(1). MSDN's description of duwamish7
DUWAMISH 7.0 is a functional port (fully use .NET technology) developed by MSDN. Although the example itself is established around the virtual online bookstore, the main concern of this example is performance, related to the reality related to the transplant technology of the Windows DNA to the .NET developer platform, design, and reality in the distributed computing environment Deployment solution. From the function, it is a complete mode implementation, but does not fully realize the specific performance process (ie credit card account impairment, check in stock and delivery).
(2) related technical strategies in Duwamsih7
1..NET Remote Processing A. Duwamish7 Selects an HTTP / SOAP combination in the Binary, SOAP combinations, which is a compromise in performance and security.
B. Duwamsih7 supports distributed deployment, allowing business appearance, business rules layer data access layer to the Web layer, so the web layer is required to remotely call the business appearance layer.
Treatment. The Application_onstart function calls system.runtime.remoting.RemotingConfiguration.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration.remoting.RemotingConfiguration.remoting.remotingConfiguration.Remting.RemingConfiguration.Remting.RemingConfiguration.Remting.RemtingConfiguration.Remting.RemtingConfiguration.Remting.RemtingConfiguration.Remting.RemingConfiguration.Remting.RemingConfiguration.configure method is called. Remote processing the remote processing according to the remote processing client profile.
Microsoft .NET Remote Processing: Technical Overview
MS-Help: //ms.msdnqtr.2003feb.2052/dntaloc/html/hawkremoting.htm
Introduction to Microsoft .NET Remote Processing Framework
MS-Help: //ms.msdnqtr.2003feb.2052/dntaloc/html/remoting.htm
2. Data Access Policy
a. Transfer the processing to the data instead of transferring data to processing. (The stored procedure implements all data processing)
b. Pass all data back to the client in a method call. (Fillxxxdata ())
c. Keep the database resource for the shortest time.
3. Error handling
a. Returns: DuWAMISH 7.0 uses the return code report status situation at the most basic level.
b. Prerequisites: DUWAMISH 7.0 Tests prerequisites in public methods.
c. Back conditions: DUWAMISH 7.0 Check if the exit from the function is appropriate. Duwamish7.applicationassert.checkcondition method generates a call stack to record error information and trigger an application exception.
d. Structured exception handling:
DUWAMISH 7.0 uses the try-catch-finally statement in C #:
The processing function cannot fulfill its functions.
Capture the expected error condition.
Make sure the cleaning after an exception occurred in the occurrence of an exception occurred.
4. Safety strategy
Duwamish's security policy MS recognizes: Do not use Duwamish 7.0 examples in the production environment. It is an example, so it is not very safe in design.
If you use this example if you have an original, you may bring unnecessary security risks to your product environment.
Recommended security strategy:
a. Access security for restriction assembly use
b. distributed program
c. Safety based on the form
d. Password credential protection
e. Use the role-based security to the user to authorize
F.Windows Authentication and SQL Server
5. User Services
Duwamsih7 is fully utilized to provide users with quality and secure user services for users to provide users with Web forms and server controls, cache, cache, session status, view status, security, XML Web Services, etc.