Said to draw hollow words, Win32 programmers recalls to use the GDI32 BeginPath ... Endpath. This is, but if the situation is more complicated, if the hollow word needs to have "*" pattern, or pin-point pattern, or the border, even the flow, then use BeginPath Endpth, then divide the PATH to point array, To achieve flow. This is not very good, and it is complex, and the two is not high. In fact, there is another idea:
That is: a hollow 'in the' word is equal to the word with some color, a word in the middle of the middle, and the drawings together, superimpose. So, draw a hollow word font.color: = CLBLUE; Textout (103, 100, '); Textout (97, 100,'); Textout (100, 103, '); Textout (100, 97, '"); Font.color: = backcolor; textout (100, 100,'); implement" * "pattern textout (100, 100, '********') // * can be determined by TextWidth . Textout (100, 100, '******** ") ....... // Textout can be determined by TextHeight. Implement pinpoint pattern textout (100, 100, '........') ........................................... Painting multiple times with Timer or Thread.