Structure: 1. Definition ---- Public struct cwsdata {public strunt cwsdata {public string string strqycode; // Corporate code public cwsdatatm [] cdetailitems; // Point to detainers} public struct cwsdatm {public string struct cwsdatm {public string straxh; // order PUBLIC STRING STRBXH; // Reimbursement number public string strdjs; // document number} reference ----- int m = 3cwsdata cwdata = new cwsdata (); cwdata.cdetailItems = new cwsdata.cdetailitems [cwdata.cdetailItems 0] .strsxh = "1"; Class in: 1. Definition ---- public class cwsdata {public string string strqycode; // Corporate code public cwsdattm [] cdetailItems; // Point to detail public cwsdata (int M) {m = m; if (m! = 0) {cdetailitems = new cwsdatatm [m]; for (int i = 0; i Author Blog: related articles C # Structure or class Nested method ASP.NET programming time to program the time of the confirmation box after the confirmation box, turn to another page Solution to the page frame, the page style table failed