My notebook is getting better and better.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

hot key

It turns out that only the FN- of the LCD brightness and switches display, and now you can use the Fn- lock screen; you can control the volume with fn- . You can also use several shortcuts to open your browser, email client, Gaim, XMMS and switch wireless network card. How is it, it's rich, it has benefited from the ACPI system support for ASUS notebooks.

In the kernel (the author is 2.6.9 core), there is a part of ASUS ACPI, select it, and then download a package from ACPI4ASUS, the current version is 0.29, which contains a kernel module, but If kernel support, it is not needed. The author is recommended to use a newer kernel instead of this module, although they are the same thing. We only need there to be ASUS_ACPID, compile, install it in this directory, including executable files, asus_acpid, and kernel modules, capture the shortcuts of the ASUS notebook, complete the capture of the LCD brightness adjustment and other keys.

Copy the example of asus_acpid to its own home directory, rename it ~ / .asus_acpid, start asus_acpid, and the Events directory is the captured event, the log file records the ACPI event and response.

Events already contain 4 shortcut capture, and the control of the volume, and call the corresponding script to complete the task, and my notebook (M2400N) also contains another appetite more burly shortcut and FN-

As a shortcut to sleep, how can you waste it? I pressed a few press, see logs in log, indicating that the capture is not processed, and we are in the crakes, add a few incidents, such as the burly shortcut, add it in the events directory file

# ~ / .ASUS_ACPI / EVENTS / Hotkbtnc

# `# 'The beginning is a comment

Event = Hotkey. * 5c [[: Space:]]. *

# This line is the captured event, Event means this is an event.

# And back is the regular expression of the string

Action = ~ / .ASUS_ACPI /

# This line is the corresponding corresponding to the event, that is, the script

In accordance with such push, it is possible to join the event for other shortcuts. My sleep shortcut does not use hangs to memory, and hangs to the hard disk, because these and x compatibility is still not good, I just smoke the screen, it seems that the security is not enough, first this way, maybe Have a better way. The script is all ourselves, huh, want to start what started, what to start :)


The touch panel can be used as a PS / 2 mouse, but there are a lot of functions of a bit messy panel. So we can use X Synaptics driver to provide more features. Not long, Synaptics installation is posted, but not much, but recently found that this thing is still very much: you can move when you want to move; It can be used as a click or double click; the sliding along the right can be used as a roller; sliding alongside the bottom, can be used back to the web page as a back and forward. I don't know if I can imitate the right click and the middle key. If I can, what I have to do, I still have to do anything below, huh, huh.

I tried it, and the two fingers on the touch panel are equivalent to the midbond function. Three fingers are equivalent to right-click, and the board is not big enough. Otherwise, try ten fingers all the effects, twenty? ?

Wireless network card control

Even the computer is Centrino technology, huh, huh, IPW2100 is driven, today I found that IPW2100 has a software switch wireless network card RF launch function, look at this directory: / sys / bus / pci / drivers / ipw2100 / *** ** /

Mid-atrium star is the network card's busID, and the computer is related, there is a RF_KILL file in this, indicating the wireless network card switching state.

0 indicates that the switch is an open 1 indicates that the switch is 2 indicates that the switch is the hardware gate 3 indicates that the switch is a hardware and software.

If it is the software is closed or open, you can switch with software control. If it is 0, write 1 inside 1

Echo -n "1"> / sys / bus / pci / drivers / IPW2100 / 0000: 01: 05.0 / RF_KILL

At this time, the wireless network card will not transmit the signal, huh, this occasion, very well. So I wrote a script:

#! / bin / bash

# / usr / local / sbin /

Switch = "/ sys / bus / pci / drivers / ipw2100 / 000: 01: 05.0 / rf_kill"

# 开关 文件

LED = "/ proc / ACPI / ASUS / WLED"

# This is also the control of a light-emitting diode provided by Asus-ACPI, which is used to display the network.

# State.

IF [`Cat $ Sitch` ==" 0 "]; # 开 就 关 它


Echo "IT 'Enabled!";

Echo -n "disable it";

Echo -n "1"> $ switch; # 关 了

Echo -n "0"> $ led; # 灯 关 关

echo "."

Else # open it

Echo "IT's Disabled!"

echo -n "try to enable it"

Echo -n "0"> $ Sitch; # Open NIC

Echo -n "1"> $ led; # 打 灯

echo "."


I will let the burly shortcut that I said above, of course, I am not root, I can't open it, so I have to set it with Sudo.

Now most things can be used, in addition to sleep, there is still a light to show that the lights used to show the state of the mail is not very useful, others are already very good, huh, huh, notebook can be very happy with Linux. .


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