Aaccount Hierarchy (Account Terminal) Oracle Financial System, you can use to perform summary funds. Using account hierarchical structures, Oracle Purchasing Management Systems and General Lee Manage Systems can quickly determine the accumulated summary accounts accumulated in the detail account. Account Segment Accounting Anglax is more than one of 30 different sections, which together constitute your general account account code. The segment and the segment are separated by a symbol (eg, / or /) you selected. Each section usually represents a feature of the business structure, such as a company, cost center or account. Account Segment Value Defines a series of characters and descriptions of the unique value of a particular value set. Acpend Structure (Account Structure) See: Accounting Elastic Domain Structure Accounting Calendar Defines the Calendar of Accounting and Accounting Year in the Oracle General Account Management System. You can use the Accounting Calendar window to define the accounting calendar. Oracle Financial Analysis Program can automatically create a "time" dimension using accounting calendar. Accounting FlexField (accounting flexible domain) is used to identify the code of the general account account in Oracle Financial Applications. Each accounting elastic domain segment value corresponds to a summary or accumulated account in the account table. Accounting FlexField Structure (Accounting Anglax Structure) is an account structure defined to meet the specific needs of the organization. You can select the number of segments and the length, names, and order of each segment in the accounting elastic domain structure. Accounting FlexField Value SET (Accounting Flexural Value Set) A set of values and this set of properties of this set. For example, you specify a value length and value type (such as company, division, region, or product) for identifying business specific elements. Ad hoc (ie) is related to special uses and applied to special purposes. For example, the tax code or an emotion of the subsidiary. Aggregate Balance (summary balance) has the sum of the days in the range of days. There are three summary balance types: Event (PTD), early Quarter (QTD) and year-on-year (YTD). All three type balances are stored in a general ledger management system database in each calendar day. ALLOCATION Entry (Assignity) You are used to assign a regular journal of income or cost. Archive Table (Archive) General Account Management System Copy your account balance from the balance table (GL_BALANCES) in the archive table (GL_Archive_balances); copy the journal of the journal diction table (GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS and GL_JE_LINES) to the archive Table (GL_ARCHIVE_BATCHES, GL_ARCHIVE_HEADERS, and GL_ARCHIVE_LINES). Archive TableSpace stores the tablespace of the archive table. The tablespace is the area used to divide the Oracle database to accommodate the table. Attribute links or associated with a two-dimensional value link or associated Oracle financial analyst database object. For example, you can define the properties associated with the sales partition dimension to the area dimension so that you choose to sell partition data in accordance with the zone. AutoCopy - Budget Organizations (Automatic Replication) Budget Organization) Creating a new budget organization by copying accounts from existing budget organizations. AutoCopy - Budgets (Auto Copy - Budget) Creating a new budget by copying all data from existing budget. "Budget Automatic Copy" is only replicated from the open budget year.
AutoOffset automatically determines a feature of offsetting (or credit) entry of allocation. "Automatic Offset" automatically calculates the net amount of all previous diary accounts in the allocation, change the symbol, and generate the offset amount. AUTOREDUCTION A list window in a list window, which allows you to shorten the list so that you can browse the value before selecting the final value. As you enter other characters, "Auto Reduce" will continue to decrease the list of impaired values, and the list can be expanded. AutoSelection list features a feature in the list window allows you to select a valid value from the list from the list. When a list window is displayed, you can type the first character of the option in the window. If there is only one option starting with the characters you entered, "Auto Select" will select this option, turn off the list window, and enter a value in the corresponding field. Autoskip's unique features of the elastic domain, as long as you enter a valid value in the currently resilient domain segment, the Oracle application product will automatically move the cursor to the next paragraph. You can open or close this feature in the User Profile Options "Elastic Domain: Automatic Skip". Average Balance (average balance) is divided by dividing the summary balance in the amount of calendar days within the relevant range. Average Exchange Rate The average exchange rate of the entire accounting period. The general account management system uses the average exchange rate of FASB 52 (U.S.) to automatically convert the income and cost account balance. For companies in high inflation rate economy, the General account management system uses average exchange rate to convert non-historical revenue and cost accounts in accordance with FASB 8 (U.S.). Also known as the period average exchange rate. BBACK-VALUE Transactions The valid date is earlier than the current accounting date transaction. Also known as expired transactions. BALANCES TABLE (balance table) Storage account balance General account management system database table for GL_BALANCES. Balancing Segment (balance segment) You define the "Accountive Flexible Domain" section of the Brand, the General Account Manage System will automatically balance all journal records for each value of this section. For example, if your company segment is a balance segment, the general ledger management system will ensure that the total amount of the company 01 is equal to the total amount of the company 01 in each journal entry. Bank Statement is sent to the customer's report, which reflects all transaction activities of the bank account within a specific time period. Bank's initial balance, deposit amount, payment check, bank handling, credit and period ending. The owner of the bank's statement includes the canceled check, the lending notification and the loan notice. Big bank customers usually receive two versions of the e-banking statements and written reports. Estimated cost, income, manual hours or other quantity of the Budget (Budget) project or task. You can selectively classify each budget classification by resource for each budget type for different budget types. In addition, each custom budget type can exist in different versions: Current, original, revised original and historical versions. The current budget version is the most recently approved version. .Budget Formula is used to calculate a mathematical expression of the budget based on actual results, other budgets, and statistics. By budget formula, you can create budget values using complex equality, calculating values, and allocation values. Budget Hierarchy (budget layers) links at different hierarchical links to a budget that budgetary permissions for low-layer budgets can be controlled by the upper budget. Budget Interface Table (Budget Interface Table) The Oracle General Account Management System Database Table of the Budget Loads the required information.
