Develop Spring MVC Apps with JBuilder2005 - Display PDFExcel Documentation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  40

Develop Spring MVC Apps with JBuilder2005 - Display PDF / Excel Documentation

Gaoke Hua

About the author: Gao Jinghua, Nanjing Aviation College computing a master's degree in mathematics, more than ten years of corporate informationization work experience. Current research interest, J2EE enterprise application, ERP software research and development, data warehouse system research and development.

1. Follow the "Spring MVC Application" with JBuilder 2005 "- Establish a Spring Application with the representation layer technology XSLT integrated article 2. Add POI, IText Class Library 3. Modify Views.Properties files


Home.class = xslt.homepage

Home.stylesheetLocation = / Web-inf / xsl / home.xslt

Home.Root = Words

XL.class = Excel.homepage

Pdf.class = pdf.pdfpage

4. Add two class files


Package Excel;

Import java.util. *;

Import javax.servlet.http. *;

Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel. *;

Import org.springframework.Web.Servlet.View.Document. *;

Public class homepage extends AbstractExcelView {

Protected void BuildExceldocument

Map model,



HttpservletResponse Resp) throws Exception {


HSSFrow SheetRow;

HSSFCell Cell;

// go to the first sheet

// getSheetat: Only if wb is created from an existing document

// Sheet = wb.getsheetat (0);

Sheet = wb.createsheet ("Spring");

Sheet.SetDefaultColumnWidth ((Short) 12);

// Write a Text AT A1

Cell = getcell (Sheet, 0, 0);

SetText (Cell, "Spring-Excel Test");

List word = (list) Model.get ("wordlist");

For (int i = 0; i

Cell = getcell (Sheet, 2 i, 0);

SetText (string) Words.get (i));





Package PDF;

Import java.util. *;

Import java.util.list;

Import javax.servlet.http. *;

Import com.lowagie.text. *;

Import com.lowagie.text.pdf. *;

Import org.springframework.Web.Servlet.View.Document. *;

Public class pdfpage extends Abstractpdfview {

Protected void Buildpdfdocument

Map model,

Document Doc, Pdfwriter Writer,


HttpservletResponse Resp) throws Exception {

List word = (list) Model.get ("wordlist");

For (int i = 0; i

Doc.add (new paragraph ((String) Words.get (i)))




5. Modify

Return New ModelandView ("HOME", MAP);

Changing Home is XL or PDF. You can see different results.


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