; see the documentation about ODBC_BINMODE and ODBC_LONGREADLEN to obtain Uodbc.defaultlrl and u 4bc.defaultbinmode explanation.

[Mysql] mysql.allow_persistent = ON; Allow or prohibit long-lasting connection mysql.max_persistent = -1; the maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents no limit mysql.max_links = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents unlimited mysql.default_port =; mysql_connect () uses the default port, if it is not set, mysql_connect (); use variable $ mysql_tcp_port, or mysql-TCP entry under / etc / services,; or In compilation is the defined mysql_port (in such order); Win32 environment will only check mysql_port. MySQL.DEFAULT_SOCKET =; the default socket name for local MySQL connections. When it is empty, use the MySQL built-worth mysql.default_host =; mysql_connect () The host (secure mode is invalid) mysql.default_user =; mysql_connect () default username (safe mode is invalid) mysql.default_password =; MySQL_Connect () The password used by default (invalid in security mode); note that the password in this file is usually a * bad * idea; * Any * You can use the user who can use PHP access; 'Echo cfg_get_parsword ") 'To display that password! And of course, any user with the power of reading the file can also see that password.

[msql] msql.allow_persistent = ON; Allow or prohibit long-lasting connection msql.max_persistent = -1; the maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents unlimited msql.max_links = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents unlimited

[Postgressql] pgsql.allow_persistent = ON; Allow or prohibit long-lasting connection pgsql.max_persistent = -1; the maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents unlimited pgsql.max_links = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents unlimited

[Sybase] sybase.allow_persistent = ON; Allow or prohibit long-lasting connection sybase.max_persistent = -1; the maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents unlimited Sybase.max_links = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents unlimited; sybase.interface_file = "/ usr / sybase / interfaces" sybase.min_error_severity = 10; the shortest severity of the displayed error Sybase.min_Message_Severity = 10; the lowest importance of the message displayed Sybase.compataBility_Mode = OFF; Compatible with the old version of PHP 3.0. If open, this will cause PHP automatically; give them the Sybase type according to the results, and not to all the strings. This compatibility pattern will not stay forever, therefore, make your code need modifications, and turn the item. [Sybase-CT] sybct.allow_persistent = ON; Allow or prohibit the lasting connection sybct.max_persistent = -1; the maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents unlimited sybct.max_links = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents no limit sybct.min_server_severity = 10; the lowest severity of the displayed error sybct.min_client_severity = 10; the lowest importance of the message displayed

[bcmath] bcmath.scale = 0; number of 10 decimal numbers for all bcmath functions Number of Decimal Digits for All Bcmath Functions

[browscap]; browscap = extra / browscap.ini browscap = c: /win/system/inetsrv/browscap.ini [informix] ifx.default_host =; ifx_connect () default host (safe mode in effect) ifx.default_user = IFX_Connect () default username (in safe mode) ifx.default_password =; ifx_connect () default password (safe mode in safe mode) ifx.allow_persistent = ON; Allow or prohibit persistent connection ifX.max_Persistent = -1 The maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents unlimited IFX.MAX_LINKS = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents unlimited IFX.Textasvarchar = 0; if open, the SELECT status returns the content of a 'text blob' field, not its id.byteasvarchar = 0; if open, the SELECT status returns a 'Byte Blob' The content of the field is instead of its ID ifx.charasvarchar = 0; track spaces that are stripped from the fixed length character column. The Informix SE user may be valid. Ifx.blobinfile = 0; if the contents of the text and byte blobs are exported to a file; instead of saving to memory. ifx.nullformat = 0; NULL (empty) is returned as a null field, unless it is set here. In this case (1), NULL is returned as a string null.

[Session] session.save_handler = files; Control mode for saving / retrieving data session.save_path = c: / win / temp; Parameters passing to the controller when Save_Handler is set to file,; this is the data file will be saved route of. Session.use_cookies = 1; Whether to use cookies = phpsessid; use session.Auto_Start = 0 with session in cookie; initialize session session.cookie_lifetime = 0 at the request startup; save time for the Cookie of the second; , When 0, until the browser is restarted in session.cookie_path = /; cookie's effective path session.cookie_domain =; cookie's valid domain session.serialize_handler = php; Controller for connecting data; PHP is the standard for PHP Controller. Session.gc_probability = 1; Press the percentage 'Garbage Collection' process; the possibility of starting at each session initialization. Session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440; After the number of seconds referred to here, the saved data will be considered; 'Debris (Garbage) and is cleaned up by the GC process. Session.referr_check =; Check the HTTP reference to make the additional Ids in the URLS invalid session.Entropy_Length = 0; read how many bytes session.entropy_file =; specify here to establish a session ID; session.entropy_length = 16; session.Ntropy_length = 16; .NTropy_File = / dev / urandom session.cache_limiter = nocache; set to {nocache, private, public} to determine HTTP; cache problem session.cache_expire = 180; Document is over time after N minutes session.use_trans_sid = 1; use transition Sex SID support, if compiled; --Nable-trans-sid url_rewriter.tags = "a = href, area = href, frame = src, input = src, form = fakeTry" [MSSQL]; extension = php_mssql .dll mssql.allow_persistent = on; Allow or prohibit long-lasting connection MSSQL.max_Persistent = -1; the maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents unlimited mssql.max_links = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents unlimited mssql.min_error_severity = 10; the displayed error minimum severity mssql.min_message_severity = 10; the lowest importance of the message display MSSQL.comPATABILITY_MODE = OFF; compatible with the old version of PHP 3.0. Mode.

[Assertion];? ? ? ? ? Assert.Active = ON;? Assert (expr); active by default; assert.warning = on; Issue a php warning for each failed assert.; assert.bail = OFF; don't bail out by default.; assert.callback = 0; user-function to be called if an assertion fails;. assert.quiet_eval = 0;. eval the expression with current error_reporting () set to true if you want error_reporting (0) around the eval () [Ingres II] ii.allow_persistent = On;. allow Or prohibit lasting connection II.max_Persistent = -1; the maximum number of persistent connections. -1 represents unlimited II.max_links = -1; the maximum number of connections (lasting and non-persistent). -1 represents unlimited II.default_database =; Default Database (Format: [Node_ID ::] DBNAME [/ srv_class] II.default_user =; Default User Ii.default_password =; Default Password

[VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO] PfPro.defaultHost = ""; default signio server pfPro.defaultport = 443; connection default port PfPro.defaultTimeout = 30; by default timeout

PfPro.Proxyaddress =; the default agent IP address (if needed); pfPro.Proxyport =; the default agent port; pfPro.Proxylogon =; Default agent login (Logon User Name); PFPRO.PROXYPASSWORD =; default The password of the agent

[Sockets] Sockets.use_system_read = on; use the system's read () function replacing the php_read () package; local variables: (local variable); Tab-Width: 4; end:



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