1. Write GRUB (LILO) to the leading area of the Linux partition or the main guidance sector (MBR) when installing?
If you want the computer to start, you will write GRUB (LILO) to the MBR directly, if you write to the Linux partition, you should use the boot disk to boot, it is recommended to write MBR, convenient point, as for writing How to explain it to MBR? Each time Win98, MBR will be modified once, do you think is it unsafe?
2. How to make multiple systems coexist?
98 system, use LILO (GURB)
OS loader boot multi-system
3. How to automatically enter the graphical interface after starting Linux or not let it enter the graphical interface?
a. Enter the graphical interface: Select the graphic startup method when installing or put the / etc / inittab ID: X: INitDefault: This line is changed to ID: 5: InitDefault :.
b. Do not enter the graphical interface: Select the text start mode or put the / etc / inittab ID: X: INitDefault: This line is changed to ID: 3: InitDefault :.
4. How to switch back and forth between graphical interfaces and console (character interface)?
a. Graphical interface to the console: CTR Alt Fn (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
b. Switch between each console: Alt Fn (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
c. Console to graphics: Alt F7
5. How to switch between GNOME and KDE.
If you log in to Linux in a graphic login, click Session on the login interface to select GNOME and KDE. If you are logged in with a text, then execute SwitchDesk Gnome or SwitchDesk KDE, then startX to enter GNOME or KDE.
6. What are the common commands thatRedhat linux?
<1> LS: Column Directory.
Usage: LS or LS DIRNAME, parameter: -a Displays all files, and -l details listing files.
<2> MKDIR: Build a directory.
Usage: Mkdir Dirname, Parameters :- Jack Multi-level Directory, such as: MKDIR A / B / C / D / E / F -P
<3> Mount: Mount partition or mirror file (.iso, .img) file.
a. Disk Partition: Mount DeviceName MountPoint -O Options, where DeviceName is a device name of the disk partition, such as / dev / hda1, / dev / cdrom, / dev / fd0, mountpoint is a mount point, it is a directory, Options is Parameters, if the partition is a Linux partition, generally not -O Options, if it is the Windows partition, the options can be IoCharset = CP936, so that the Chinese file name in the Windows partition can be displayed. Use: such as / dev / hda5 is a Linux partition, I want to hang it on the directory A (if you have no directory A, first mkdir a), mount / dev / hda5 a, this directory A is the partition hda5 Things, such as HDA1 is a Windows partition, hung it on B, mount / dev / hda1 b -o iocharset = cp936.
b. mirror file: mount filename mountpoint -o loop, filename is the mirror file name (* .Iso, *. img), other don't say, the same is true. Use: If I have an A.iso CD image file, Mount A.iso A -O Loop, so you can browse A.iso's content, *. IMG file. <4> Find: Find files.
Usage: Find Indir -Name FileName, Indir is which directory you want to find, filename is the file name you're looking for (you can use wildcard), use wildcard when filename is used to use single quotes, otherwise sometimes error, use case: Find. -name test *, find files starting with TEST in the current directory.
<5> grep: Find the specified string in the file.
Usage: GREP STRING FileName, find String in FileName (available in wildcard) (it is best to use double quotes). Parameters: -r Find in FileName in all subdirectory. Use: grep hello * .c -r Find Hello in all .c files in the current directory (including subdirectory).
<5> VI: Editor. Needless to say, with Linux, this thing must be used.
Usage: (only simply say), vi filename. FileName is the text file you want to edit. After using the execution vi filename, you may find that you can't edit the text content, don't worry, this is because VI has not entered the editing state, press A or I to enter the editing state, enter the editing state, you can edit the text . To exit the edit status, press the ESC button. The following operations should be in a non-editing state. Find text: Enter / and you want to find text and enter. Exit: Enter: and Q and Enter, if you modify the text, then you want to use: Q! Enter to you. Save: Enter: W Enter, if it is read-only file, use: w !. Save Exit: Enter: WQ Enter, if you are read-only: wq! Enter. Cancel: Press U. You can cancel one step by one, you can cancel multiple steps multiple times. Copy and paste a line of line: move the cursor anywhere on the line you want to copy, press yy (just twice Y), move the cursor to the previous line to paste, press P, just now, the text will be The next line inserted into the row where the cursor is located, and the original cursor is in the row of all the rows. Copy paste multi-line text: Almost the same line, just yy change to the number of rows to copy to copy, followed by yy, followed. Move the cursor to the specified line: Enter: and the line number and enter, such as moving to 123 lines: 123 Enter, move to the end: $ Enter.
