DOS under network related commands explain

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45


Show and modify "Address Resolution Protocol" (ARP) to the Ethernet IP or token Ring Physical Address Translation Table. This command is only available after the TCP / IP protocol is installed.

ARP -A [inet_addr] [-n [if_addr]

arp -d inet_addr [if_addr]

ARP -S INET_ADDR Ether_ADDR [if_addr]



Display the current ARP item by querying TCP / IP. If INET_ADDR is specified, only the IP and physical address of the specified computer are displayed.


The same as -a.


Specify an IP address in a dotted decimal tag.


Displays the network interface ARP item specified by if_addr.


Specifies the IP address (if any) that needs to modify its address conversion table interface. If there is no existence, the first applicable interface will be used.


Delete the item specified by inet_addr.


Add items to the ARP cache, associate the IP address INET_ADDR and physical address Ether_addr. The physical address is given by 6 hexadecimal bytes separated by a hyphen. Specify the IP address using a tether of the decimal tag. The item is permanent, that is, the timeout expiration will automatically remove from the cache.


Specify the physical address.

Finger Displays information about the user on the specified system running the finger service. Different variables are output according to the remote system. This command is only available after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. Finger [-l] @computer [...] parameter -L Displays information in a long list form. User Specifies the user to get related information. Omit user parameters to display information about all users on the specified computer: @computer

FTP transmits files to remote computers that are running the FTP service or send files from a remote computer that is running the FTP service (sometimes called daemon). FTP can interact with. Click the "FTP command" in the "Related Topic" list to obtain the available "FTP" subcommand description. This command is only available after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. FTP is a service. Once started, you will create a sub-environment in which the ftp command can be used, and you can return to the Windows 2000 command prompt by typing the quit subcommand. When the FTP sub-environment is run, it is represented by the FTP command prompt. FTP [-V] [-N] [-i] [-d] [-g] [-r: filename] [-A] [-w: windowsize] [computer] parameter -V disable display remote server response. -n prohibits automatically logging in to an initial connection. -i multiple file transfer When the interaction tips are turned off. -d Enable debug, display all FTP commands passed between clients and servers. -g Disable file name, which allows usage of wildcard characters (* and?) in local files and path names. (See the Glob command in the online "Command Reference".) -S: filename Specifies a text file containing the ftp command; these commands will run automatically when the FTP starts. Space is not allowed in this parameter. Use this switch instead of redirect (>). -A Use any local interface when bundled data connections. -w: Windowsize replaces the default size of 4096 transmission buffer. Computer Specifies the computer name or IP address to connect to the remote computer. If specified, the computer must be the last parameter of the line. NBTSTAT This diagnostic command uses NBT (NetBIOS on TCP / IP) and the current TCP / IP connection. This command is only available after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. NBTSTAT [-A Remotename] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n] [-r] [-r] [-s] [-r] [interval] parameter -a Remotename lists the name of the remote computer Its name table. -A IP Address uses a remote computer's IP address to list a name table. -c gives the IP address of each name and lists the contents of the NetBIOS name cache. -n lists the local NetBIOS name. "Registered" indicates that the name has been registered in BNODE or WINS (other node type). -R Remove all names in the NetBIOS Name Cache to reload the LMHOSTS file. -r lists the name resolution statistics of the Windows network name resolution. On the Windows 2000 computer configured to use WINS, this option returns the number of names to resolve and register by broadcast or WINS. -S Displays the client and server session, listed remote computers only via the IP address. -s Displays the client and server session. Try converting a remote computer IP address into the name of the host file. Interval Re-displays the selected statistics, and suspend Interval seconds between each display. Press CTRL C to stop rescan statistics. If this parameter is omitted, NBTSTAT prints a current configuration information.

