Frederick brooks biography (transfer)

zhaozj2021-02-12  210

The last year of the 20th century is the 1999 Trim Award, awarded the 69-year-old Senior Computer Scientist Brooks (Frederick Phillips Brooks, Jr.). Brooks is not much in Chinese, but it is a great name in the United States. Because he was only 29 years old in the early 1960s, he preserved and leading the development of IBM / 360 series computers known as human beings from the Atomic Energy, and achieved brilliant success, thus fame noise. In the future, he has always been active on the computer stage as hardware and software, and has made great contributions in many areas of computer technology. In a sense, for Brooks, the Turing Award is a "late honor"

Brooks was born in Duham in North Carolina, 19 April 19, 1931. After graduating from Duke University in 1953, after the bachelor's degree, he entered Harvard University, and he made a master's degree in 1955, a doctorate in 1956. It is worth pointing out that Brooks achieved a Ph.D. in computer science, a "authentic" computer, is one of the world's first few scholars who have obtained Ph.D. in Computer Science. His doctoral thesis work is conducted in Harvard's famous computation laboratory. Everyone knows that in the 1940s, the first procedure controlled by the world's first program is designed by Aiken (Howard Hathaway Aiken, 1900 ~ 1973) and has IBM support. The development is successful. Please note that there are two computers called Mark. In addition to Harvard design, ASCC is called Mark, the Madm computer developed by Williamster's inventors of Williamster, and TMKilburn, which is also called Marki. This is a use of William. The mou is a memory and a computer that stores the program, sometimes called "baby" machine (BABY). Usually mentioned Marki's refers to the one of Harvard. Brooz finally completed doctoral thesis titled "Automatic Data Processing System Analysis" ("Theanalytic Designof Automatic Data Processing System"). Starting from doctoral thesis, Brooks' life has an indiscriminated edge with a computer.

After the Ph.D. in Harvard, Brooks entered the IBM company in the laboratory of Pokerpu, New York. This laboratory has been the center of IBM development computer from the 1950s to the 1950s. Brooks here participated in the development of Harvest and Stretch Computers, and the architect designer. These two models have introduced some new technologies, and there is a big impact in the 1950s to the early 1960s, especially the Stretch computer, the first first-line control method, up to 6 consecutive instructions, and later developed into The pipeline is considered to be the world's first pipeline computer. Brooks in the creative contribution is to solve the design of the program interrupt system, how to design its binary code during data format, and thus the first US patent program in 1957 Interrupt system (Program 348332, with DWSWEENLY), published his original academic papers.

In 1959, Brooz has been adjusted to IBM work in the research center of Yorkshire Highlands, but the second year has retranstrically retrans into the Laboratory laboratory, because the IBM has a major difference in the R & D direction of the computer. . In 1960, IBM's computer production line was 8000 series, but it was opposed by some people, and its leader was Ivers. Although Ivhers is just a bachelor's degree in the Electrical Engineering Department of Ahua, in 1951, IBM, participated or hosted the development of various models such as IBM701, 7070, 1410, 7070, has accumulated quite rich Knowledge and experience. He carefully analyzed that it mainly inherited 8,000 computers of IBM's original technology. So he advocates 8,000 machines, using new technologies to develop new computers, especially to develop new operating systems. Ivs' opinions make IBM split into two factions, one support, one opposition, and opposition leaders are Brooks! The debate and opposition of the two factions are very sharp, and the enemy is extremely strong. The IBM decision-based IBM decision-based in Mo Watn Watson, JR. was in May 1961, and finally adopted Ivans' opinions in May 1961. It is an annual autumn announcement to set up a named Spread (system program design, The committee of research, engineering, and development, SYSTEMS Programming, Research, Engineeringand Developments as "Taskforce" (similar to the so-called "research leadership group" used in our past, consisting of 13 people, chairman is Hanstera (John W HAANSTRA, Vice-Chairman, Brooks, is one of members. As the Wanshen, Ivan, who argued in the contest, made a very sense of unexpected decision, he personally found Brooks, please, Brooks, IBM / 360, is called IBM / 360. This move is based primarily on the following two points. First, if he hosted 360, then another person opposed to his opinion is difficult to unite in his surroundings; the second is to involve such a major reform and innovation project It should make young people to pick your head. Although he himself is only 34 years old, Brooks is 5 years old, it is more young. It is difficult for that Brooks as the negative part of the debate, and accepted the invitation of Ivsis, agreed to be responsible for the project he had opposed! This story is very similar to the "willingness" on the Beijing Opera Stage (although Ivan is not "negative"). The wise, large and courage of both Ivans and Brooks in this matter is very admired and admired. The results and effects are the whole IBM's employees, and they have achieved pain and difficult, but they are historical transformations and leaps. The total investment of IBM / 360 has a total investment of $ 500 million to reach the US research atomic bomb Manhattan planned to invest 2 billion US dollars. During the development, Brooks led the 2000 programmers to work in the day, and the development of single 360 ​​operating system has used 5,000 people. Therefore, when IBM commemorates the 50th anniversary of the IBM to celebrate the 360 ​​series of computers at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of its establishment, Xiaovisen has completely reason to claim "This is the most important product announced in the history of the company." Indeed, IBM / 360 has a profound impact on the development of computer industries in the world in the IBM / 360, which is considered a masterpiece of the epoch.

