Recently I wanted to develop Pocket PC at home, everything I needed (I need to ask for MSDN or Google on MSDN or Google), I can't debug on the simulator, I remember is normal when the company is very normal, and The machine is also the same, the NIC is not lacking. Carefully contrast, find the IP address in Configer Platform Manager. Hurry and set an address on the Internet, still can't find it, depressed. I thought it was a ghost that Windows Server 2003, I also want to try it under Windows XP. Suddenly think of or I found it online, I have no answer to a circle. No way, on MSDN, there is one
Emulator Requirements and Limitations, there is a NetWork Card and Connection, which must be along with a computer, who is online. Fortunately, a phrase OR A Microsoft Loopback Adapter, quickly install Microsoft Loopback Adapter. success! ! A small problem, I have a long time to write, so as not to forget the time of delay.