7.tar, .tar.gz, .bz2, .tar.bz2, .bz, .gz What files, how to solve them?
They are all documents (compressed) packages.
.tar: Pack the file, not compressed: TAR CVF * .tar DirName unope: tar xvf * .tar
.tar.gz: Pack the file and compressed: TAR CZVF * .tar.gz Dirname Unope: tar xzvf * .tar.gz
.bz2: Unope: bzip2 -d * .bz2.bz: Unope: bzip -d * .bz
.gz: Unope: gzip -d * .gz
8. How to unlock .zip, .rar compressed files under Luinux?
There is a graphical interface in RH8. File-Roller can do this. Outside the unzip * .zip, unrar * .rar unsaled the RAR file, but UnRar is generally not coming, to download online.
How to browse the .iso CD mirror file under 9.Linux?
a. Built a directory, such as: MKDIR A
b. Mount the ISO file to this directory: mount -o loop xxxx.iso a
The content of the directory A is now the content in the ISO file.
10. How to access other partitions underlinux? Includes Linux partitions and Windows partitions.
Use the mount command to see the mount usage.
11. How to configure the graphics and display under LINUX?
12. How to configure the network underlinux?
Use NetConfig. "IP address:" is the IP address to be configured, "Netmask:" Subnet Mask, "Default Gateway (IP):" Gateway, "Primary Nameserver:" DNS server IP.
13. How to make the mouse support roller?
When configuring the mouse, select Microsoft's mouse and correctly select port such as PS2, USB, etc.
14. What are the internet browsers underlinux?
Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Galeon (using Mozilla Engine), Phoniex (using a Mozilla Engine). It is common to use it.
16. What is the system directory structure of Linux?
17. How to make the console support Chinese display?
Install ENCON. ENCON needs libimm_server.so and two libraries supported by libpth.so.13. The general Chinese input method should have libImm_server.so. Libpth.so.13 is from PTH-1.3.x. Put these two files under / usr / lib.
18. How to configure grub?
Modify /boot/grub/grub.conf file. among them
"DEFAULT = N" (n is a number) is an item selected by the GRUB boot menu, and N starts from 0, 0 means the first item, 1 represents the second term, and so on.
"Timeout = X" (x is a number) is timeout, the unit is wonderful. That is, after the boot menu is displayed, if the user does not choose in X seconds, the grub will start the default item.
"SplashImage = xxxxxx", this is the background diagram of the boot menu, I ignore him first.
Other common item I use the following example:
Title Red Hat 8.0
Root (HD1, 6)
Kernel /Boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 Ro root = / dev / hdb7
Initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-14.img
Where "Red Hat 8.0" is the name displayed in the launch menu list
Root (HDX, Y) is used to specify your Boot partition location, if you don't divide the boot partition (this example is no Boot partition), then point to the root partition, HDX is the hard disk where Linux is located, HD0 is the first block. The hard disk, HD1 is the second block, and so on. Y is a partition location, starting from 0, that is, equal to the partition number, such as the partition you want to point to is HDX7, then Y is 6, if it is HDX1, then Y is 0. Note that there is a space behind the root. Kernel /Boot/Vmlinuz-2.4.18-14, where "/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14" is the kernel path you want to use, if you compile the endocker, change it into your new kernel path Ok.
RO is not used, it will not be wrong.
Root = / dev / hdxx Specifies the root partition, this example is HDB7, so root = / dev / hdb7
Initrd XXXXXXXXXXXXX is don't do it, I am not clear what it is doing.
Above is Linux, below is Windows
Title Windows 98
Rootnoverify (HD0, 0)
ChainLoader 1
Title XXXXXXX does not have to be interpreted, with an explanation above.
Rootnoverify (HDX, Y) is used to specify the partitions in Windows, X, Y, which is the top, pay attention to the space after rootnoverify.
CHAINLOADER 1 photo, pay attention to space.
19. How to configure LILO?
Modify the /etc/lilo.conf file and run the lilo command.
20. How do I automatically mount the development partition after LINUX?
Edit the / etc / fstab file, add the corresponding row inside, if you are not familiar with the configuration of / etc / fstab, you can use PTM, an automatic configuration of FSTAB software, should have downloads in the commune.
21. How to customize the service that is started when Linux started?
Run NTSYSV under the console or terminal, then select the service you want to start, if you want to boot, you don't start someone, remove his choice.