Budget Organization (budget organization) should be responsible for the input and maintenance of the data, such as department, cost center, division or other category. You can specify the corresponding account for each budget organization after defining the company's budget organization. Budget Rules (Budget Rules) can be used to accelerate a series of shorthand methods for manual budget inputs. With budget rules, you can assign the total amount to the budget period, repeat the given amount during each budget, or enter the budget exported from the account balance. Budget Upload (Budget Load) The Budget Information is transferred from a spreadsheet to the general ledger management system. For example, through a spreadsheet interface, you can load budget information from a spreadsheet to a general ledger management system. Budgetary Account (Budget Account) Specifies one of the account segments (such as 6110) of one of the two budget account types. Budget accounts can record funds from funding for funding expenditures. Budgetary Account (Budget Account) contains an account for budget accounts. Budgetary Account Type includes two account types of the debit budget and credit budget. Budgetary Control is used to control an ORACLE financial system feature that controls the difference between actual and expected expenses and budgets. After enabling budget control, you can check the transaction handling funds online and reserve transaction processing funds by creating retention. When you try to reserve transaction processing funds, O Racle Financial System automatically calculates available funds (budget reduction reserves minus actual expenditure). If the transaction can be insufficient, the Oracle Finance System notifies you online. Business Day (Business Day) Financial Agency's business day. In the General Account Management System, you can choose which working day of the calendar year as the business day. You can include or exclude weekends and holidays as needed. The highest level of Business Group (Business Group) and the largest employee group that can be reported. The business group can correspond to the entity company or correspond to a specific department within the company. Cchild segment value (subsequent value) as a layered layer value of a portion of the parent value. See also: Father Value Chart of Accounts (account table) is used to record the organizational account structure of the transaction and maintenance account balance. Chart of Accounts Structure (account table structure) The category made by the account segment value specifies a normal feature for a particular range of values. For example, 1000 to 1999 may be the segment value range of assets in the accounting elastic domain account section. Column Set (column) By defining all the columns in the report, the financial report generator report components established in the General Account Management System. You can control the formats and contents of each column, including column headings, space, and size, calculated values, units, and accuracy. Typical columns include: header and subtitles of header, currency designation, amount type, and total calculation column. You can also define column sets that contain different columns of different companies to enhance the merged reporting. Commitment completed a reserved payment recorded when the purchase list is purchased. Consolidation allows you to combine the results of multiple companies, even if these results have different currencies, calendars, and subject tables. The merged billing procedure can print a monthly invoice including all customer transactions during the period. This allows you to send a merged billing invoice without having to do separate invoices for each transaction. The consolidation set of books enables an average balance processing and defined as a set of accounts for the merger.
You can use the merger sets with the balance merge method to merge the average balance. Consumption Tax (Consumption Tax) Independent tax on the transfer of goods and services in each supply phase. The difference between the output tax (from the business income tax) and the input tax (payable fee payable) is the tax obligation specified in the government. From the concept, this tax is a VAT (VAT). A report component established in the Content Set (Directory) General Account Management system defines the information of each report and the print sequence of the report. For example, you can define a department directory set to print a report for each department. Context Field Prompt requires a user to enter a question or prompt called a response called the upper and lower field value. Oracle Applications When a descriptive elastic domain pop-up window is displayed, the context field prompt will be displayed after displaying any defined global segment. Each illustrative elastic domain can only have a context prompt. Context Field Value responds to the upper and lower text prompts. The response consists of a series of characters and a description, and the unique value of the context prompt together, such as 1500, journal approve, or 2000, budget formula batch. The context field value will determine the displayed additional illustrative elastic domain segment. Context response See: The Context Segment Value will respond to the context-related segment. The response consists of a series of characters and a description, and the unique context-related segment value is provided together, such as Redwood Shores, Oracle Corporation Headquarters or Minneapolis, Merrill Aviation's Hub. Context-Sensitive Segment (context) When the response to the context field prompt is input, the description elastic domain segment in the second pop-up window is displayed. For each context, you can define multiple context segments and control the first and lower segment sequence in the second pop-up window. Each context-related segment typically prompts you to enter a message related to the context. Conversion (redemption) converts foreign currency transactions into the process of the local discoliter. See also: Foreign currency exchange Corporate Exchange Rate You can optionally use the exchange rate of the foreign currency exchange. The company's exchange rate is usually the standard market exchange rate for the entire organization determined by senior financial management. You can define this exchange rate in the Oracle General Administration System. Cross-Validation Rules defines a rule that the user can enter the valid segment value combination of the account. Cross-validation rules can limit user input invalid account segment values. Cumulative Translation Adjustment The balance sheet account included in shareholders' equity, the general account management system can record net converted adjustments to FASB 52 (U.S.) from. You can define each account in the "Put" window to specify an account for cumulative conversion adjustment. Current Dimension (current dimension) You can select the value of Oracle financial analysis programworthiness. The current dimension is a dimension specified in the "Dimension" box in the Selector window. By selecting values from dimensionality and incorporating them into reports, graphics, or work orders, you will ultimately affect this dimension in the lower-level window. Current Object (Current Object) With it you can perform the Oracle financial analyte objects for the next specified event. Current objects are usually a recently selected object.
