PrOFTPD installation documentation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

1 Get proFTPD http: //www.proftpd.net2 Install PrOFTPD 2.1 Enter the Linux System Unpacks #TAR ProftPD-1.2.0rc3.tar.gz #CD PrOFTPD-1.2.0RC3 2.2 Set to / usr / local / proFTPD Directory #. / Configure --prefix = / usr / local / proFTPD #MAKE #MAKE INSTALL 3 Set 3.1 Several files Features and path / usr / local / proFTPD / SBIN / ProftPD execute program / usr / local / proFTPD /etc/proftpd.conf Settings File /usr/local/proftpd/var/ PROFTPD as a service ID number 3.2 Set the proFTPD.conf file, start service 3.2.1 is a service started in the default "" There is a line of text "Servertype Standalone" in /usr/local/proftpd/tec/proftpd.conf/ ", specifies" / usr / local / proFTPD / SBIN / PrOFTPD "to work in a service, you can put" / usr / local / proFTPD / SBIN / PrOFTPD "into the" /etc/rc.local "file for boot start. 3.2.2 Putting in inetd.conf can also change" Servertype Standalone "as" Servertype inetd ", and modify "/etc/inetd.conf" ftp stream tcp noait root /usr/sbin/in.ftpd in.ftpd changes to ftp stream tcp noait root / usr / local / proFTPD / sbin / proFTPD proFTPD can of course also change to FTP Stream TCP NOWAIT ROOT / USR / SBIN / TCPD / USR / LOCAL / PrOFTPD / SBIN / PROF TPD Note As the server settings can be executed directly / usr / local / proFTPD / SBIN / PrOFTPD start service If you put it in the inetd.conf file, it is a simple setting and description of KILLALL-HUP INETD 3.3 PrOFTPD.CON after modification. (After the PROFTPD file is decompressed, there is a description of PrOFTPD.CONF in / doc directory) # The name of the server ServerName "ProftPd Default Installation"


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