[转] Install the newcomer record of Debian

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

1.pppoeconf (PON DSL-Provider) 2.Apt-Get Install X-WINDOW-SYSTEM 3.APT-GET Install GNOME #When Error DPKG-Reconfigure XServer-Xfree86 In addition, FVWM only needs APT-GET Install FVWM2 APT- Get Install Fvwm-Themes Apt-Get Install Fvwm-Themes-Extra then modifies .xinitrc, change the exec fvwm to Exec Fvwm-theme-start, there are many cases of configuring topics XDM Enter the user password Unregistered Question, XDM 4.3.0.dfsg.1-9 There is a problem, drop back to SARGE 4.3.0.dfsg.1-8 d ok or replace the GDM Apt-Get Install GDM Apt-Get Install GDM-Themes Apt-Get Install GDM-Themes-Extras GDMSetup / GKSU GDMSETUP GNOME can be garbled when the system tool / new login, Ctrl Alt F7 / F8 switch APT-GET appears, pay attention to upgrade the DPKG APT setup agent in / etc / Apt / write an APT .conf content can be simultaneously subsequently Apt :: get: show-upgraded "true"; Apt :: default-release "unsteable"; acquire :: http {proxy ""; Proxy :: "Direct";}; acquire :: ftp {proxy ""; Proxy :: "Direct";}; 4.for console apt-get install ENCON ENCON Apt-get install xchat-text 5.xchat-text / server Irc.linuxfans.org / j #linuxfans can additionally use IRRSI / SCROLLZ 6.APT-GET Install Scim Apt-Get Install SC Im-chinese / etc / environment language = "en_" lang = zh_cn # lang = zh_cn.utf8 xmodifiers = "@ im = scim" increasing SCIM -D in ~ / .neterc, it will start Since the FLASH plug-in and scim have conflicts, Firefox is dead, so it is recommended to install FCITX, the corresponding scim -d replacement into FCITX & 7. Remote login VNC Apt-Get Install TightVncServer XtightVncViewer XHOST ; Access Control Disable Xhost - Access Control Enable Clear Firewall Setting iptables-Save // ​​Show iptables -t nat -f // Tools RDESKTOP 8.Mount to make ordinary users can see NTFS partition, and Chinese have no garbled / etc / fstab / DEV / HDA1 / HOME / WINC NTFS DEFAULTS, IOCHARSET = UTF8, UMASK = 0 0 2 / dev / hda5 / home / wind ntfs defaults, iocharset = uTF8, umask =

0 0 2 / DEV / HDA6 / HOME / WINE NTFS DEFAULTS, IOCHARSET = UTF8, UMASK = 0 0 2 / dev / hda7 / home / winf ntfs defaults, iocharset = utf8, umask = 0 0 2 / dev / hda8 / home / WING NTFS DEFAULTS, IOCHARSET = UTF8, umask = 0 0 2 / dev / hda9 / home / winh NTFS defaults, IoCharset = UTF8, UMASK = 0 0 2 / dev / hda10 / home / wini vfault defaults, iocharset = uTF8, umask = 0 0 2 9. Upgrade the kernel method to change the testing in /etc/apt/sources.list to SID APT-GET Update and then Apt-Cache Search Keernet 2.6.9 and then select a installation bar according to your CPU. The following method APT-GET Install kernel-source-2.6.9 counter-installation APT-GET Remove --Purge Kde Deb fp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian/ Sid Non-Free Main Contrib Deb ftp: // Debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-u/ Sid Misc Marillat RareWare USTC Java Firefly Jrfonseca Deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-security/ testing / updates main control Non-Free Deb http: // Http.us.debian.org/debian stable main control http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main control non-free deb http://non-us.debian.org/ Debian-Non-US Stable / Non-US Main Contrib Non-Free Deb-src http: //non-us.debian.o Rg / debian-non-us stable non-us deb http://mirrors.geekbone.org/debian sid main contrib Non-free deb-src http://mirrors.geekbone.org/debian sid main control Non-Free APT -FILE uses an Apt-File Update Apt-File -i List Glib 10 for the package. Install Font Management Tool Apt-Get Install DFONTMGR / XFONTSEL 11. Increase font (1), first copy font to system font directory, for example, / usr / Share / Fonts / TrueType / Hahafonts (Hahafonts)