However, if you use high brightness to display a set of objects, such as data cells in the column, the first object in the group is the current object. DDBA Library (DBA) If the Oracle Financial Analysis Program database object belongs to the DBA library, the Meaning Object is created by the administrator and the user cannot modify it. Database Table (Database Table) Relational database management system basic data storage structure. The table consists of one or more information (line) units, each information contains the value of the same type (column). Applying products procedures and windows can access information in the table. Dependent Segment availability depends on the account segment of the value entered in the last independent segment. For example, the associated section "sub-account 0001" may indicate "Alaska Bank" when combined with the independent section "Account 1100, cash", but may indicate "Building # 3" when combined with "account 1700, fixed assets". Descriptive FlexField organizations can extend fields that capture additional information, which cannot be tracked through Oracle Applications. Illustrative elastic domains as a single character, the unnamed field is displayed in the window. Your organization can customize this field to capture additional information specific to your business. Detail budget authority is a budget for another budget control. Dimension (dimension) is used to organize and index the Oracle financial analysis program database objects stored in the variable. We can answer questions such as "what?", "When?" And "Where?" And data related issues. For example, a variable called "sales" can be associated with product, month and region. At this point, "Sales" indicates the number of products sold in a specific area of specific regions. Dimension Label displays a text tag for Oracle financial analyzer domain associated with reports, graphics, or work list features. For example, the data tag in the legend contains a dimension mark displaying the data indicated by each data tag. The dimension tag can be short, to display the object name of the dimension, and the dimension tag can also be specified to display the tags typed in the "Dimension tab" option in the graphics, report, or work order menu. Dimension Values Compose the elements of Oracle Financial Analysis. For example, product dimensionality may include tents, canoe, rackets, and sportswear. Display Group You can control a row or column in the rowset or column that it appears in the report. You can specify a display group to the display set to specify whether you want to display or hide the row or column. Display SET (Display Set) A "Financial Report Builder" report component created in the General Account Management system, uses it you can control the display of a group of rows and columns in the report without re-formatting reports or lost pages. Eyebrow information. You can define the display set that works with a specific rowset or column set. You can also define a universal display set for any report. Document SEQUENCE NUMBER is manually or automatically assigned to documents to provide audit clues. For example, you can choose to sequence numbers in the invoice or general account management system in the Oracle Receivable Management System. See also: Voucher No. Dynamic Insertion A accounting elastic domain feature allows you to enter and define a new segment value combination directly in the elastic domain pop-up window. Before accepting, the new combination must meet all cross-validation rules. Your organization can determine if the accounting elastomer supports dynamic insertion. If the account does not support dynamic insertion, you can only use the "Defining Account" window to enter a new combination of segment values.
EEFFECTive Date affects the transaction date of the balance in the general led. The valid date can be the same as the post date. Also known as the starting time. Encumbrance (reservation) See: Keep Journal Accounting Encumbrance Accounting (Reserved Accounting) is used to automatically create an Oracle financial feature of the reservation for the purchase order, purchase orders, and invoices. Budget control features can reserve accounting for budget funds. If the retention account is enabled, you can automate or manually create a retention number. However, you can't make online funds, o Racle financial system does not verify the available funds for transaction processing. See also: Budget Control Encumbrance Journal Entry Create or reduce the number of journal records that increase or decrease the number of reservations. The retention entry can include any type of retention number. You can manually enter the reserved entry, define the reserved assignment or use the journal import to import the reserved entry from other financial systems. Encumbrance Type allows you to track expected expenses in accordance with the procurement approval process, and more accurately controlled the plan spending. For example, payment (requisition number of bills) and to pay (purchasing order retention). End-of-day balance (Time balance) General balance of the account account at the end of the world. This balance includes all payment of the valid date in the calendar day or before all transactions. Exchange Rate indicates the ratio of a currency to another currency amount at a certain time. Oracle Applications use the daily, cycle and historical exchange rates you reserved for foreign currency exchange, revaluation, and criteria. Exchange Rate Type Detailed Description of Exchange Rate Sources. For example, user exchange rates or company exchange rates. See also: Corporate exchange rates and mandate Export (Export) Allows you to copy data from Oracle tables to the public programs of files in the current directory. The export utility is part of the Oracle relational database management system. Export file exports the publication created in your directory. Export file extension is .dmp. Named the export file will identify the data in the database table. For example, if you want to save the 1994 FreMont account set, you can name FY94FR.DMP. FFactor (coefficient) You perform some mathematical data by it. The fixed amount, the account balance, account balance, and the report line or column are the data type you can use in the formula. Fasb 52 (U.S.) See: SFAS 52FASB 8 (U.S.) See: SFAS 8Feeder Program Used to transfer transaction information from the original system to an Oracle Application product interface table for a custom program. The recorded process type depends on the environment you import data. FINANCIAL DATA ITEM (Financial Data Project) Oracle Financial Analysis Program Database Objects made from variables or variables and formulas. For example, a financial data item called "actual number" is a variable, and a financial data item called "actual number difference" is composed of variables (actual numbers) and calculating variables. The Financial Statement Generator (Financial Report Builder) does not need to be programmed to create a powerful flexible tool for custom reports. You can define the report online to fully control the report line, columns, and directories. Fiscal Year (annual) and annual accounting period with the calendar year. Fixed Rate Currencies has a currency of fixed exchange rates.
