Heavy painted DataGrid, including forced display a line

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

#REGON "Used to redraw the display style of DataGrid" Private Sub FormatGridWithTables () DIM TS As New DataGridTableStyle 'is what DataGrid determines what is DataGrid?

DIM AcolumnTextColumn as DataGridTextBoxColumn 'To rewrite Dongdong

Ts.mappingname = dataGridtable.tablename

DIM Numcols as INTEGER

Numcols = dataGridtable.columns.count

DIM I as integer = 0

Do While (i

AcolumnTextColumn = New DataGridTextBoxColumn

'Capture control of TEXTBOX

AddHandler AcolumnTextColumn.TextBox.Enter, New EventHandler (Addressof TextBoxEnterHandler)

'To change the list name, please refer the Headertext value of the sentence

AcolumnTextColumn.Headertext = DataGridTable.columns (i) .Columnname

'Changed the actual content acolumntextColumn.mappingName = DataGridtable.columns (i) .Columnname

'Automatic changing line width is not an acolumntextColumn.textbox.autosize = true' msgbox (acolumntextcolumn.Headertext.toString) 'debug.write (acolumnTextColumn.TextBox.width & "aa")

'Automatic change line width is not acolumnTextColumn.textBox.autosize = TRUE

Ts.PreferredColumnWidth = acolumnTextColumn.TextBox.width ()

Ts.GridColumnStyles.add (acolumntextColumn) 'Add a custom Column style

i = (i 1)


DataGrid1.tablestyles.clear ()

DataGrid1.tableStyles.Add (TS) 'Add a custom table style

End Sub # end region

#Region "When you click when you click, you will force the DataGrid to select a row, not a row," Private SUB TextBoxEnterHandler (Byval E AS ISTEM.EventArgs)

DIM inner as control = sender

Inner.visible = FALSE

DataGrid1.select (DataGrid1.currentrowindex)

End Sub # end region


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