NetStat Displays protocol statistics and current TCP / IP network connections. This command can only be used after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. NetStat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-r] [-r] [interval] parameter -a display all connection and listening ports. Server connections are usually not displayed. -e Displays Ethernet statistics. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the -s option. -n Displays the address and port number in digital format (instead of trying to find the name). -s Displays statistics for each protocol. By default, statistics on TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP are displayed. The -p option can be used to specify the default subset. -p protocol Displays the connection of protocols specified by Protocol; Protocol can be TCP or UDP. If you use the -s option to display the statistics of each protocol, Protocol can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, or IP. -r Displays the contents of the routing table. Interval re-displays the selected statistics and suspend Interval seconds between each display. Stop the statistics by Ctrl B stop. If this parameter is omitted, NetStat will print a current configuration information. Ping verifies the connection to a remote computer. This command can only be used after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. Ping [-t] [-A] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-V TOS] [-r count] [-s count] [-j computer-list] [-k computer-list] [-w timeout] destination-list parameter -t ping specified computer until interrupt. -a resolves the address as a computer name. -n count Sends count of the ECHO packet specified by COUNT. The default is 4. -l Length Sends an Echo packet containing the amount of data specified by Length. The default is 32 bytes; the maximum is 65, 527. -f Send "Do not segment" flag in the packet. The packet will not be segmented by the gateway on the route. -i TTL sets the "Survival Time" field to the value specified by TTL. -V TOS sets the Service Type field to the value specified by TOS. -r Count Records the route from the "Record Routing" field. COUNT can specify at least 1 set, up to 9 computers. -s count Specifies the timestamp of the number of hops specified by count. -j Computer-List uses computer-list to route packets. A continuous computer can be separated by the intermediate gateway (routing sparse source) IP allowed to be 9. -k computer-list Routing packets using Computer-List specified by computer-list. Continuous computers cannot be separated by intermediate gateway (routing strict source) IP allowed to 9. -w Timeout specifies a time division, in milliseconds. Destination-list Specifies a remote computer to be ping.

RCP replicates files between Windows 2000 Computers and Running Remote Housing Port Monitor RSHD. The RCP command is a connection command that can also be used to replicate files between two running RSHDs from the Windows 2000 computers. The RSHD port monitor can be used on UNIX computers, but cannot be used on Windows 2000, so Windows 2000 computer can only be used as a system that issues a command. Remote computers must also provide RCP utilities by running RSHD. RCP [-a | -b] [-h] [-r] Source1 Source2 ... Sourceen Destination Parameters -A Specifies the ASCII transmission mode. This mode converts the carriage return / chamber to the carriage return on the outgoing file, and converts the lunar into the carriage return / wrap in the incoming file. This mode is the default transmission mode. -b Specifies the binary image transfer mode. No carriage return / commissioning conversion is performed. -H Transfer Source files marked as hidden properties on a Windows 2000 computer. If there is no such option, the effect of specifying the hidden file on the RCP command line is not the same as the file. -r Cut all the subdirectories of the source to the target. Source and Destination must be a directory, although even if the source is not a directory, use -r can also work. But there will be no recursive. The Source and Destination format must be [Computer [.user]: FileName. If the [Computer [.user]:] section is ignored, the computer will assume a local computer. If the [.User] section is omitted, the currently logged in Windows 2000 username will be used. If a fully qualified computer name is used, in which [.user] must be included in [.User]. Otherwise, the last part of the computer name will be interpreted as the username. If multiple source files are specified, Destination must be a directory. If the file name is not headed by UNIX's forward slash (/) or the backslash (/) of the Windows 2000 system, it is assumed to be relative to the current working directory. In Windows 2000, this is a directory that issues a command. In the remote system, this is the login directory of the remote user. The period (.) Represents the current directory. Use escape characters (/, "or ') in remote paths to use wildcards in remote computers.

Rexec runs a command on a remote computer running the Rexec service. Before executing the specified command, verify the username on the remote computer, only the command can only be used after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. Rexec Computer [-l username] [-n] Command Parameters Computer Specifies the remote computer to run the Command. -l username Specifies the username on the remote computer. -n redirects the input of Rexec to NULL. Command specifies the command to run. Route control network routing table. This command can only be used after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. Route [-f] [-p] [command [destination] [mask subnetmask] [Gateway] [METRIC COSTMETRIC] Parameter -f Clears the routing table of all gateway entry. If this parameter is used in combination with a command, the routing table will be cleared before the command is run. -P This parameter is used with the add command, the route will last for a long time between the system boot. By default, the system does not retain the route when restarted. When used with the Print command, display the registered persistent routing list. Ignore all other commands that always affect the respective persistent routes. Command specifies one of the following commands. Command Purpose Print Print Routing Add Add Routing Delete Remove Routing Change Change Now the Deploy Destination Specifies the computer that sends a Command. Mask SubnetMask specifies the subnet mask associated with the route entry. If not specified, will be used. Gateway specifies the gateway. A network database file called Networks and a computer name database file named Hosts references the symbol names used by Destination or Gateway. If the command is Print or delete, the target, and gateways can also use wildcards, and the gateway parameters can be omitted. Metric CostMetric assigns the number of integer hops (from 1 to 9999) to calculate the fastest, most reliable and / or cheapest route. RSH Runs the command on the remote computer running the RSH service. This command can only be used after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. RSH computer [-l username] [-n] Command Parameters Computer Specifies the remote computer running Command. -l username Specifies the username used on remote computers. If omitted, use the login username. -n redirects the input of the RSH to NULL. Command specifies the command to run.