For example, euro and European Monetary Alliance (EMU) Member State Coin. FlexBudgeting uses budget formulas and statistics to create a function of elastic budget. For example, a manufacturing organization may maintain an elastic budget based on actual production to eliminate the production differences in the analysis process of actual and budget operations. FlexField is composed of Oracle Application Products Fields. Each section has a specified name and a set of effective values. Oracle Applications uses elastic domain to capture information about your organization. There are two types of elastic domains: key elastic domains and illustrative elastomers. Folder A flexible input and display window you can select in the display location where you want to view the fields and fields in the window. See: Custom data Displaying Foreign Currency (foreign currency) a currency defined for the account set, you can use this currency rather than this dash to record and process accounting transactions. See also: Exchange Rate and Renal Bottom Foreign Currency Conversion Transforms Foreign Currency Diary Record into the Biz to Native Coin. When you enter the journal entry in the currency entry outside of this Tin, the general account management system automatically converts the currency. The General Account Management System is redeemed by multiplying the daily exchange rate or the input exchange rate. You can view the foreign currency exchange results in the Enter Journal window. See also: Foreign currency exchange profit or loss Foreign Currency Exchange Gain or LOSS (foreign currency exchange profit) When receiving the invoice, the difference between the valence and the payment amount. If the amount expressed in this part of the currency exceeds the invoice amount, it is a loss of revenue; if the invoice number expressed by this part of the currency exceeds the payment amount, it is lost. This profit or loss is caused by the exchange rate fluctuations of the payment currency between the invoice date and the payment date. See also: Gain and unrealized profit or loss Foreign Currency Journal Entry (foreign currency journal) has been recorded by a journal of foreign currency recording transactions. The general account management system automatically uses the specified exchange rate to convert the foreign currency amount to the local currency amount. See also: Foreign currency and this bizarin Foreign Currency Revaluation (foreign currency revaluation) Exchange period (usually a balance sheet date) Exchange rate resumes the assets and liabilities represented by foreign currency. The general account management system automatically revesses foreign currency assets and liabilities using the specified duration exchange rate. Revision of profit or loss is caused by exchange rate fluctuations between transaction date and balance sheet date. The General Account Management system automatically creates a journal accompanying FASB 52 (U.S.) to adjust the unavimated profit and loss account when running an revaluation. Foreign Currency Translation The process of re-converting the balance of this partial currency account into a report currency. The general account management system multiplies the average, cycle, or historical exchange rate by this partial currency account balance. The general account management system is based on FASB 52 (U.S.) to convert foreign currency. The general account management system can also revaluize the foreign currency of companies in high inflation economies in accordance with Fasb 8 (U.S.). Formula Entry (Formula Input) Use the formula to calculate the regular journal of the journal record line. Unlike standards specified with the standard entry, the general account management system uses the formula to calculate the amount. For example, you can use a regular journal entry to perform complex allocation, or perform accounting processing using statistics or multi-accounts. Function Security (Security Function) Controls an Oracle Application Product Function for users to access specific features and windows. Under default conditions, access to features is unrestricted. Your system administrator can customize each responsibility of your site by including or excluding features and menus in the "Responsibility" window.
Functional Currency is used to record the main currency of accounting data within the transaction and maintenance general account management system. This dispenser is a common currency used to perform most business transactions. You can specify this dash for each set of sets in the "Office Set" window. Funding Budget (funded budget) After the budget is enabled for budget, the accounting transaction is used to check the accounting transaction with the available funds. Funds Available (Available Funds) The difference between the amount of the amount and the amount of expenditure of the amount is added. You can use online available fund query windows to track available funds for different permissions, or create custom reports using the General Account Management System Financial Report Builder. Funds CHECKING verifies the process of available funds. You can check the funds when you enter the actual, budget or retain the journal. When checking funds, the Oracle financial system compares the transaction amount with available funds and informs you whether you provide sufficient funds for transaction processing. Oracle Financial Systems do not have a transaction reserve funding when checking funds. Funds RESERVATION The process of preparing available funds. You can prepare funds when you enter the actual, budget or retain the journal. Oracle Financial Systems Compare the transaction amount with available funds when preparing funds, and notify whether you provide sufficient funds for transaction processing. Ghhistorical Exchange Rate (Historical Exchange Rate) Multiplened Transactions Processing Weighted Average Exchange Rate. General account management system uses historical exchange rates to convert owner equity accounts based on FASB 52 (U.S.). For companies in high inflationary economic zones, the General Exchange Rate uses historical exchange rates to extract a specific history account balance in accordance with FASB 8 in accordance with FASB 8. The math logic based on the HP counting method EasyCalc. The HP number is a counting method used by HP calculators. The HP counting emphasizes the direct operation, data logic input, and does not focus on complex nested calculations on the data. IIMPORT allows you to export file data into the utility of Oracle tables. The import utility is part of the Oracle relational database management system. This utility is used to restore the archived data. Import Journal Entry (Import Diary Record) Since the journal of non-Oracle application products, such as payable accounts, accounts, accounts, and fixed assets. You can use the journal imports from importing these journaling points. Integer Data Type (Integer Data Type) Oracle Financial Analysis Program integer data type variable includes all integers between value -2.14 × 1010 to 2.14 × 1010. Intercompany Journal Entry (company Diary Record) Records the journal record records between the affiliates between the subsidiaries. The General Account Management System automatically creates a balance of accounting records for each company's accounting record by automatically created a offset entry between your defined companies. Item Validation Organization (Project Verification Organization) contains organizations of the primary item list. You can define this organization by setting up the "OE: Item Verification" profile option. See also: Organize JJournal Details Tables (Diary Detective Table) Dark Accounts Store in Database Table GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS and GL_JE_LINES. Journal entry (Diary Record) debit or credit general account account. See also: Artificial Journal Record Journal Entry Category (Journal Try Category) General Account Manage System Description Diary Category of Dictionary or Type. Standard Diary Record categories include accounting fees, payments, and vouchers. The Journal Entry Source (Source) General Account Management System is identified and distinguished from the source of the origin of the journal.
