Principle and introduction of regular expressions, applications (concept articles)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  27

Concept of extreme dimension: For any set S1 and S2, when S1∈S2 is S1 ∩S2 = empty (no empty this symbol, I use the Chinese word empty instead), then S1 is a pole and a pole . OK finished the definition, let's talk about the regular matching stuff, you can see the string you want to find as a collection S1, but to find a very small dollar, that is, a subset and discrete normal theorem : Every collection of sposited, has a very small yuan, clearly said, the principle of the regular match, we are looking for a subset, that is, split the big string, and its element is Mathematical expression of a small character string set of a small character: A ≠ Empty launch (existing X) (x∈A∧x∩a = empty) is now the compilation principle, the compilation principle is based on discrete content The first is to say that formal grammar and limited automatic formal grammar (CHOMSKY 3 model): Deguilar expression: Definition: Set A is a non-empty limited alphabet, then: 1) Arbitrary, empty, complete episode is a regular 2 If α, β is regular, α | β, α · β, α *, β * is also regular (regarding this is a problem related to cultural law, that is, everyone commonly used W Southamport) 3) Regularity can only be used to obtain the formal set represented by α = A b c representative of α = A B C , which is familiar with the pen, which can be written, which can be written for L (α) = {ABC , AABC, ABC, ABCC, AAABC ...} I saw that if I used it, I can clearly see that there are still some mathematics aspects of formal set, such as exchange rate, combination The ratio is required for a plurality of a long string such as or statement, but it needs to perform equation computing, but it is actually a concept here is that when you use the while, it is actually actually The bottom layer is in the regular formula, while JS or VBS is slow because of multiple regular findings, it is the regular rule, you can look at the optimal formula of the wooden fox, and after multiple look for the speed natural Just slowly write with VBS, simple example

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