Recently and a Taiwanese friend works in Taiwan's local software business to the mainland development, some of the accumulated some experience, written here
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1 Trust me with my friends, I have been known for nearly 1 year, but I have never seen it, the two parties usually communicate is MSN, Email, and have more Skype.
I am very urgent to call [very little], but in order to cooperate, both sides are very frank, what is said, so that they can reduce communication costs?
The cost of communication is 1 half of the entire project.
2 Risk sharing we are very small, no ability to do project pad paying week turn and customer walking way is also pay2pay [starting customers don't trust you], so, he is running business and I develop, you manage yourself. I think it is very fair and 3 don't worry, really, this is very important, many brothers are falling here, with your partners, there must be enough patience to your customers, sometimes it is not necessarily the result, But you have a patient planting, there is always a harvest 4 dedication, this is the most basic, don't give our customers, the excuse of the holiday, you are making money, not in the campus 5 Chinese characters, install a traditional system, write articles Slightly carefully, you can, I think you can read the American project and don't want to see the uncommon Galain. This is also a way to reduce the problem. 6 work must have a plan, this is the difference between handicraft and company, Strictly implement the plan, notify all people when there is amended, ask others to first ask yourself, I very much paying attention to this general, I think the first thing everyone must slamming the position, I can't expect a project to make crazy, to objectively Look at this world :) Step by step, I have to start from small risks. Of course, there must be a condition when the risks and profits are proportional to, and there is no condition to create conditions.