First, we need to install Flash2jpeg on the server, you can download here:
Unzip, then enter the Regsvr32 component in the run. Register the component.
Then we can operate. Here is the code I wrote, a little error in the ASP help of the original shrink package.
'// Author: Allen
'// Last Update Date: 2004/12/24
'// Set the path where Flash is located
Source = Server.mappath ("/ Flash / Test.swf")
'// Set Flash thumbnail output path
Target = server.mappath ("/ flash / test.jpg")
'// Establish an instance
Set flash2jpeg = server.createObject ("Flash2jpeg.Flash2jpeg")
'' // Generate thumbnails
Call Flash2jpeg.Flash2jpeg (Source, 120, 90, Target)
'// logout instance
Set flash2jpeg = Nothing