Topic: JSP calls the stored procedure! Last time: 2004-12-23 2:29 pm Total reply: 14: 1
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JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: Y970105 short message 2004-2-15 12:03 AM Reply I would like to call a stored procedure on the page only shows the day in the air @ time = getdate () but not to die I use dreamwwar development tools that my memory The process does not exist, why?
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: WTIGTER short message reply topic: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-2-16 10:50 am
Reply 1 of 14
Call the stored procedure via bean, then call beans in JSP you can refer to Book
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: Asiazhao short message reply topic: JSP calls the stored procedure problem! 2004-5-16 7:39 pm
Reply 2 of 14
Various databases are not the same
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Servers: Ilovesea2003 short message reply topic: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-6-11 11:20 AM
Reply 3 of 14
<% String strsql = "{CALL SYS_P_WF_STATE (" String.Valueof (ItaskType) ", '" Userid "', '' ,?)}"; ResultSet RS = NULL; RS = TaxFlowWeb.getInstance (). GetResultset (strsql, ");%>
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: vchen short message Reply topic: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-7-12 8:12 pm
Reply 4 of 14
You can watch Oracle's Demo, very detailed: After installation Oracle will have a file clamp ORA90 to find Java files, code can run directly
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: AXMAN short message reply topic: Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-7-12 at 9:27 pm
Reply 5 of 14
<% String strsql = "{CALL SYS_P_WF_STATE (" String.Valueof (ItaskType) ", '" Userid "', '' ,?)}"; ResultSet RS = NULL; RS = TaxFlowWeb.getInstance (). GetResultset (strsql, "");%> Is this something written? You are really not suitable for writing procedures, in fact, I can have more development, why do you have to do something you can't do?
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: Ronanljy short message reply topic: Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-8-31 4:36 pm
Reply 6 of 14
Yes, "Java Database Programming Collection" has specialized content. My previous practice is also the stored procedure call in the background, written to a special public class, as long as the set, Get related parameters, do not write SQL statements.
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: Java_zhangyu Short message Reply Theme: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-9-15 9:10 pm Reposted 7 of 14
Very simple: <% // qq273539152 / * stored procedure: create or replace procedure proce_test (a in varcha2, b in varcha2, c out varcha2) asbeginc: = a || b; end proce_test; / * /// stored procedure two inputs and one output parameter Class.forName ( "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver") newInstance ();. Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection (databaseurl, databaseuser, databasepassword); CallableStatement cmt = conn.prepareCall ( "{call pr_00_jiesuan (?,?,?)} "); cmt.setstring (1," hello "); // Enter cmt.setstring (2," world! "); // Enter cmt.registeroutparameter (3, types.varchar) ; // Register the output parameter ResultSet RS = cmt.executeQuery (); string str = cmt.getstring (3); // Get output value rs.close (); cmt.close (); conn.close ();%>
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Servers: NEALSP Short Message Reply Topic: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-12-2 3:40 pm
Reply 8 of 14
Who can tell me, what is the use of the stored procedure? What are the specific use? I am a rookie, don't throw a stone! ^ _ ^
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: Java_zhangyu Short message Reply Theme: Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure problem! 2004-12-3 9:45 AM
Reply 9 of 14
The stored procedures and external programs can accelerate the operational delivery, reduce system consumption, and stored procedures can be done directly in the database, sort, screening, etc., then pass the output parameters, reducing the number of JDBC access.
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: MXP2002 short message Reply Theme: Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-12-4 2:57 am
Reply 10 of 14
Ask the master your stored procedure? Where is your stored procedure? Write there is high efficiency? Hehe, this problem, let you laugh :)
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: Java_zhangyu Short message Reply Theme: Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure problem! 2004-12-6 8:55 am
Reply 11 of 14
The stored procedure is an Oracle database, and SQL-Server is also, but mysql is not.
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: Spark998 short message Reply topic: Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure problem! 2004-12-21 6:50 pm
Reply 12 of 14
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: Java_zhangyu Short message Reply Theme: Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure problem! 2004-12-22, 7:03 pm Reposted 13 of 14
But now the latest MySQL has a stored procedure, it is very weak.
Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! Author: NEALSP short message reply topic: Reply: JSP calls the stored procedure! 2004-12-23 2:29 pm
Reply 14 of 14
The stored procedure should be something in the database, which is written there? In the database? How to write the stored procedure, since the external program is called the stored procedure such as Java, then there must be an interface. Is this interface to interface? Do you need to pass parameters when calling a stored procedure? How to establish a parameter? Can you flexibly change the output parameters?