The configuration of the map is defined by the
DataSet can be a layer, or a set of layers will use the partition element.
SIMPLERENDERER uses the same symbols to paint all features, ValueMapRenderer sends only a specific proportional scale in accordance with different values of a column of the layer table, or different values, respectively. ScaleDependntrenderer draws only a particular scale range. The plurality of performance methods in the layer must be included in a grouprenderer.
The relationship is as follows:
Symbolization: Transforming vector information to the symbol to be represented, basically inclusive: transform point objects into related symbols - SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL will translate the line object to related symbols - Simplandymbol will be converted to related symbols - SimplePolygonsymbol
Each renderer element contains a variety of Symbol elements;
Representation of the first-level murder; fraud is expressed in circular; "10000000" label = "Large">