IE VS FFCSS Compatibility Point:
DOCTYPE affects CSS processing
FF: DIV Set margin-left, Margin-Right is already in AUTO, IE is not
Ff: Body Sets Text-Align, DIV needs to set margin: auto (mainly margin-left, margin-right)
Ff: After setting up padding, the div will increase height and width, but IE will not, so it needs to be used! Important has a Height and Width
FF: Support! Important, IE is ignored, available! Important is FF special setting style
Div's vertical homogeneity: vertical-align: middle; increase the line spacing as high as the entire DIV line-height: 200px; then insert the text, it is vertical. Disadvantages are to control content
Cursor: Pointer can be displayed in IE FF at the same time, Hand only IE
FF: Link to the Benx and Background Colors, you need to set the Display: Block, and set float: LEFT assurance without wrap reference Menubar, set the height to the A and MenuBar to avoid the display misplacement, if you don't have HEIGHT, you can insert in menubar A space