Standard journal entry entries include payables, wages, personnel, and receivables. Journal import (Journal Inflatable) Creates a Journal of Transaction Data stored in the General Account Manage System GL_Interface table. The journal entry is created and stored in GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS, and GL_JE_LINES. JurisDiction Code (jurisdiction code) is specific to the tax supplier abbreviation address, which is more accurate than simple 5 postal codes. KKey FlexField is used to create an ORACLE application product feature that you can enter and display custom fields with business-related information. The account management system accounting elastomer is a keyborne domain. LLAMP (Bright Indication) Oracle Application Product Displayed Single-word information in the information line of any window, which tells you that a particular field provides an item. Mmanual Journal Entry (Artificial Journal) Enter the journal entry entry input in the computer terminal. The artificial journal entry can include regular, statistics, inter-company transit and foreign currency. MANY-MANY Attribute (Multi-Multi-Multi-Properties) Oracle Financial Analysis The relationship between one or more values of one or more values of the second basic dimension in the Oracle Financial Analysis program. For example, if multiple-to-multi-attributes are defined as the first basic dimension to "organization", the second basic dimension is "row project", the single organization can be related to multiple line items, single line items can be related to multiple organizations . Massallocations allocates a single journal entry formula for income and costs in a set of cost centers, departments, divisions. For example, you can assign employee welfare costs to each department based on the number of people at each department. MassBudgeting uses a function of establishing a full budget using a simple formula based on actual results, other budgets, and statistics. For example, you can use 10% or other growth rates using the actual results of the previous year to establish a budget for the next year. Using a batch budget, you can apply a rule to a set of accounts. Master Budget controls budget for other budget rights. The MersSage Distribution is one line in the bottom of the toolbar, which displays help prompts, warning information, and basic data input errors. The Message Line is located at the bottom of the window and can display a row that helps prompt or warning information when an error occurs. Meta Data (metadata) You are entered in the Oracle General Administration System, indicating data of Oracle Financial Analysis. Metadata is composed of a dimension, segment range, hierarchical structure, financial data item, and financial data set, and the like defined in the Oracle General Management System. When financial data is loaded from the Oracle General Manage System, the Oracle Financial Analysis program will create dimensions, dimension, hierarchical structures, and variables based on metadata. Model is used in a set of related equations for data calculations in the Oracle Financial Analysis program. Multi-Org (Multiologically) See: Multi-Organization Multiple Organizations (multi-organization) define multiple organizations and its relationships in a single Oracle application product installation. These organizations can be a set of sets, business groups, legal entities, business entities or inventory tissues. Multiple Reporting Currencies (multi-reported currency) A Oracle General Account Manage System feature with this bizaries and one or more foreign currency reports. NNATURAL ACCOUNT Segment Oracle General Account Management System is used to determine an account as an asset, liability, owner's rights, income or cost account. When you define a review table, you must define a segment as a natural account segment.
