Symbian Compilation System Overview

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

Text / peter jiang (translated from

There are many tools involving the compilation process. In this article, we only learn the most basic tool to compile a simple application process (for Series 60 and UIQ).

Command line tool

The first tool involved is BLDMAKE: This tool can create a command file, you will use this file to compile and connect to your application (ABLD).

BLDMAKE needs a BLD.inf file to complete these work

The abld.bat file is the entry point compiled by the application.

Based on the parameters you passed to the abld command. The following file will be generated: a Visual C workspace and project file (abld makefile vc6), a Windows Simulator Application (Abld Build Wins UdeB) or a real Symbian device application ( Abld build thumb url).

The VC6 and WINS parameters can be seen in the name of the name (VC6 = Visual C 6, WINS = Windows) .udEB means "unicode-debug", Urel represents "unicode-release" .Unicode is a character encoding format (some similar ASCII but Unicode allows foreign characters (including Chinese). Debug means that you will generate debugging information about your application (probably the emulator version information), will not contain debugging when publishing to real devices Information (I have already needed to debug again)

Create a debug log (LOG) file

Text / peter jiang (translated from

Need to debug code or track execution process on your phone? RFILOGER may help you. This Class's features are very powerful and easy to use.

First declare a file log connection and create a log file

// Open the connection of the log file service; Ilog.Connect (); Ilog.createlog (_L ("MyLogGingDirectory), _ L (" MyLogFile ", efileloggingmodeoverwrite; // ... // Turns the log file and server Connect iLog.cloSelog (); Ilog.Close ();

Three parameters of the CREATELOG function in line 3:

LOG path

Log file name


For example, the following code is the Full Path of my log file (file system on the phone)

C: / logs / myloggingdirectory / mylogfile.

For me, I am used to putting the Opening code in the constructL () function I want to track, and then in the destructuring function. CLOSIING. When you really encode, you'd better detect whether Connect and Createlog return Kerrnone.

Once you have completed this, you can enter text and data to the log file. Basic commands are:

Command log file iLog.Write ("Hello World")) 11/07/2003 4:00:13 Hello World Ilog.writeFormat (_L ("Result =% D"), ERR) 11/07/2003 4: 00:13 Result = 0 ilog.hexdump (Aheader, Aheader, Myptr, 4) 11/07/2003 4:00:13 Mybuf: 0000: 41 42 00 44 ab.d

If you don't want to record the date and time, you can use this statement to turn off them.

Ilog.SetDateAndtime (TBool ausedate, tbool ausetime)

Don't forget to join Flogger.lib on the MMP file, and include the FLogger.h header file. You can now compile your program.


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