TFTP transmits files to remote computers that are running the TFTP service or transmit files from a remote computer that is running a TFTP service. This command can only be used after the TCP / IP protocol is installed. TFTP [-i] Computer [GET | PUT] Source [Destination] Parameters -i Specify binary image transfer mode (also known as "eight bytes"). In binary image mode, the file is one byte to move by one byte. Use this mode when transferred binary files. If the -i is omitted, the file will be transmitted in ASCII mode. This is the default transmission mode. This mode converts the EOL character to UNIX's carriage return and a host computer's carriage return / wrap. This mode should be used when sending a text file. If the file transfer is successful, the data transfer rate will be displayed. Computer Specifies local or remote computers. PUT transmits the file Destination on the local computer to the file Source on the remote computer. GET transmits Destination on the remote computer to the file Source on the local computer. If you transfer file file-two on your local computer to file file-one on a remote computer, specify PUT. If you transfer file File-Two on a remote computer to file file-one on a remote computer, specify GET. Because the TFTP protocol does not support user authentication, the user must log in, and the file must be written on the remote computer. Source Specifies the files to be transferred. If the local file is specified -, the remote file is printed on stdout (if obtained), or read from stdin. Destination Specifies the location of transferring files. If Destination is omitted, it will assume that the same name is in the Source. Tracert This diagnostic utility will send the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) that contains different survival time (TTL) values ​​to the target to determine the route used by the target. To deliver at least 1, the TTL is a valid hop count before the TTL of the forwarding packet is forwarded. When the TTL on the packet arrives at 0, the router should send the "ICMP timeout" message back source. Tracert first sends a TTL to 1 echo packet and increment TTL at a subsequent delivery process, until the target response or TTL reaches the maximum value, thereby determining the route. Routing determines the route by checking the "ICMP timeout" message sent back to the intermediate router. However, some routers quietly down through packets that contain expired TTL values, and Tracert can't see. Tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j computer-list] [-w Timeout] target_name parameter / D specifies that the address is not resolved as the computer name. -h maximum_hops Specifies the maximum number of hop points for search targets. -j Computer-List Specifies the sparse source routing along Computer-List. -w Timeout answers the number of microseconds to be specified by Timeout each time. Target_name The name of the target computer. Basic Law of the NET Command