Each value of this section specifies one of the five account types. Nesting (nested) is a method of packeting the routine sequence in the formula. Traditional mathematical nested use of packets and parentheses. EasyCalc is used in the General Account System without using a bracket expression without using direct and logical nested methods. NET Allocation The allocation of all allocated nets to the allocation of the source account. OobliGaration is a reservation recorded when the purchase order is changed to purchase orders. One-to-Many Attribute (a pair of multi-attributes) One or more values of one or more values of a basic dimension in the Oracle financial analysis program are related to a single value of summarizing dimensions. For example, if a pair of multi-attributes are defined as basic dimensional "organization", summarizing the dimension "layer", each organization is only related to a single layer. Operator (operator) is used to represent mathematical symbols in the calculated mathematical operation. Organization business units such as companies, branches or departments. Organization can refer to the entire company or refer to the company's department. Typically, you can define organizations or similar nouns as partial accounts when performing an Oracle financial system. See also: Business Group PPARAMETER See: Report Parameters Parent Segment Value Refers to a number of account segments of many other segment values (called sub-band values). The general account management system uses the parent value to create a summary account, report summary balance and used for batch allocation and batch budget. You can create the parent value of the independent segment, but you cannot create the parent value of the relevant segment. Oracle Financial Analysis procedure creates a hierarchical structure using a parent value and subsequent value. See also: Subparagm Value Period Type You can use the accounting period type to define the accounting calendar. Period-average Exchange Rate See: Average exchange rate period average-to-date (the average of the average) period is the daily balance of the day. Period-End Exchange Rate The daily exchange rate of the last day of accounting period. The general account management system automatically converts the asset and liabilities account balance in accordance with Fasb 52 (U.S.). When running during operation, the general account management system automatically uses the asset and liabilities represented by the foreign currency in accordance with Fasb 52 (U.S.). For companies in the economy of high inflation, the general account management system uses the final exchange rate in accordance with FASB 8 (U.S.). Personal Library (Private Library) If the Oracle Financial Analysis Program database object belongs to a private library, this object is created by the workstation user and can be modified. Planned Purchase Order (planned purchase order) is a purchase order type of a purchase order before a specific date and location ordering goods and services. Typically, you can enter a planned order to specify the items that need to be ordered and the delivery time. You can enter the shipping release based on the planned purchase order of the order item. Pop-Up Window When the cursor enters a specific field, the additional window appears in the Oracle Application product table. Posting Date (Post Date) actually posts the date of journal transaction processing of the general ledger management system. Profile Option (Profile Options) affects a group of changes to the application product operation. Generally speaking, the configuration file option can be set at one or more layers: location, application, responsibility, and user. For more information, see the "Profile Options" appendix in the "O Racle General Administrative System User Guide".
Project Segment To set up an account, you must define different segments for the General Account code. You can define project segments to enter item ID, all critical properties of the segment, including field length, segment location, prompt, character type (number or letter), and default values (optional). Project segment value (item value) is used to design the identity of each item (project name, number, or code). Before defining item segments in your account, you can simply define project segment values to set projects in the General Account Management System. For example, you can define project name (alpha), project number (583) or project code (D890). ProPrietary Account (owner account) Specifies one account segment value (3500) of one of the five owner account types. These five types are asset, liabilities, owner rights, income, and fees. ProPrietary Account (owner account) contains accounts for the owner account. ProPrietary Account Type Five Account Types: One of the assets, liabilities, owner rights, income and costs. ProPrietary Funds uses a fund type similar to commercial enterprise accounting and reporting methods. An example of owner funds is an internal service fund, such as a central parking lot or central public engineering facility, and an enterprise fund. PURCHASE ORDER (PO) (Purchase Order) is used to purchase and request goods or services from the supplier. PURCHASE ORDER ENCUMBRANCE (procurement order reservation) represents a procurement transaction processing with legal constraints. Oracle Procurement Management System will deduct the purchase order retention from the available funds when approved purchase orders. If you cancel the purchase order, the Oracle Purchasing Management System will create a corresponding pencil retention number in the general led. Also known as the payment, keep or leave. QQuarter average-to-date (the average of the average of the first day) has the average daily balance of the number of days in the quarter. Query Use the Oracle Application Product window to start searching to apply product information. RREALIZED GAIN or LOSS (profit or loss) is due to the actual profit or loss due to timeout occupying assets or liabilities. Profit and loss has been displaced in a profit and loss table. See also: Dant loss, foreign currency exchange profit and loss, Recurring Formula (recurring formula) See: Recursing Journal Recording Recurring Journal Entry After defining a journal entry, general account management The system will repeat each accounting journal recorder under your request. You can use a regular journal entry to define an automatic mergery and offsetting. Also known as regular formulas. Report You can define and naming a combination of at least one rowset and a column set, you can also include a directory set, display group, line order, and runtime option, such as currency and rewrite. When requesting a financial statement, you can enter the report name, the General Account Management System will automatically enter the report component and runtime options for you. You only need to specify the accounting period, and the General Account Manager will automatically enter other options. Report Component defines the "Financial Report Builder" report feature of the report format and directory. Report components include rows, column sets, directory sets, line order, and display sets. You can group report components to group different ways to create custom reports. Report Headings gives an illustrative part of information about the total report content in each report.