22. How do you fix the GRUB / LILO boot menu without a floppy?
a. Copy the DOSUTILS directory in the first Linux installation disk to the Windows disk. If ISO can be extracted with WinRAR3.
b. Enter pure DOS, enter the dosutils directory, execute loadlin autoboot / vmlinuz root = / dev / hdxx () HDXX is your Linux root partition. This will enter Linux.
c. Execute GRUB-INSTALL / DEV / HDX (x = A, B, C, D) or LILO to rewrite the boot.
Also available for reference:
23. How to configure a mouse?
Open a terminal or enter the console, run the mouseconfig command to configure the mouse!
24. How to enter Linux from DOS?
First of all, you need loadlin.exe this program, there is a dosutils directory in Linux in the first installation disc, and you need it is the Linux kernel, / boot / vmlinuz-2.4.xx-xx is to get him to the Windows disk, And rename him as VMLinuz (mainly VMLinuz-2.4.xx-xx display a bit problem under DOS), there is also a VMLinuz in the autoboot in the Dosutils directory, and the Linux kernel, can be used, but many devices do not support, If the Linux bootstrap or Linux starts configuration, there is a problem, can't enter Linux, you can use this kernel to fix Linux. Then use loadlin vmlinuz root = / dev / hdxx (HDXX is your Linux root partition), and single-user mode can also be implemented with loadlin vmlinuz root = / dev / hdxx Single.
25.Root password loss resolution
GRUB: On the Boot Loader menu, type [E] to enter the editing mode.
You will face a list of boot projects. Find the sentence similar to the following:
Kernel /Vmlinuz-2.4.18-0.4 Ro root = / dev / hda2
Press the arrow key until this line is highlighted, then press [E].
You can now tap the end of the text and add Single to tell the GRUB boot user Linux mode. Press the [ENTER] button to make the editor take effect.
You will be treated by editing the mode screen, from here, press [B], GRUB will boot the single user Linux mode. After the end is loaded, you will face a shell prompt with the following:
SH-2.05 #
Now, you can change the root command, type:
Bash # Passwd root
You will be required to retrore the port command to verify. After the end, the password will be changed, you can use the reboot to reboot under prompts; then log in to root users as usual.
LILO: When the system starts to the LILO boot screen, press the Tab key to enter the text method for the graphic boot mode, then at LILO
Enter Linux Single Enter to enter the passwordful console, enter the password of the root after entering the passwd command
26. No floppy disk installation Redhat, SUSE, MANDRAKE
1. I said that the unable disk installation refers to the transfer from pure DOS to Linux installation. That is, you must have partitions that can start DOS. (If you should pay attention to C: Dish, you cannot load any programs when you start DOS. (Because I tried it, there are many cases that load excess, such as CD-ROM drive, etc., the following installation cannot be made)
2, Redhat Linux hard disk installation method: copy the Redhat first disc (or ISO CD image file) / dosutils directory all copied to C: under, then start pure DOS (can be started with Win98 or Win95 DOS mode, here Same.) Run again:
C: /> / DOSUTILS / Autoboot (Enter) can be transferred to the Redhat Linux installation.
3, Mandrake Linux installation: A loadlin.exe file is not provided in the Mandrake Linux installation kit. You can get this program in other Linux releases. If you can extract from the Redhat Linux 7.x disc / dosutils directory (inconvenient can find the resource download of the REDHAT version.) And then find the kernel and image file : Under the second optical disk or the second ISO image file / isolinux / alt0. The named: VMLinuz with all.rdz, including loadlin.ex, all copied them under C: / DosUtils. Then execute under DOS: c: / dosutils / loadlin vmlinuz initrd = all.rdz ramdisk_size = 32000
If you are afraid of re-install and trouble, then you can make the autoboot.bat file for it in the style of the RedHat!
