PERL written by PERL

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

#! / usr / bin / perl ## ####print "----------- encoded conversion tool Net2k garbage ^ _ ^ ---- ----- "; Print" / N / N input parameters (1) hexadecimal turn ten progress, no input ASCII code is converted into a unsigned character: "; $ CIA = 1; $ ci = ; if ($ CI == $ CIA) {Print "/ n ####################; 请Enter the value of the required conversion: "; $ cinn = ; kHomp $ cinn; $ decimal = HEX (" $ cinn "); the decimal value of Print" / N $ CINN is: $ decimal ";} else {print" / n ##### ASCII code converted into a unsigned character ##### "; print" / n Please enter the ASCII code you want to convert: "; $ scann = ; kHomp $ scann; print" / n Please enter the unsigned character you want to convert: "; $ scanna = ; kHomp $ SCANNA; $ String = Pack (" $ SCANN ", $ SCANNA); Print" $ String ";


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