Report Option See: Report Parameters Report Parameter Used to sort, format, select, and summarize options in the report. A set of reports submitted while running transaction processing at the REPORT SET. The report set allows you to regularly submit the same report set without the need to specify each report. For example, you can define a report set for printing all regular month management reports. Reporting Currency (Report Currency) The currency used in financial statements. If the report currency is different from this bizarial, you can use foreign currency to revalize account balances with report currency. The summary relationship in the Reporting Hierarchies account segment allows you to summarize the details of the paragraph to prepare a summary report. You can define a summary (parent) value that references this paragraph (sub) value. Requisition Encumbrance (for purchase orders) Indicates the transaction processing indicated by the purchase order completion and the approval process. When preparing to purchase a bill of funds, the Oracle Purchasing Management System will be deducted from the available funds to the purchase order. If you cancel the purchase order, the Oracle Purchasing Management System will create a corresponding punching entry in the general ledger. Also known as commit payment, prevention or reservation. Reserve for Encumbrance (Prepaid) is used to record the expected spending fund balance portion. In the Oracle Financial System, you can define the Prepare Reservation account when defining the account. Oracle Financial System uses the "Preparation Reservation" account to create offsetting in the Oracle Purchasing Management System, Oracle Pay Payment Management System, and General Deputy Division. Reserve for Encumbrance Account is used to record accounts that retain liabilities. You can define the Preparation of Preservation account when defining the account. If you automatically create a retention number in the Oracle Purchasing Management System or General Account Management system, the General Deputy Management System will automatically create the balance entry of the Preparation Reservation account when you post a journal entry. The General Account Management System can override the balance segment of the "Prepare Reserved" account, so you can automatically create the correct company to reserve the journalist record. RESPONSIBILITY (Responsibility) A power level in the General account management system. Each responsibility provides users with access to the menu and the power of the account. You can specify one or more responsibilities to each user. Responsibility allows you to control the security in your general ledger management system. Responsibility Report Financial Statements contain information compiled by management responsibility. For example, the cost center's responsibility report contains information about a specific cost center, and the partial manager's responsibility report contains information on all organizational units in the division, and so on. Managers usually receive reports of the organizational units (such as cost centers, departments, segments, groups, etc.) by him or her responsible. Revaluation See: Foreign Currency Revaluation Gain / Loss Account You Specify the profit and loss account, the general account management system can record net revaluation profit and loss in accordance with FASB 52 (U.S.). You can specify an account for unrealized profit or loss in the Run Running window. You can change the re-estimation profit and loss account at will. At the time of running an revaluation, the General Account Management System will create an revaluation journalist to adjust the re-estimation profit account. The general account management system will also mark the crushing journal in the next grant. Revaluation Journal Entry (Revote Diary Record) Automatically created a journal of journal accumulated when running a set of accounts represented by foreign currency. The general account management system will create an revolution diary account record batch when the exchange rate of the transaction date is different from the exchange rate of the balance sheet date.
The General Account Management System creates a journal record in accordance with FASB 52 (U.S.) to adjust the profit or loss account of the exchange rate fluctuation. Revaluation Status Report Reports to summarize the results of the revaluation. Each time you revive the accounting foreign currency asset and liability account balances in your revaluation, the general account management system automatically generates this report. You can review this report to identify an account that revused in the General Account Management System and the journal approved and transcript created due to revaluation. Reversing Journal Entry The General Account Manage System created by the existing journal entry. You can turn any journalist and post it to any open accounting period. ROLLUP Group gives a set of parent sections of the set. You can define a summary account using the cumulative group based on the parent value in the group. You can use letters and numbers to name the accumulated group. Root Node The parent value of the highest node in the hierarchical structure in the Oracle General. When you define a hierarchical structure using the Layered Structure window, you can specify the root node of each paragraph. The Oracle Financial Analysis program starts from the root node and then deepens to all parent and sub-segment values to create a hierarchical structure. See also: Fallen-Parent Value Row Order is used to modify the report components of the dilution lines and account segment sequence in the report. You can sort the line according to the amount in the specific column, or by segmentation or segmentation, or by segment value or segment values. This depends on the line arrangement you selected, and you can also specify the display option. For example, if you want to review the total sales in a descending form, you can arrange the line in the form of the "Total" field in order to make the product first appear in the report. Row Set (Row Set) A financial report generator report component created in the General Deputy Management System by defining all rows in the report. For each row, you can control its format and content, including line instructions, indent, space, pacharge, calculation, unit, accuracy, etc. General rows include line labels, accounts, and total calculations. For example, you can define a standard profitable table set or a standard balance sheet set. The sequence step in the Rule Numbers calculated. You can specify a sequence using the rule number to make the General Account Manage System to handle the coefficients used in the budget formula and the actual formula in this order. SSEGETINTS (Segment) Oracle General Account Manage System Site Table. Each account consists of multiple sections. Users can choose to form their accounts; the usual segments include companies, cost centers, and products. Segment Values may be values for each account segment. For example, the "Cost Center" segment may have a value of 100 and 200, 100 may indicate "financial", 200 may indicate "marketing". Selection Tools A set of tools in the Oracle Financial Analysis program that provides a shortcut to you want to use the values used in the report, graphics, or workfill. Sales TAX (Sales Tax) is taxed by tax authorities on the taxes purchased by the goods and services. Suppliers of goods or services are charged from their customers (tax generally included in the invoice), and then pay it to the tax authorities. Taxes are usually calculated in the price of goods or services. This percentage usually vary by authority or sometimes with product categories. Salestries is a fee that is distributed to the goods and service buyers. Sales Tax Structure (Sales Tax Structure) is used to determine the tax collection of the tax authorities. "State - County - City" is a sales tax structure. The General Account Management System adds the tax rate of all of these components to determine the total tax liabilities of the customer. Set of books (account set) A financial statement entity using a specific account table, this distribution currency, and accounting calendar. At least one set of accounts must be defined for each business location.
