Vector map

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

typhoon path </ title> </ head> <style> v /: * {behavior: URL (# default # VML )} </ Stop> <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "lib / style / style.css"> <script language = "javascript"> var xx = 1000; var yy = 680; Function zoom (h) {group1.coordsize = xx / h "," yy / h;} function drawlines () {var count = 0; // Painting horizontal coordinate for (VAR i = 0; i <= 25; i ) {Var px = 40 * i; var newline = document.createElement ("<v: line strokecolor = '# babbae' from = '" px "0' to = '" px "680' style = 'Position: Absolute; z-index: 4 '> </ v: line> "); group1.insertbefore (newline); count ;} count = 0; file: // Picture of the coordinate for (VAR i = 0; i <= 17 ; i ) {var py = 40 * count; var newline = document.createElement ("<v: line strokecolor = '# Babbae' from = '0" py "' to = '1000" "" " " "" "" " Position: absolute; z-index: 4 '> </ v: line> "); group1.insertbefore (newline); count ;}} var DragApproved = false; var x = y = 0; function move () {ix Event.button == 1 && DragApproved) {var sx = event.clientx-x; var sy = event.clienty-y; x = Event .clientx; y = Event.clienty; self.scrollby (-sx, -ssy);} return false} function Drags () {if (event.button! = 1) Return DragApproved = true; x = Event.clientX; y = Event.Clienty; Document.οnmοusemοve = move;} Document.onselectionStart = New Function ("</p> <p>Self.Event.ReturnValue = false "); Document.οnmοusedοwn = Drags; </ script> <body leftmargin = 0 TopMargin = 0 scroll = auto bgcolor =" # 9cf7f7 "οnlοad =" Drawlines (); zoom (1) "> <Div id = "obody" align = "style =" Position: absolute; left: -1; top: -1> <v: group id = "style =" Width: 1000px; height: 680px; "CoRDSIZE =" 1000, 680 "></p> <p><V: polyline strokecolor = "# CED384" fillcolor = "# CED384" style = "POSITION: absolute; z-index: 5" points = "0,426 8,430 16,428 19,424 22,420 20,416 15,414 16,408 9,400 11,396 24,396 40,384 48,381 56,376 64,379 70,374 66,368 72,368 70,370 80,370 88,368 92,370 96,368 104,368 112,363 116,354 120,362 128,358 130,352 136,352 140,352 140,344 142,336 144,330 148,330 152,336 160,349 168,348 172,340 176,341 180,342 184,340 188,332 190,340 192, 336 196,332 200,332 204,332 208,328 212,332 216,336 220,334 224,324 228, 328 232, 332 236,330 240,328 256,322 260,318 266,305 270,304 276, 296 288,296 300,286 304,290 320,276 328,276 348,256 346,250 352,248 360,244 362,240 358,236 364,232 366,218 372,210 370,226 376,222 382,226 384,218 380,220 386,202 384,200 396,188 390,180 388,176 396,172 400,178 410,160 414,160 426,144 424,140 430,130 434,120 440,120 448,112 450,116 464,110 467,107 464,104 460,92 468,88 468,80 464,76 462,69 476,76 480, 75 476, 64 480, 60 479, 54 472, 56 484, 46 484, 44 468, 40 460, 28 448, 28 444, 28 432, 35 4 28, 35 424, 28 416, 28 418, 24 428, 24 432, 26 428, 24 440, 19 468, 5 472, 5 476, 4 474, 0 0, 0 0, 426> <v: shadow on = "T "type =" single "color =" # b3b3b3 "offset =" 2pt, 3pt "> </ v: shadow> </ v: polyline></p> <p><V: polyline strokecolor = "# CED384" fillcolor = "# CED384" style = "POSITION: absolute; 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z-index: 5" points = "772,112 772,104 780,102 788,100 782,106 776,112 772,112"> <v: shadow on = "t" TYPE = "SINGLE" color = "# b3b3b3" offset = "2pt, 3pt"> </ v: shadow> </ v: polyline> <v: polyline strokecolor = "# CED384" FillColor = "# CED384" Style = " POSITION: absolute; z-index: 5 "points =" 0,504 7,496 16,492 20,488 22,480 22,472 26,464 32,462 37,456 40,448 38,440 32,440 28,435 24,436 24,440 16,438 8,439 0,440 0,504 "> <v: shadow on =" t "type =" single "color = "# b3b3b3" offset = "2pt, 3pt"> </ v: shadow> </ v: polyline></p> <p><V: polyline strokecolor = "black" filled = "f" style = "POSITION: absolute; z-index: 5" points = "480,560 520,532 560,500 600,464 640,424 680,376 720,324 760,260 800,168"> <v: shadow on = "t" Type = "single" = "# b3b3b3" Offset = "2pt, 3pt"> </ v: shadow> </ v: polyline></p> <p><v: POLYLINE STROKECOLOR = "Black" Filled = 'F' Style = "Position: absolute; z-index: 5" Points = "400, 440 440, 400 480, 360 520, 320 560, 260 600, 168"> <v: shadow on = "t" type = " SINGLE "color =" # b3b3b3 "Offset =" 2pt, 3pt "> </ v: shadow> </ v: polyline></p> <p><v: oval title = "Apari" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 467.4; top: 513.8; width: 6; height: 6; Z-Index: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "style" style = "Position: absolute; Left: 455.4; Top: 500.8; Width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Apali "style =" text-align: left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue " > Apari </ div> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Baguio" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 421 TOP: 581.8; Width: 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: Shape strokeColor = "none" Filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; left: 429 ; TOP: 579.8; Width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1px, 1px, 1px, 1px "> <div Title =" Baguio "style =" text-align: Left; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Baguio </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Changting" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 249.4; top: 203.4; width: 6; Height: 6; z -index: 8 "> </ v: Oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" style "style =" position: absolute; left: 257.4; top: 201.4; width: 40; Height: 12; z -index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX ">" style = "text-align: left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> long Tatin </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Okinawa" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 709; top: 187; width: 6; height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: Shape strokeColor = "none" filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; left: 717; top: 185; width: 40; height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Okinawi "Style =" text-align: Left; Cursor: Hand; Font-size: 9pt; Color: Blue> Okinawa </ DIV> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Fuding" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 409; top: 144.2; width : 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8 "> </ v: Oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" FALSE "style =" Position: absolute; Left: 366; Top: 140.2; width : 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Fuding "style =" text-align: Right; Cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Fuding </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Fuzhou" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 369; top: 193; width: 6; Height: 6; z- INDEX: 8 "> </ v: Oval> <v: Shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" false "style =" Position: absolute; left: 326; top: 189; width: 40; height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Fuzhou "style =" text-align: Right; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Fuzhou </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Glossy" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 290.6; top: 136.2; width: 6; Height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "false" style = "Position: absolute; left: 298.6; top: 135.2; width: 40; Height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Gloss "style =" text-align: Left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Gloss </ DIV> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Guangzhou" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; left: 141; top: 313; width: 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; left: left: 97.9999999999998; Top: 309; width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Guangzhou "style =" text-align: Right; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; Color: Blue> Guangzhou </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Haikou" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 10.1999999999999; Top: 435.8; Width: 6; height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "false" style = "position: absolute; left: 18.1999999999999; top: 433.8; width: 40; Height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Haikou "style =" text-align: left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Haikou </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Hangzhou" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 403.4; top: 26.2; width: 6; height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: Shape strokeColor = "none" filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; left: 364.4; top: 19.2; width: 40; height: 12; z- INDEX: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Hangzhou "style =" text-align: Right; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Hangzhou </ Div> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Hengchun" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 426.2; top: 356.6; width : 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "style" style = "Position: absolute; left: 434.2; top: 354.6; width : 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Hengchun "style =" text-align: Left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Hengchun </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Shuolian" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 459.4; top: 278.6; width: 6; Height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "false" style = "Position: absolute; left: 467.4; top: 276.6; width: 40; height: 12; z- INDEX: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Hualien "style =" text-align: Left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Hualie </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Huidong" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 187.8; Top: 325.8; Width: 6; Height: 6; z -index: 8 "> </ v: Oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" style "style =" Position: absolute; left: 144.8; top: 321.8; width: 40; height: 12; z -index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Huidong "style =" text-align: right; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blaw> Hui East <v: oval title = "Huirai" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 250.2; top: 315.4; Width: 6; Z-Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape stroke scrokecolor = "none" filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; left: 211.2; top: 308.4; Width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div title =" Hui Lai "style =" text-align: Right; Cursor: hand; font -Size: 9pt; Color: Blue> Huai </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "StrokeColor =" # 008284 "FillColor =" # 008284 "Style =" Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 429; Top: 649; width: 6; Height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "false" style = "Position: absolute; left: 437; top: 647; width: 40; height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Manila "style =" text-align: Left; Cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Manila </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Maoming" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 30.1999999999999; Top: 369.8; Width: 6; Height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: Shape strokeColor = "none" filled = "false" style = "Position: absolute; left: left: lying; lying; lying; Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Maoming "style =" text-align: Left; Cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Maoming </ Div> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Nanchang" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 233; Top: 87; width: 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8 "> </ v: Oval> <v: Shape StrokeColor =" none "filled =" FALSE "style =" Position: absolute; left: 241; top: 81; width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Nanchang "style =" text-align: left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; Color: Blue> Nanchang </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Ningbo" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 459.4; top: 42.6; width: 6; height: 6; z- Index: 8 "> </ v: Oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" false "style =" Position: absolute; left: 467.4; top: 40.6; width: 40; Height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Ningbo "style =" text-align: Left; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Ningbo </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Ningde" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 378.2; top: 169.8; width: 6; Height: 6; z- INDEX: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "false" style = "Position: absolute; left: 335.2; top: 165.8; width: 40; Height: 12; z- INDEX: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Ningde "style =" text-align: right; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Ningde </ Div> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Putian" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 357; Top: 219.4; width: 6; Height: 6; Z-INDEX: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; Left: 314; Top: 215.4; width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div title =" Putian "style =" text-align: right; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; Color: Blue> Putian </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Pu Cheng" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 339; top: 119.8; width: 6; height: 6; z- INDEX: 8 "> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" false "style =" Position: absolute; left: 347; top: 117.8; width: 40; height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Pu Cheng "style =" text-align: left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Pucheng </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Quanzhou" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 340.2; Top: 240.6; width: 6; Height: 6; z- Index: 8 "> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" false "style =" Position: absolute; left: 297.2; top: 236.6; width: 40; height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Quanzhou "style =" text-align: Right; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Quanzhou </ Div> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Shantou" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 265; Top: 301.8; width: 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: Shape StrokeColor = "None" Filled = "False" style = "Position: absolute; Left: 273; Top: 300.8; width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Shantou "style =" text-align: Left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; Color: Blue> Shantou </ DIV> </ V: Shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Shanwei" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 214.2; Top: 323.8; Width: 6; Height: 6; z- Index: 8 "> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled = false" style = "Position: absolute; left: 222.2; top: 322.8; width: 40; height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Shanwei "style =" text-align: left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Shanwei </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Taipei" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; left: 458.6; top: 233; width: 6; height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "FALSE" style = "position: absolute; left: 466.6; top: 231; width: 40; Height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Taipei "style =" text-align: Left; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Taipei </ Div> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Tainan" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 414.2; Top: 315.8; width: 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; left: 371.2; top: 311.8; width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Tainan "style =" text-align: Right; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; Color: Blue> Tainan </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Taichung" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 419; top: 277; width: 6; height: 6; z- INDEX: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: shape strokecolor = "none" filled = "false" style = "Position: absolute; left: 376; top: 273; width: 40; height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX ">" style = "text-align: Right; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Taiwan </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Wanning" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 11.8000000000002; Top: 484.6; width: 6; Height: 6; z -index: 8 "> </ v: =" none "Filled =" style "style =" Position: absolute; left: 19.8000000000002; Top: 482.6; Width: 40; Height: 12; z -index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Wanning "style =" text-align: Left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Wan Ning </ div> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Wenzhou" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 423; Top: 115 Width: 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: Shape strokeColor = "none" filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; left: 431; top: 113 Width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Wenzhou "style =" text-align: Left; cursor: hand; font-size : 9pt; color: blue> Wenzhou </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Wuyi Mountain" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 317; Top: 126.6; width: 6; Height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: Oval> <v: Shape StrokeColor = "None" Filled = "FALSE" style = "Position: absolute; left: 278; top: 119.6; width: 40; Height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Wuyishan "style =" text-align: Right; Cursor: Hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Wuyi Mountain </ DIV> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Xiapu" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 405; top: 161.4; width: 6; height: 6; z- Index: 8> </ v: oval> <v: Shape strokeColor = "none" filled = "false" style = "Position: absolute; left: 413; top: 159.4; width: 40; Height: 12; z- INDEX: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Xiapu "style =" text-align: left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; color: blue> Xiapu </ Div> </ v: shape> <v: oval title = "Xiamen" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 337; Top: 261; width: 6; Height: 6; Z-Index: 8 "> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" FALSE "style =" Position: absolute; left: 345; top: 260; width: 40; Height: 12; Z-Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div title =" Xiamen "style =" text-align: Left; cursor: hand; font-size: 9pt; Color: Blue> Xiamen </ div> </ v: shape></p> <p><v: oval title = "Hong Kong" strokecolor = "# 008284" FillColor = "# 008284" Style = "Position: absolute; cursor: hand; Left: 163.8; Top: 344.2; Width: 6; Height: 6; z- Index: 8 "> </ v: oval> <v: shape strokecolor =" none "filled =" FALSE "style =" Position: absolute; left: 171.8; top: 342.2; width: 40; height: 12; z- Index: 9 "INSET =" 1PX, 1PX, 1PX, 1PX "> <div Title =" Hong Kong "style =" text-align: Left; 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