Press the reference website; Putting #adddhandler cgi-script .cgi # 去, and change to AddHandler CGI-Script .cgi .pl
2. Put #scriptalias / cgi-bin / "/ usr / local / apache2 / cgi-bin / change to scriptalias / cgi-bin /" / usr / local / www / cgi-bin / with] That is to say Add a folder that supports CGI 3. Add ALOWOVERRIDE All Options Execcgi Order Allow, Deny Allow from All Directory> 4. each user to build a CGI directory support AllowOverride all Options ExecCGI Order allow, deny Allow from all directory> or Options Execcigi AddHandler CGI-Script .cgi .pl directorymatch> 5. Test example: ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- #! / usr / bin / Perlprint "Content-Type: Text / HTML / N / N"; Print "Hello World !!"