Multiple link Point-to-point protocol (MP or MULTIPP) is a method of separating, reorganizing, and sorting a data report on a multi-logic data link. PPP Multiple Links (MPs) Based on the LCP option negotiation mechanism, allowing the system to imply intended to combine multiple physical links into a "bundle". When initializing the LCP option negotiation, the multiple link is negotiated. The system suggests that the peer structure is created by sending multiple link options, which is done during the initialization LCP option negotiation process.
Once multiple link negotiations successfully passed, the transmission system freely transmits the package and or segmentation and multiple link heads. In order to establish a point-to-point link construction, each end of the PPP link must first send the LCP package to set and test the data link. After the link is established, there is a certification phase, where the authentication protocol is primarily responsible for determining the identifier of each system in the link.
The multiplock is responsible for coordinating the multiple independent links between the system fixed pair and provides a wideband of virtual links than any entrusted members. According to the identifier pair, people name the two systems connected to the multiple links are set, also known as "bundles". The system identifier may include PPP authentication information and LCP negotiation information. As in multiple synchronous lines, the link bundle may be constructed from different physical links, but may also be composed of various multi-link, such as ISDN, X.25, and Frames relay. The link has different types, such as a pair of dial synchronization links for renting synchronous links. For more information, please visit the following page: 中文 版: English version: