Author: runpigpig
1. If it is a dual-machine system, the code is mounted on the local disk, and the database device is installed on the array.
By default, Sybase code is installed under /opt/sybase-12.5
Create a Sybase-12.5 directory in the / OPT directory
#mkdir Sybase-12.5
Set the Moint Point of the disk array to / sybdata
The database devices built later are built on / sybdata.
2. Create a Sybase user,
Through the graphical interface, create a Sybase user with the management tool, note that the Sybase user's Home directory is set to /opt/sybase-12.5, the SHELL is set to BSH.
3. Modify /opt/sybase-12.5 and / sybdata hosts Sybase
#Chown Sybase /opt/sybase-12.5
#Chown Sybase / Sybdata
4. Change the shared memory value of the Linux system, unit is M
For example, the system has 2G memory, assigned to Sybase 1.5G
carried out
#echo '1500 * 1024 * 1024' | BC> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmax
Check if it takes effect, executable
#ipcs -lm | grep 'max seg size'
To share memory settings Permure, in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, add a line as follows:
Echo '1500 * 1024 * 1024' | BC> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmax
5. If it is a dual-machine system, it is recommended to generate logical IP and bind to logic IP when installing the database.
For example, the unit network is Eth0, the IP address is, the host name is DataServer1, the logic IP is, the host name is DataServer
Can pass the graphical interface
# RedHat-config-network gives Eth0 to add more IP, address, and activate this NIC.
Command line mode should also
#ifconfig eth0: 1 Netmask Dataserver
Finally, execute ifconfig checks if the new IP address takes effect.
In addition, if the two-machine system, you must modify the / etc / hosts file on both servers, add the following records: Dataserver
Where DataServer is the name of the database server
6. Install the software Some special, put the Sybase installation media CD in the optical drive, find the optical drive icon, double click, you can see a lot of .rpm files, these are Sybse packages, press in order to install, first right click on Sybase -Common-, Open Ways Select Install Packages, and one of the other packages ASE, CHINESE, DOCS, EFTS, OpenClient, ESQL, installed the package below, others are not needed. .
7. The installation process is approximately different from the difference between Windows, all database devices are installed on disk arrays, such as / sybdata, characters, and character set ISO_1, default it is Fill in the host name, if it is a dual-machine system, the host name corresponding to the logic IP should be filled into the logical IP, and the DataServer in the above example is Master devices and libraries should be extended to 300M. Other specific installation procedures, you can see the software installation document description. After the installation is complete, if it is a dual-machine system, the database device of the disk array (/ sybdata) is changed, and the disk array on another machine is set, and then the Sybase is installed. After the installation is complete, 12.5 should be installed. 0.3 patch, there is downloaded in the engineering gas station FTP and optimized Sybase. Both machines must patch and optimize. 8. After installing the database, you should set the correct environment variable for Sybase users.
In the Home directory in Sybase, edit a file with a front strip: .profile
# Cd /opt/sybase-12.5
# Vi.profile
In this file, add two lines:
DSQuery = DataServer
Export DSQuery
The value of the DSQuery variable corresponds to the host name of the logical IP item in the previous / etc / hosts file.
Renew the SYBASE login system, execute set to see the environment correctly.