A toy manufacturer is studying the sales forecast of the next year. The company's forecasts have estimated sales of 6 different environment / strategic portfolios in the table below. He believes that there is a possibility of 0.2 industrial and commercial indusimels, and the possibility of 0.8 normal period. He also believes that the company's high, medium and low market budget is 0.3, 0.5 and 0.2, respectively. How will he get the final sales forecast? What ideas can you do?
Sales Forecast
High sales forecast
General sales forecast
Low sales forecast
(15 * 0.3 12 * 0.5 10 * 0.2) * 0.2 (20 * 0.3 16 * 0.5 14 * 0.2) * 0.8 = 2.5 13.44 = 15.94
Have the following ideas:
1. Sales prediction when not booming: 15 * 0.3 12 * 0.5 10 * 0.2 = 12.5
2. Normal sales forecast: 20 * 0.3 16 * 0.5 14 * 0.2 = 16.8
3. High sales forecast: 20 * 0.8 15 * 0.2 = 19
4. General sales prediction: 16 * 0.8 12 * 0.2 = 15.2
5. Low sales forecast: 14 * 0.8 10 * 0.2 = 13.2