Incorrect Windows 98, Windows Workstation, and Windows Server three operating systems about the interpretation of the NET command, I hope to be comprehensive. Let some say some: (1) The NET command is a command line command. (2) Manage network environments, services, users, and login. . . . Whenever local information (3) WIN 98, WIN WORKSTATION and WIN NT have a NET command. (4) However, the net command of Win 98 is different from the net command of WorkStation, NT. (5) The net command in WorkStation and Server is basically the same. (6) Get HELP (1) can be graphically using the way in NT - "Help -" Index - "Enter NET (2) Under Command, NET /? Or NET or NET HELP get some method Help NETCOMMAND / HELP or NET HELP COMMAND or NET COMMAND /? Other NET HELPMSG Message # is 4-digit (7) Forced Parameters All NET Command Accept / Yes and / NO (Acbever Y / Y) / N). [Simple saying is to ask questions to the system in advance] (8) There are some commands to generate and permanently saved. When using it, it is necessary to use the function of the NET command to find the corresponding graphics tool. Sample (10) Command Command Parameter Options | Parameter Options | Parameter Options |. . . . . .瘰疬 罗 瘰疬 说 堆 堆 是 是 是 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事Some parameters in the NET command cannot be used in the DOS-WIN. You can only use the basic usage of the different parameters of the NET command in the DOS environment: (1) NET View: Display domain list, A list of shared resources for a computer list or a specified computer. Command Format: Net View [// computername | / domain [: domainname] parameter introduction: (1) Type NET View display the current domain's computer list. (2) // computername Specifies the computer to view its shared resource. (3) / domain [: domainname] Specifies to view the domain of its available computer. Simple case: (1) Net View // Yfang View Yfang shared resource list. (2) NET View / Domain: Love View the list of machines in the LOVE domain. (2) NET User work: Add or change user accounts or display user account information. This command can also be written as NET Users. Command format: Net user [username [password | *] [options] [/ domain] parameter introduction: (1) Type NET User without parameters to view a list of user accounts on your computer. (2) UserName Add, delete, change, or view the user account name. (3) Password assigns or change the password for the user account. (4) * Tip Enter the password. (5) / Domain executes the operation in the main domain controller of the computer main domain. Simple case: (1) NET user yfang View User Yfang Information (3) NET USE: Connect your computer or disconnect the computer and shared resources, or display your computer's connection information. Command format: NET Use [DeviceName | *] [// computername / shasename [/ volume] [password | *] [/ user: [domainname /] username] [/ delete] | [/ personistent: {yes | no]} Parameter introduction: Type NET Use of NET Use without parameters to list network connections.

DeviceName Specifies the name of the resource to be connected or the device name to be disconnected. // Computername / ShareName server and shared resources name. Password Access the password for shared resources. * Tip Type password. / User specifies another user that is connected. DomainName Specifies another domain. UserName Specifies the username of the login. / HOME connects the user to its host directory. / DELETE Cancels the specified network connection. / Persistent controls the use of permanent network connection. Simple case: (1) NET USE E: // Yfang / TEMP Set the // yfang / temp directory to E disk (2) NET USE E: // Yfang / Temp / Delete Disconnect (4) NET TIME Role: Make the computer's clock synchronization with another computer or domain. Command Format: Net Time [// computername | / domain [: name] [/ set] Parameter introduction: (1) // ComputerName To check or synchronize server names. (2) / domain [: name] Specifies the domain to synchronize with its time. (3) / SET Synchronize the computer clock with the clock specified by the specified computer or domain. The following four parameters are related, so introduce (5) NET START: Start service, or display the list of start-up services. Command format: Net Start Service (6) NET PAUSE: Pause the running service. Command format: NET PAUSE Service (7) Net Continue Schedule: Reactivate the hang service. Command Format: Net Continue Service (8) NET STOP: Stop Windows NT Network Services.

Command format: Net Stop Service parameter introduction: Let's take a look at what these services are (1) ALERTER (2) Client Service For NetWare (3) Clipbook Server (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) CLIPBOOK Server (4) Clipbook Server (4) Computer Browser (5) Directory Replicator (Directory Replicator) (6) FTP Publishing Service (FTP) (FTP Release Services) (7) LPDSVC (8) NET LOGON (Network Login) (9) Network DDE (Network DDE) (10) Network DDE DSDM (11) Network Monitor Agent (12) NT LM Security Support Provider (NT LM Security Support) (13) OLE (Object Link Embedded) (14) Remote Access Connection Manager (Remote Access Connection Manager) (15) Remote Access Isnsap Service (Remote Access ISNSAP Service) (16) Remote Access Server (17) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator (Remote Process Call Locator) (18) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service (Remote Process Call Service) (19) Schedule (Sand) (20) Server (Server) (21) SIMPLE TCP / IP SERVICES (Simple TCP / IP Service) (22) SNMP (23) Spooler (24) TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper (TCP / IP NetBIOS Aid) (25) UPS (26) Workstation (Workstation) (27) Messenger (letter) 28) DHCP Client (29) EventLog The following services can only be used on NT Server (1) File Server for Macintosh (2 Gateway Service For NetWare (3) Microsoft DHCP Server (4) Print Server for Macintosh (5) RemoteBoot (6) Windows Internet Name Service (9) Net Statistics Run: Displays statistical records for local workstations or server services. Command Format: Net Statistics [Workstation | Server] Parameter Description: (1) Type NET Statistics on the non-parameter lists the running services available for their statistics. (2) WorkStation Displays statistics for local workstation services. (3) Server displays statistics for local server services. Simple case: (1) NET STATISTICS Server | More Display Server Services Statistics (10) NET Share Ruple: Create, delete, or display shared resources. Command format: NET Share ShareName = Drive: path [/ users: Number | / undimited] [/ remark: "text"] Parameter introduction: (1) Type NET Share with non-parameters to display all shared resources on the local computer. (2) ShareName is the network name of shared resources. (3) DRIVE: PATH Specifies the absolute path to the shared directory. (4) / Users: Number settings can access the maximum number of users for shared resources at the same time. (5) / unlimited does not limit the number of users who simultaneously access the shared resource.

