Linux elective course: Shell Introduction

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

Sender: Albin (Aile Bin), News District: Linux

Title: Linux Elective Class: Shell Introduction

Sending station: Bihai Qingtian (Wed Apr 21 23:08:17 1999), transfer

Copyright Notice:

This article is the Linux elective course of Dalian University of Technology. You are welcome to reprint, but it is forbidden to use this material.

Any commercial or profitable event. Please keep this copyright statement when you reprint.

Author: He Binwu, hbwork @, Network Center of Dalian University of Technology, April 1999.


-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

UNIX shell


Unix common shell

Bourne Shell (SH, Bash), Korn Shell (KSH), CSH (CSH, TCSH)

Related functional / knowledge with each shell:

The relationship between shell and UNIX

Specialty of Shell.

. Set of shell environment variables

2. The interaction of shell and kernel

The system is launched during the system (/ unix, / vmunix, / boot / zimage, etc.) will be loaded to the memory until the system is turned off, starting

During the process, init will scan / etc / inittab, which will list the available terminals and their properties in this file, once found

Terminal, getty (mingetty, linux) will give the login prompt and password. After confirmation, it will start the corresponding

Shell (/ etc / passwd file in the shell domain).

The flow chart is as follows:

UNIX KERNEL -----------> Init ----- -------> getty <-> username and password

^ ^ (Prompt user input user

| | | | Name and password)

V | v

/ etc / inittab | login (read user database / etc / passwd)

(Init configuration file) |

| | |

----- User correct?

| NO

| | | YES

| | |

| V (/ ETC / Passwd file user shell)

------- Shell <----------


| | |

| | |

- User Command ---

In the above figure, getty prompts to enter the user and password, and then pass the username and password to login.

Login verifies whether the user and password match, if the identity verification passes, login will automatically go to its $ home, and

Start the shell program listed in the / etc / passwd domain, then hand over the control to the started task (in shift

The setgid, setuid is completed, respectively, respectively. For example, the user's shell domain in / etc / passwd file is / bin / sh:

SH -> Read file / etc / profile -> Read file $ homen / .profile

System defines variable user-defined variables

------------------------------------------------ - |


Give the shell prompt $ PROMPT, default $ ------------------


| | |

| | |

-------- Execute User Command -------------



| End


Control is handed over to INIT

Shell and sub-process: hierarchical relationship


| User Process |

| ---------------- |

| | Shell | |

| | ------------ | |

| | | | UNIX KERNEL | | | |

| | | | -------- | | |

| | | | | Hardware | | | | |

| | | | -------- | | |

| | ------------ | |

| ---------------- |


3. SHELL automatic execution function

Start in the first row in Shell Script: #! / Bin / sh

4. SHELL function and characteristics

Command line explanation

Reserved word


Access, processing command

Document processing: I / O redirection and pipeline

Command replacement

Variable maintenance

Environmental control

. SHELL programming

. SHELL commonly used character meaning

Interpretation of each function and characteristics:

Command line explanation, remove unnecessary information, then pass to the kernel processing

[HBWork @ Helius HBwork] $ Echo Part A Part B Part C

Part a part b part c

[hbwork @ helily hbwork] $ echo "part a part b part c"

Part a part b part c

Reserved word

Do, Done, For, While, Shift, IF, THEN, ELSE, FI


? * []

Access, processing command

$ PATH -> True Path Name To Kernel

Document processing: I / O redirection and pipeline

$ ls> filelist

$ wc -l files (= wc -l

#ls -l | sort -nr | more

Command replacement`s command`

Change the files of all file extensions to filename.tgz

#! / bin / sh

For i in * .tar.gz


MV $ I `basename $ i .tar.gz`. TGZ


Shell script of the system log file through the crontab task

#! / bin / sh

FILENAME = `Date" % y% m% D "`

Cp / var / log / syslog / backup / log / $ filename

Variable maintenance

SH: lookup = / home / mydir

Export Lookup (lookup variable)

CSH: SET LOOKUP = / Home / MyDir

SetENV Lookup / Home / MyDir

Variable replacement: Path = / usr / local / bin: $ path; EXPOT PATH. Environment Control

When the user enters the UNIX environment, the corresponding shell will automatically start, and the shell will establish a specific environment to the user.

This environment includes the following common environment variables: TERM, PATH, etc.

SH Environment Variable File: / etc / profile $ homen / .profile

CSH: /etc/csh.cshrc $ homen / .cshrc

Shell Start Options:

SH -X script_file_name syntax check

SH -I no connection terminal

. SHELL programming

In addition to a command line interpreter, SHELL is also a powerful programming language, most UNIX

The system's startup file (RC files) uses shell script.

SHELL commonly used character meaning

$ SHELL variable name, such as $ VAR

| Pipeline, transfer standard output to the standard input of the next command

# 注释 开始

& Execute a process in the background

? Match a character

* Match 0 to multiple characters (unlike DOS, you can use in the middle of the file name, and include.)

$ # Parameters to Shell Script

$ * Parameters passing to Shell Script

$? Return code for the last command

$$ Process Identifier Number, PID)

> Output Redirection

`Command Replace, such as FileName =` basename / usr / local / bin / tcsh`

>> Output Redirection, Append

[] List the range of characters, such as [A-Z]

Filename (BSHELL, BASH) Executive File FileName

Source FileName (CSH) Execute File FileName

Summary: Shell is an interface of the user's UNIX kernel, performs command interpretation (keyboard input), perform filename and variable

Replace, redirect I / O, locate executable, Shell creates a child process and manage it; at the same time shell

Maintaining user environment variables is a powerful programming language.


[1; 36M ※ Modified:. Albin modified this article at Apr 21 23:10:27. [From:] [M

[M [1; 32M ※ Source:. Bihai Youth [From:] [M


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