The launch of 360 has also made IBM in just two years, that is, in 1966, its capital has increased to $ 4.5 billion, and the total number of employees has increased by 60,000, reaching 190,000, becoming a veritable "blue giant". By the end of the 1960s, the market share of the 360 ​​series machine reached 15%. By the mid-1970s, it exceeded 50%. Computer manufacturers have been an example in 360, and some of them have been launched, and some are directly adopted 360 operating systems, such as the famous "plug compatible" computer (Plug Compatible Computer), such as the famous AMDAHL. To this end, both Ivans and Brooks are often referred to as "the father of IBM / 360". Of course, IBM / 360 is already "Yesterday Yellow Flower" today. IBM launched a 370 series of replacement 360 in the 1970s to continue its technical advantage. We use a certain amount of the story of 360, because there are some questions that let our entrepreneurs, scientists and engineering technicians. Features of IBM / 360 We are only briefly introduced as follows: It is the computer of the integrated circuit, the architecture is both suitable for transaction processing, and it is easy to scientifically; the models are small (scale from small to large, function from weak to strong, including 6 models such as 20, 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and then expanded from 25, 85, 91, 195 and other models) with compatibility; standard input output interfaces and general input output devices, they are related to central processing The software is relatively independent; the software has both compatibility and expandability, so that users' software investment can be maximized. Most of these features have become the basic principles followed by computer design and development.

After the success of 360, Brooks left IBM to return to its hometown, and created a computer science department for North Caroline University (UNC), serving as Director of the Department of 20 years (1964-1984). After the removal, I still teach it to this day, so he has cultivated a lot of students, which can be described as "Peach Li Man". In addition to teaching, he is also committed to developing the US computer technology and computer in national defense, there are many social part-time. From 1966 to 1970, he was a member of the ACM National Committee; from 1973 to 1975, the Chairman of the ACM Architecture Committee (SIGCA); from 1977 to 1980, Brooz was served at the Computer Science and Technology of the National Institute; 1983 ~ 1984 He It is a member of the Artificial Intelligence Guard Leading Group of the US National Defense Science, from 1986 to 1987, the opposition of the above-mentioned committee "computer simulation and training"; 1985-1987 he served as a team leader of military software research team. In his research, in addition to computer architecture, machine language design, software engineering, large project management, also includes visualization of dynamic architecture (such as "Take Check" Walkthrough), human-machine interface, interactive computer graphics, etc., very wide . For example, about virtual reality, involving Brooks to participate in computer simulation and training, he attaches great importance to the virtual reality seminar hosted by the Natural Science Foundation of the US National Natural Science Foundation in March 1992, which is initiated by Brooks et al. And in the North Card. The university was held, and the meeting has defined VR and puts forward detailed recommendations on its research direction, which laid VR as a status of independent research. Brooks made an important contribution in preparation and organization of this meeting. In 1987, Brucks were elected as academicians of American Academy of Engineering, and he is also a foreign academician of the Royal Society and the Dutch Royal Science and Art Institute.

Brox's work is not much, but the impact is large. In 1963, he and Edison, APL inventor, 1979 Tu Wales, a book, and Wiley, which is the earliest specialist in this field. One. In 1969, there were 2 versions of this book, one of which is dedicated to data processing on IBM / 360 (named Automatic Data Processing, System / 360edition). In 1975, he brought into a book in the articles of software engineering and project management in his calendar year, namely "The Mythical Man-Month: Essay On Software Engineering, Addison Wesley). Since this book is the crystallization of IBM / 360 software development experience, it is rich and vivid, and has become a classic of software engineering. After 20 years, I have been eaten again in 1995. Recent monographs are the "Computer Architecture of Ga Blaauw" with the Netherlands Technical University (Twente Technical University, Enshufa), which is located at the Netherlands and Germany. COMPUTER Architecture: Concept and Evolution, Addison Wesley, 1997). Embhoff is a classmate in Brooks in Harvard. Later, in IBM for many years, I have developed three models of computers. This book is actually a comprehensive review of changes in computer architecture for more than half a century. And summary. The author called "Computer Zoo" in the book, and analyzes the main members of them. In addition to the above academic books, in 1995, he also compiled a book with Sulland (IE Sutherland, "Parent", 1988 Tu Leon, and the name of the book "Evolving the High. Performance Computing and Communications InfraStructure, "published by National Academy PR. Published, a series of issues related to high-performance computer planning and information infrastructure (that is, the so-called" information highway "). Prior to granting the Tulifting Award, ACM has awarded Brooks "Outstanding Service Award" in 1987, awarded him in Nikil (A. Newell, 1975) in 1995, Dedicated in 1992) Named NEWELL. Plus this Tu Wara, Brooz became the second computer scientist after the second border after D. E. Knuth, 1974 Chartering Awards. IEEE has also awarded three awards to Brooes, namely McDowell Award (1970), Computer Pioneer Award (1982), von Nuiman Award (1993). Afips awarded Brooks Harry Goode award in 1989. The Data Processing Management Association DPMA1970 issued his "Computer Science" award and named him for the year. In 1985, Brooles won the National Medal of Technology in the development of IBM / 360, and the honor has another hero, Erich Bloch, which is also Ivers and IBM. The Franklin Institute (Franklin Institute) has also awarded the Brox Bower Award.

Posted on July 03, 2004 4:52 PM


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