(6) / Remark: "text" Add a comment on the resource, and the text is taken by quotation marks. Simple case: (1) NET Share myLove = C: / Temp / Remark: "My First Share" Share C: / Temp (2) Net Share MYLOVE / DELETE Stop Sharing MYLOVE Directory (11) NET Session : List or disconnect the local computer and the session of the client connected to it, or Write as NET sessions or net sess. Command Format: Net Session [// computername] [/ delete] Parameter Description: (1) Type NET session without parameters Show all sessions of the local computer. (2) // COMPUTERNAME identifies the computer to list or discontinue the session. (3) / delete ends and // computername computing opportunities and closes all the computers during this session. Simple case: (1) NET session // yfang To display a list of client session information of the computer name YFANG. (12) NET SEND: Send a message to other users of the network, computer, or communication name. Command format: Net send {name | * | / domain [: name] | / users} message parameter introduction: (1) NAME To receive username, computer name, or communication name of the send message. (2) * Send messages to all names in the group. (3) / Domain [: Name] sends the message to all the names in the computer domain. (4) / Users sends the message to all users connected to the server. (5) Message is sent as a message. Simple case: (1) NET send / users Server Will Shutdown in 5 minutes. Send messages to users (13) Net Print: Display or control print jobs and print queues. Command Format: Net Print [// computername] Job # [/ hold | / release | / delete] Parameter introduction: (1) ComputerName Sharing the computer name of the printer queue. (2) ShareName print queue name. (3) JOB # Assign the identification number of the print job in the printer queue. (4) / Hold Use Job #, wait in the printer queue to wait. (5) / Release releases the reserved print job. (6) / Delete removes the print job from the printer queue. Simple case: (1) Net print // Yfang / SeeMe lists the directory of the SEEME printer queue on the // yfang machine: Add or delete the message name (sometimes called alias), or display the computer receive message Name list. Command format: Net name [name [/ add | / delete] Parameter introduction: (1) Type Net Name without parameters lists the names currently used. (2) Name Specifies the name of the received message. (3) / add Add the name to your computer. (4) / Delete removes the name from the computer. (15) NET localgroup: Add, display, or change the local group. Command format: Net localgroup groupname {/ add [/ comment: "text"] | / delete} [/ domain] parameter introduction: (1) Type NET localGroup display server name and computer's local group name. (2) Groupname To add, expand or delete local group names.