4, SUSE Linux installation: SUSE is also unlocking the folder after dragging the folder after REDHAT, running Autoboot. But it provides a loadlin.exe file in its release. Under the first disc or the ISO disc image / dosutils / loadlin. Turn it under C: / DosUtils. Under the CD (or ISO Mirror File) / SUSE / IMAGES / BOOT directory, you will copy the kernel file Linux and the installation image file in C: / DosuTils. Then run again:
C: / dosutils / loadlin linux root = 200 rw 2 initrd = initrd
RedHat9 supplemental information
Www.chinalinuxuppub.com ~~~~~
*********************************************************** *******************************
"Red Hat Customization Guide"
Download link
http://www.chinalinownloadinuxpub.com/doc/ma...- 12_cn-9.tar.gz
"Red Hat Beginner Guide"
http://www.chinalin ket.com/doc/ma...rhl-gsg-en_cn-9
Download link
http://www.chinalinownloadinuxpub.com/doc/ma...- 12_cn-9.tar.gz
RedHat Installation Guide
http://www.chinalin ket.com/doc/ma...-IG-X86-EN_CN-9
Download link
http://www.chinalinownloadinuxpub.com/doc/ma...- 12_cn-9.tar.gz
"Red Hat Reference Guide"
Download link
Redhat Security Guide
Download link
*********************************************************** ***********************
27. Network installation Redhat
RedHat supports the installation through the network, which is suitable for batch installation Linux, of course, if there is no CDROM on the machine, it can also be used when there is no ISO file image. The specific method is as follows:
Copy all the contents of the RedHat mounting disk to a directory for providing FTP, HTTP services, multiple installation disks require copying to the same directory, and set to allow other machines to access through network. Use the bootnet.img under the image of the first mounting disk of the RedHat to make the same starting floppy disk, the production method, and the normal floppy disk other installation floppy disk creation method.
Start with a good floppy disk, the installer will automatically discover and configure the network card after startup. At this time, an interface similar to the Redhat network configuration appears, enters the native domain name, IP, mask, DNS, and gateways. For the sake of convenience, it is best to enter the address and machine name used in the future, and the RedHat installer automatically uses the default value of these content as future network settings.
A interface requires a user to select the installation method, mainly HTTP and FTP, etc., then enter the HTTP or FTP server address and the path (URL) where the RedHat installation file is located, and the username and password of the server, the default is anonymous to log in.
Click Next to start installing, the following steps are exactly the same.
28. Adding NTFS support for Linux (compiled kernel yourself)
Specific operation steps (here the REDHAT 8.0 is installed as an example, the rectangular "#, the other system or the system of the Redhat patch only has the core and the developer version, according to its own situation, can be normal. carry out):
Login as root,
#uname -r View the KERNEL version number, confirm that the kernel source you want to compile and the same, this step is not necessary, you can compile another version under a run version of KERNEL
#CD /USR/SRC/LINUX-2.4.18-14 2.4.18-14 is the core version of the newly installed RedHat 8, which varies slightly with the distribution, and the numbers behind them are changed according to their own situation. Next, no longer appear below.
#make mrproperty Description: This is important, otherwise compile will be wrong, this is the first step in compiling any kernel;
#vi makefile Edit Makefile, remove the front extraversion = -14custom, change to extraversion = -14, the result of the previous uname Consistent.
#CP configs / kernel-2.4.18-i686.config .config (Select a suitable config, multi-CPU machine) with SMP-based config
#make menuconfig Select File Systems, calibrate the light in front of NTFS File System Support (Read Only), pressing the carriage return to the front display as. Don't choose before the NTFS Write Support (Dangerous), is it? ! Press the ESC button in a row (not too much) until the save settings dialog appears, and returns to the car confirmation.
#make dep
#make modules subdirs = fs / ntfs
#mkdir /lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/fs/ntfs
#CP /usR/src/linux-2.4.18-14/FS/NTFS/NTFS.O /LIB/Modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/fs/NTFS
#depmod -a
If there is no error, compile completion. # / sbin / fdisk -l Find the SYSTEM line, which is your NTFS partition, note the most in front of this line, (such as / dev / hda1) Windows 2000 dynamic disk display as SFS, Also NTFS partition.
#mount -t NTFS / DEV / HDA1 / MNT / NTFS test should be normal MOUNT (don't forget to build / mnt / ntfs directory first), LS / MNT / NTFS looks.
29. How to use the Redhat Pack Manager when the hard disk is installed redhat 8.0
RH8's Package Manager provides convenient to manage software installation, but always requires the installation disk from the system menu, if there is no installation disk, you can start the package manager from the Redhat menu when you use the hard drive installation, you need to open one Terminal, and operate according to the specific situation:
(1) RH8 installed with ISO file:
Redhat-config-packages --io-dir = / path / to / ISO / files
(2) Copy all CDROM files to a directory:
RedHat-config-packages - TREE = / path / to / rh / tree
30. Why is FIREWALL Config always display advanced? How to prohibit Firewall
Refrair of the FireWall in Redhat is to Lokkit, but each time starts to display the default advanced security, and cannot change, this is actually only the default display of Lokkit, if you look uncomfortable, you can run under the console
#Lokkit -f --disabled
To change the display, FireWall settings will become prohibited or intermediate after saving exit.