Under WIN, find the font you need, such as I copied simhei.ttf usou.ttf tahoma.ttf verdana.ttf simsun.ttc Tahomabd.ttf verdanab.ttf, etc. Of course, if you want to simply copy SIMSUN Tahoma, cp * .tt * / usr / share / fonts / trueType / Hahafonts / CD / USR / Share / FONTS / TRUETYPE / HaaFonts / (2) Generate Fonts.Dir Fonts.Scale file debian in your font : Apt-Get Install TTMKFDIR TTMKFDIR && CP FONTS.SCALE FONTS.DIR (3), add font path to your XFree86 file, such as my / etc / x11 / xf86config-4 Add: fontpath "/ var / lib / defoma /X-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/truetype "fontpath" /VAR/LIB/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/cid "fontpath" / usr / share / fonts / trueType / GBK "fontpath" / USR / Share / Fonts / TrueType / Hahead "Note :: Usr / Share / Fonts / TrueType / GBK for my other dot matrix font, you can't add! ! ! (4), perform FC-Cache -V -F (5), Firefly patch (bold / bevel): Debian is very simple, huh, huh, just add the source: I, of course, ustc.edu.cn It is also possible, but I can't connect it here. . Put the following 2 to your /etc/apt/sources.list in deb http://debian.okey.net/debian-u/ sid firefly java marillat rareware misc deb http://debian.oKey.net/debian -fonts / .A then execute the Apt-Get Update && Apt-Get Upgrade, the basic patches are: libfontconfig, libxft, fontconfig is all the patches modified by Firefly prawns. . Replace with http://hahaghost.512j.com/linuxbak/fonts.conf, then log out and then restart, you can see the more appropriate fonts and then XFSFONTS | GREP GBK look for the font you need, add to GTKRC or GTKRC The GBK in .zh_cn is an example, you can replace it with you, such as SIMSUN, etc. . .

Postscript: Very typical Linux font installation, the old bird may dismissive, but it may be a little meaningful to the novice, huh, huh 12. Chinese font use -Default-song - *, - default-hei - *, default-youyuan- * and -default-lisu- * to access apt-get install ttf-microsoft-simsun ttf-microsoft-simhe apt-get install ttf-microsoft-simyou ttf-microsoft-simli apt-get install ttf-microsoft- simsun ttf-microsoft-simhe apt-get install ttf-microsoft-simyou ttf-microsoft-simli italics and italics ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp and ttf-arphic-gkai00mp English font apt-get install ttf-bitstream-vera msttcorefonts font installation required Choose the correct source 13.locale set DPKG-Reconfigure Localeconf 14.xmms 1, modify /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_cn style "gtk-default-zh-cn" {fontset = "-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-r-Normal - 12-7- * - * - * - * - ISO8859-1, / -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 12 - * - * - * - * - * - GB2312.1980-0, / Fixed "}" Class "gtkwidget" style "gtk-default-zh-cn" 2, XMMS Playlist's font - ADOBE-HELVETICA-Medium-R-NORMAL - 12- * --- * - * - * - * - ISO8859-1 ,-mormal - 12- * - * - * - * - * - GB2312.1980-0, Fixed is "English, Chinese, fixed" Apt-Get Install XMMS Apt-Get Install XMMS -SKINS or APT-GET Install Beep-Media-Player / / Text, you can use XMMS Skins a, in / etc / environment SkinsDir = / usr / share / XMMS / SKINS: $ HOME / .XMMS / SKINS B, CP / USR / Share / XMMS / SKINS / * / USR / Share / BMP / SKINS / C, LN -S / USR / Share / XMMS / SKINS / * / USR / Share / BMP / SKINS / BMP ??? I have now used Beep-Media-Player (BMP), then do One settings can be: preferences-> plugins-> media-> mpeg audio plugin-> preferences-> Title inside ... Other Encoding ... or Convert Non-Uttf, you can try to fill in "GBK". 15. Debian Chinese Guide Debian-reference-zh-cn file: //localhost/usr/share/doc/debian/reference/index.html Online http://softforge.3322.org/di-manual/ debian package Search HTTP: / /Packages.qa.debian.org/common/index.html 16.squid,


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