BMP picture data to SQL Server

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

Navigation: Forum -> DELPHI technology owner: zizii, sephil, liumazi Author:

Maimaizhi (MUTING) ▲ △△△△ ordinary member browse: 163-003-8-8 20:22:41 Title: BMP picture data to SQL Server landlord: What method can be used to send greater than 32K BMP picture data to SQL Server What about? I tried to use it, but I can only send one less than 32K. ----------------------------------------------


BIOS (Argon) ★ ☆☆☆ ☆ Box Intermediate Member - 2003-8-9 8: 59: 261: Procedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: Tobject); Varjpeg1: TjpegImage; BM: Tbitmap; s: string; begintable1. Append; jpeg1: = tjpegimage.create; if ife1.execute dam = begin // 1 s: = extractfileext (od1.filename); if LowerCase (s) = '. Jpg' Then Begin // 2 JPEG1.LOADFROMFILE (OD1.FileName); BM: = Tbitmap.create; BM: = JPEGTOBITMAP (JPEG1); Table1.fieldByName ('PIC'). Assign (BM);; End; // 2 if LowerCase (s) = '. BMP' Then Begin // 3 BM: = Tbitmap.create; bm.loadfromfile (od1.filename); table1.fieldbyName ('pic'). Assign (BM);; End; / / 3 End // 1 else table1.cancel; end; ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----


Bbhorse (xinhua2008) ▲ △△△△ Not activated - 2003-8-9 10: 49: 102 floor: Can you add some Chinese? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Wish and all people who like delphi to be friends!


BIOS (Ar King) ★ ☆☆☆☆ box Intermediate Member - 2003-8-9 14: 38: 033 floor: No, it is very simple, I am more sorry now! ----------------------------------------------


MAIMAIZHI (MUTING) ▲ △△△△ ordinary member - 2003-8-9 20: 05: 504 floor: Thank Bios. ----------------------------------------------


Mutiny ▲ △△△△ Not activated - 2003-8-15 12: 03: 055 floor: BM: = JPEGTOBITMAP (JPEG1); This function is wrong. ----------------------------------------------


pirate (sniper * AWP *) ▲ △△△△ Member --2003-8-1515: 27: 286 floor: procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click (Sender: TObject); beginOpenPictureDialog1.Execute; image1.Picture.LoadFromFile (OpenPictureDialog1. FileName); end; procedure TForm1.SpeedButton2Click (Sender: TObject); begin adoquery1.SQL.Clear; adoquery1.SQL.Add ( 'select * from image'); adoquery1.Open; adoquery1.Append; adoquery1.FieldByName ( ' ID '. Asinteger: = 3; adoQuery1.fieldbyname (' image number ') .asinteger: = 3; adoquery1.fieldbyname (' folder name ') .sstring: =' 3 '; adoquery1.fieldbyname (' Figure Icon Content ') .ssign (Image1.Picture);; End; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- old. . . . Cough. . . . . Author:

Pirate (sniper * awp *) ▲ △△△△ ordinary member - 2003-8-15 15: 30: 277 floor: Dear masters: I have encountered: importing the * .dwg format into SQL Server, can't do it, And it is best to import and export to compress and decompress, please help me ---------------------------------- ---------- old. . . . Cough. . . . .


BIOS (Agon) ★ ☆☆☆☆ box intermediate member - 2003-8-16 10: 03: 208 floor: *. DWG I don't know this format, what? ----------------------------------------------


PCSPACE (mediocrity) ▲ △△△△ ordinary member - 2003-8-17 16: 08: 109 floor: Dai heroes! It is best to give an universal SQL Server to save the binary file! No matter what file type, it doesn't matter! ! ----------------------------------------------


Pirate (sniper * awp *) ▲ △△△△ ordinary member - 2003-8-18 16: 12: 3210 floor: *. DWG is AutoCAD format --------------- ------------------------------- old. . . . Cough. . . . .


Pirate (Sniper * AWP *) ▲ △△△△ ordinary member - 2003-8-18 16: 14: 5711 floor: Of course, save the binary still use considerations? I can't do it. That's why I saved * .dwg format reasons for ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- old. . . . Cough. . . . .


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