/ / Submit the Click () event connect; dec mar = 1, myRecord / / must define a big little MyRecord = DEC (SLE_1.TEXT) // This turn does not have an outcropolison (this time because of Integer out of bound So much time) DateTime mydateString D, TD = DDLB_1.Text DDLB_2.Text DDLB_3.Textt = SLE_3.Text SLE_7.TextMyDate = DATETIME (Date (D), TIME (T)) // This conversion appears Really professional if DDLB_1.Text <> "" and ddlb_2.text <> "" "and ddlb_3.text <>" "" and mle_1.text <> "" "" and SLE_1.TEXT <> "" "
select Maxdiagnosis # into: maxdia from SysVariable; maxdia = maxdia 1update SysVariable set Maxdiagnosis # =: maxdia; messagebox ( "", maxdia) // This is regarded as a classic PB error checking methods to track the value of the variable print messagebox ( "", MyRecord) // messagebox ("", mydate) // DateTime type does not support Messagebox ("", guserid) messagebox ("", mle_1.text)
Insert Into Diagnosis Values (: Maxdia,: MyRecord,: MyDate,: guserid,: mle_1.text); // This sentence is inert-like, but unfortunately, I was considered to be suspected of suspicion end if // insert INTO Diagnosis Values (1000000008, 100000000001,: MyDate, 1020310301, "mle_1.text"); // This is also a method of testing, directly writing if Sqlca.sqlcode <> 0 ThenMessageBox ("", sqlca.sqlerrtext) // Output Error, accurately pointing the RECORD # error, the credit is not small END IF