Nike apologize very much. I am afraid it has never understood: Why is this clicked on the website more than 260,000 times, advertising widely praised in the industry, can't achieve its effect in China? Why is there a country with one of the most popular players in NBA, will it be so hostile to "later people"? Why is it deemed to be "emperor" symbolic dragon, in this advertisement, it became the "Chinese totem" representative of national dignity, but can not be used? Why an import and export trade has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and has a big country in international affairs, and in a commercial advertisement of only 90 seconds, I read ""?
This is another privilege action of our big country:
Nike event: really lose winning is not advert
I remembered just wrote a few days ago.
WHO CARES ?!, can't help but ask: What happened to us?
Everyone is a young man, it is said to be the hope of our country, these hope will soon settle the fruit, one is like a red book?
Chiu Yung
Inside McDonald's and the anti-China game:
Conversely, when a country's national life is uncomfortable, the spirit is serious and self-hence, it is particularly easy to breed blind ideas. The backward etiquette and secular barbarism will be particularly strong, and nationalism is particularly easy to incite. Unfortunately, the society we have now has these features.