;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; .emacs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; (setq gnus-group-name-charset-group-alist '((". *". GB2312)))
(set-keyboard-code) (set-selection-code) (set-selection-code) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Open Syntax Highlight ((FBoundP 'Global-Font-Lock-Mode); (Require' Font-Lock Package) ;; Maximum Colors (SetQ Font-Lock-Maximum-Decoration T ); TURN ON FONT-LOCK IN All Modes That Support IT (Global-Font-Lock-Mode T)))))))
; Transient-Mark-Mode T)
; That "boot screen" at the time of starting. (SetQ Inhibit-Startup-Message T)
;; Display Map. (setq color-number-mod)
;; Don't insert the clipboard in the mouse click, otherwise your document is easy to become chaos. (SetQ Mouse-YANK-AT-POINT T)
;; When the parentheses match the other, the brackets are displayed instead of jumping to another bracket. (SHOW-PAREN-MODE T) (Setq show-Paren-Style 'Parentheses)
When the cursor is close to the mouse pointer, let the mouse pointer will automatically open, don't block your line. (Mouse-Avoidance-Mode 'Animate)
;; Show buffer's name instead of emacs @! # * &! (& @ # This is useless. (Setq frame-title-format "Emacs @% B")
; Set the version control when the backup is set, so safer. (SetQ Kept-New-Versions 3) (Setq Kept-Old-Versions 2) (SetQ Dired-Kept-Versions 1)
; Set the auto backup file saved directory, so as not to make your disk messages (you can;) Remove this Try to see: P ~ / .autosave Represents a subdirectory named .autosave in the main directory,; The front method sets the main directory. (Setq backup-directory-alist '(("."))))))))
; Let Dired can recurrent copy and delete directories. (Setq Dired-Recursive-Copies 'TOP) (Setq Dired-Recursive-deletes' TOP)
; Roller Support (SetQ Mouse-Wheel-Mode T)
; A strengthened buffer list mode; (GLOBAL-SET-KEY (KBD "C-X C-B") 'ibuffer
; Browse the contents in the clipboard, bind to 'cc k'.; (GLOBAL-SET-KEY [(CONTROL C)] 'browse-kill-ring) Browse-kill-ring-default-keybindings; IDO mode. Super buffer switching tool, Emacs also has the kind of usual editor ;; select Buffer Mode in Tab, but after using IDO, I will Needless; he, IDO Mode is I have seen the most convenient buffer switching mode. (Require 'IDO); (IDO-MODE T)
; High automatic completion, help to M- / top. Basically, you have edited a while, ;; as long as the first few characters of the string, press M- /, will make up later, more time you can choose. ;; The principle of completion is "in the near choice", try to know, most of the cases are satisfactory.
(Global-set-key [(meta? /)] 'Hippie-Expand)
(Setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list '(try-expand-dabbrevtry-expand-dabbrev-visibletry-expand-dabbrev-all-bufferstry-expand-dabbrev-from-killtry-complete-file-name-partiallytry-complete -FILE-NAMETRY-EXPAND-ALL-ABBREVSTRY-EXPAND-LISTTRY-EXPAND-LINETRY-COMPLETE-LISP-SYMBOL-PartiallyTry-Complete-Lisp-Symbol)
; Set the Chinese Tiangano-drying area of the calendar, press `P C 'on the date to display the lunar calendar and dry. (SetQ Chinese-Calendar-Celestial-Stem ["A" "B" "Ding" "Ding" "His" "" Geng "" Xin "" "" "]) (setq chinese-calendar-terrestrial- Branch ["子" "ugly" "寅" "" "Chen" "" "" "not" "Shen" "" "" "Hai"])
; Set the longitude latitude of your place, you can view the sunrise date in the calendar. (SetQ Calendar-Latitude 30.15) (SetQ Calendar-longitude 120.10) (Setq Calendar-Location-Name "Somewhere")
; Remember the last edited file so you will open it directly when you enter Emacs next time ;; the last time I edited, I have not quited. Suggest, put this setting to the last place of the configuration file! (Desktop-Save-Mode T) (Desktop-read) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; et al. - Of fil! ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;