% 5C branches vulnerability

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

/ Unicode is% 5C, mainly the branches vulnerability, I see the following four situations: 1, direct branches, solve the on Error Resume nextwww.duoluo.com/webdream/dlog\Showlog .asp? cat_id = 16 & log_id = 4442, do not display any information, the reason has been entered into fault-tolerant patches, such as www.cnbruce.com/blog\showlog.asp?cat_id=28&log_id=6033, display "URL Address Error Tips" WWW. Dcshooter.com/dlog\index.asp?vt=bycat&cat_id=24 Principle: 4, still perform webpage, but some images do not display why? For example: www.blueidea.com/bbs\newsdetail.asp? Groupname =% C2% DB% CC% B3% B9% E0% CB% AE% C7% F8 & Daysprune = 5 & lp = 1 & id = 1847494 For 4 want to explain .


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