SFAS 52 (U.S.) No. 52 of Financial Accounting Standards, issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Committee (FASB). It specifies accounting and reporting standards for foreign currency transactions in the United States. The general account management system is converted and revalifies the SFAS 52 (U.S.). Typically, SFAS 52 (U.S.) specifies the use of the final exchange rate to convert the asset and liabilities account, use average exchange rate to convert income and cost accounts. The assets and liabilities represented by foreign currency will use SFAS 52 (U.S.) to use the period end exchange rate of each balance sheet date to reflect the end exchange rate. In the Run Running window, you can specify an account for revaluating profit or loss. In the Definition Exchange Rate or Define History Exchange Rate form, you can maintain exchange rates used for converting and revaluation. S FAS 52 (U.S.) also stipulates that you must post any unbalanced amount generated from the converted amount to the "accumulated conversion adjustment" account included in the shareholders' equity. The "Account" window can define a "cumulative conversion adjustment" account. SFAS 8 (U.S.) No. 8 "Compilation of Financial Accounting Standards" is awarded by the Financial Accounting Standards Committee (FASB). It stipulates that the historical exchange rate must be adopted for all accounts based on procurement rates in the past; for current procurement, current sales and future exchange rates use the current exchange rate. The General Exchange Rate uses the historical exchange rate to revaluine the account balance, which specifies the exchange rate of the High Inflation Economic Zone by SFAS 8 (U.S.) standard. SFAS 8 (U.S.) also provides that any unbalanced amount generated from the converted amount must be recorded in the income expenditure account included in the profit or loss table. ShortDecimal Data Type Oracle Financial Analysis program variables belong to a short number of data types, up to have seven effective decimal numbers. ShortInteger Data Type (Short Data Type) Oracle Financial Analysis Program variable belongs to a short integer data type, contains an integer between -32768 and 32768. Shorthand FlexField Entry A quick way to enter key elastic domain data using a speed notger name, which represents an effective elastic domain combination or a valid segment value mode. Your organization can specify an elastic domain that uses a speed-on flexible domain and defines a speed specifier for an elastic domain representing the entire or partial elastic domain segment value set. Skeleton Entry (Basic Record) A regular journalist record, the amount changes with each accounting period. You only need to define an extra amount of regular journalist, then enter the corresponding amount of each accounting period. For example, you can define a basic entry to record depreciation in the same account of the month, but due to increased value added and scrapped, you will be different. Spot Exchange Rate is used to perform foreign currency conversion daily exchange rates. The spot exchange rate is usually a designated market exchange rate, which is suitable for quickly delivering a currency in the form of another currency. Spreadsheet Interface (Spreadsheet Interface) A program that loads actual or budget data from a spreadsheet to a general ledger management system. The letter is issued based on the dunning level of the expiration. This approach allows you to issue a letter based on the number of days after the last reminder, rather than according to the number of days to the time. For each reminder, the minimum number of days you specify must be increased by the project's restriction management system, and the project includes this time before the next time you want to send. STANDARD Balance (standard balance) Account universal and custom phase, so far, early days or now, the balance of the year. The standard balance is the sum of the account unfind balance, plus all activities of the specified period, quarterly or year. Unlike the average balance, the standard balance is not required to be obtained by additional calculations. Standard Entry (standard transformation) A regular journalist, which is the same in each accounting period.
For example, you can define standard transfers for fixed consumption costs such as rent, interest and auditing fees. Standard Request Submission (Standard Request Submit) Oracle Application Product Info, you can run and monitor reports and other processes in the application product. The Statoracle General Account Management System is used to maintain statistical currencies in statistical balances. If you use STAT currency input statistical transaction, the Oracle General Manager will not convert the transaction amount. Statistical Journal Entry (Statistics Diary Record) A journal record that you can enter non-financial information, including the number, yield, and sales. Statistics (statistics) are used to manage accounting information for business operations (excluding currency amount). You can maintain budget and actual statistics through a general account management system and processed these statistics by budget rules and formulas. Step-down allocation runs another assignment on an allocation. For example, you may be assigned to your business company based on your income, then you can use the ladder assignment, and the indirect fee is assigned to the cost center in the business company according to the number of people. Summary Account A small amount represents the sum of the balances of other accounts. You can use a summary account to quickly report and query in formulas and allocations. Ttablespace is divided into the area of the Oracle database to accommodate the table. Tax Authority (tax authorities) A government entity that pays taxes (purchased by customers from suppliers). There are multiple tax agencies in some countries (for example, in the United States, local and federal), while some countries may have only one tax authority. Each tax authority may calculate different tax rates. In the general ledger management system, the tax authorities consist of all tax structural components. For example: c alifornia.san named tax structure is the state - county - city. The general account management system will pay all of these local tax rates together to determine the total customer tax debt. Tax Codes Specifies the code to the sales tax or the value-added tax rate. When defining the US sales tax, the Oracle receiving management system allows you to choose state code as a tax code. (Speed Check Code) Tax Engine (Tax Engine) a tax payment process. Users can define the parameters of the system and the hierarchical streams that are used by the General Account Management System. Tax Exempt (exemption) free of charge, business purposes or projects. Tax Identification Number (tax sign) in the United States, this number is used to identify 1099 suppliers. If the 1099 supplier is an individual, the tax standard is the supplier's social security number. If the 1099 supplier is a company, the tax standard is also known as the federal identification number. Tax Location (taxation location) A special taxation place in the tax authorities. For example, in California.San Mateo.redwood Shore, Redwood Shores is a taxpoint. TAX TYPE (tax) is used to indicate a feature of tax agency taxation type when defining taxes. At the time of entering the invoice, the general account management system uses taxes to determine the impact of taxes on finances. When you enter the "Sales" tax, the General Account Management System will create a separate invoice allocation line for the tax amount. When you enter the "Use" tax, the general account management system will not create an invoice allocation line. Template (Template) General account management system is used to create and maintain a sample of the summary account.