But at this time, the FireWall settings are still playing, and you can take effect immediately:
# / Etc / rc.d / init.d / iptables restart (RH 8)
# / Etc / rc.d / init.d / ipchains restart (RH 7X)
RPM Command Manual
MOUNT User Guide
32 Provide a font service for the LAN XWindow server with Linux, let X-WinPro support Chinese display
33 redHat8.0 Chinese version Why can't I display in the shell?
34 I installed NVIDIA's latest graphics driver but couldn't achieve 3D acceleration? ? ? ?
35 use setup to modify FireWall does not make it?
36 How can I check the contents of binary files?
Http://www.linuxeden.com/forum/show...&threadid=4785137 OpenOffice in Red Hat 8.0 can't enter Chinese?
38 change the MAC address of the NIC?!
39 俺 just downloaded the 5 ISO files of RedHat8.0 from the Internet, how to make it burn into a disc!
40 redhat Linux8.0 installation and related software configurations (including MPLAYER / QQ, etc.)
41 Samba Howto Collectes Chinese
42 Why setting the PAANEL program crash error when setting the REDHAT 8.0 panel?
After a new installation and test discovery, the PAANEL program crash error occurs when setting the REDHAT 8.0 panel, which is caused by redhat 8.0 default Chinese input method minichinput's bug, turning off Chinese input method or replace it with other input method to resolve this problem. In addition, the exit is also caused by the Chinese input method when using the Mozilla to open the web page using Flash 6. Solution: Uninstall MinichInput, install the XSIM input method.
43 Creating users under Linux
44 Method for viewing Chinese PDF files using XPDF below Redhat 8
45 Mozilla's Java plug-in installation and Chinese display (including REDHAT 8.0 and 9 solutions)
46 NVIDIA 1.0-4636 graphics driver installation method
47 LINUX Using MS Proxy 2.0 Agent Internet Setup Method
Provided by this forum netizen CHC:
Successfully online through the MS Proxy agent.
The specific configuration is as follows:
Description: <- -> is a text comment.
System: RedHat9.0 Python (REDHAT9.0 comes with) APS0.9.8 (NTLM Authorization Proxy Server,
Http://apserver.sourceforge.net/ can be downloaded)
Server.cfg configuration is as follows (only listing changes):
Parent_proxy: <- Our company MS Proxy agent IP address ->
Parent_proxy_port: 80 <- Our company MS Proxy Proxy Port ->
NT_hostname: chcp4 <- Our company binds the Internet machine name ->
NT_DOMAIN: LFG <- Our company logs in domain name, not fully qualified ->
User: Temp <- Login User Name -> Password: TempTemp <- Login Password ->
NT_PART: 1 <- It seems to be set to 1 for the NT system, ntlm_flags should be set ->
NTLM_Flags: 07820000 <- Settings to NT_PART ->
Browser Settings:
Browser Proxy Server IP Address:, Port: 5865
RedHAT system settings:
IP address: <- I have IP address ->
Subnet mask:
DNS address: <- Our company domain server address ->
There is a network agent in the "preferences" of RedHat9.0, and it is also set to be the same as the browser agent. (I don't know if it is necessary)
In addition: There is such a sentence in the server.cfg of the APS: #note That Special Adsses Don't Work Here ( for example. Specific means I don't quite understand, maybe everyone needs to pay attention. (This means that the network address or broadcast address cannot be used, Manux Note)
Internet operation:
Run in the APS installation directory in the terminal ./main.py There is two lines of prompt information, open the Mozila browser Internet access (the terminal runs during the Internet is preferably not turned off).
Existing problems:
The Internet is not particularly stable, and the speed is not fast enough.
Related Discussion:
48 Mozilla's Plugin: Click to play Flash
When you load a web page, Flash is not automatically displayed, and a button is displayed in the flash position. When you click the button with a mouse, you will play Flash animation, which is helpful to remove a lot of garbage advertisements in some websites.
49 Samba Displays a Chinese file name and a shared name method:
Samba 2.x:
Add a line below [Global]:
Client code Page = 936
Samba 3.0
Add a line below [Global]:
UNIX Charset = GB2312
50 Linux partition mount information (/ etc / fstab) is lost, the partition is still, how to recover the system?
51 How can I use Reiserfs to install RedHat?
52 Method using Win98 DOS boot Linux
53 RedHat 9 Summary Summary of Common Network Services Software Installation Methods
54 Redhat common configuration file and system file list and instructions (E text)
http://www.linuxeden.com/forum/show...&threadid=6695055 Method for automatically mount U disk under RedHat