(3) / Comment: "text" Add a comment for the new or existing group. (4) / Domain executes the operation in the current domain's primary domain controller, otherwise only on the local computer? (5) Name [...] lists one to be added to a local group or from a local group Or multiple usernames or group names. (6) / add Add the global group name or username to the local group. (7) / Delete removes a group name or username from the local group. Simple case: (1) Net localgroup love / add Add a local group named LOVE to a local user account database (2) NET localgroup love Displays users in the local group (16) NET GROUP: in the Windows NT Server domain Add, display, or change global groups. Command Format: Net Group GroupName {/ add [/ comment: "text"] | / delete} [/ domain] parameter introduction: (1) Type NET Group Display server name and server group name without parameters. (2) Groupname To add, extend, or delete groups. (3) / Comment: "text" Adds a comment for the new group or existing group. (4) / Domain executes this operation in the current domain's primary domain controller, otherwise perform actions on the local computer?? (5) UserName [...] list Show to add one or from the group or from the group or Multiple users. (6) / add group or add the username in the group. (7) / delete delete group or deletes the username from the group. Simple case: (1) Net group love yfang1 yfang2 / add Adds existing user accounts YFANG1 and YFANG2 to local Computers LOVE group (17) NET File Scheme: Displays all open shared file names and lock files on a server. Command Format: Net file [id [/ close] parameter introduction: (1) Type NET files that do not have parameters to open the list of files on the server. (2) ID file identification number. (3) / Close Close the open file and release the lock record. (18) NET Config: Displays the currently running configurable service, or displays and changes the settings of a service. Command format: Net config [service [option] Parameter introduction: (1) Type NET Config displays a list of configurable services. (2) The service is configured by the NET config command (Server or Workstation) (3) Options service for specific options. (19) NET Computer work: Add or delete a computer from the domain database. Command format: Net computer // computername {/ add | / del} Parameter introduction: (1) // computername Specifies the computer to be added to the domain or from the domain. (2) / add Tim the specified computer to the domain. (3) / DEL will delete the specified computer from the domain. Simple case: (1) Net computer // CC / Add Add computer CC to the login domain (20) NET Accounts action: Update the user account database, change the login requirements for all accounts, and all accounts. Command format: Net Accounts [/ forcelogoff: {minutes | no}] [/ minpwlen: length] [/ maxpwage: {days | unlimited}] [/ minpwage: days] [/ uniquepw: Number] [/ domain] parameter introduction: (1) Type NET Accounts without parameters Display the current password setting, login time limit, and domain information.

(2) / forcelogoff: {minutes | no} Set the number of user account passwords when the user account or the valid login time expires (3) / minpwlen: length sets the maximum number of characters. (4) / maxpwage: {days | unlimited} Set the maximum number of days that the user account password is valid. (5) / MINPWAGE: DAYS Setting the user must keep the minimum number of days. (6) / UniquePW: Number requires a user to change the password, the same password must be reused after Number. (7) / Domain executes this operation on the main domain controller of the current domain. (8) / SYNC When used for the primary domain controller, this command synchronizes all backup domain controllers in the domain: (1) NET Accounts / MINPWLEN: 7 Sets the minimum number of characters of the user account password to 7 - -------------------- The above introduction is the basic usage of net commands under WinNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Let's take a look at the NET command under Win98's basic usage in Win98. There is also some parameters of the name and function and simple usage method and the usage of the corresponding parameters under WinNT. Some of them (1) NET TIME Command (2) Net Print Command (3) NET Use Command (4) NET View Command In Win98 NET Command Some Parameters The name of the parameters is the same, but the usage of the corresponding parameters, but it is a bit different from it (1 NET START effect: Start the corresponding service. (Can not be used in DOS-WIN) Command Format: NET Start [Basic | NWREDIR | WORKSTATION | NetBIND | NETBEUI | NWLINK] [/ List] [/ YES] [/ Verbose] (2) NET STOP RETY: Stop the corresponding service Cannot be used in DOS-WIN) Command Format: Net Stop [Basic | NWREDIR | WORKSTATION | NETBEUI | NWLINK] [/ yes] There are some parameters in the net command in Win98, which is in 98 (1 NET DIAG effect: Diagnostics program to run MS Display Network Diagnostic Information Command Format: Net Diagnostics [/ Names | / Status] (2) NET INIT effect: Do not load protocol or network card driver without binding (not in DOS-WIN Used) Command Format: Net Initialize [/ Dynamic] (3) NET logoff effect: Disconnect shared resources (cannot be used in DOS-WIN) ((4) NET LOGON effect: Log in in Workgroup (can't be in DOS) -Win) Command format: net logon [user [password |?] [/ Domain: name] [/ yes] [/ savepw: no] (5) NET Password effect: Change your network login password (can't be in DOS) -Win) Command format: Net password // computer | / domain: Name [user [oldpassword [newpassword] ftp command Daquan

The ftp command is one of the most frequent commands using the Internet user. Whether using FTP under DOS or UNIX operating system, you will have a lot of FTP internal commands, familiar with and flexibly apply the internal commands of FTP, which can be greatly convenient for users. Now dial-up users, if the ISP provides shell to use Nohup, then FTP will be your most money on Download method, FTP command line format is: ftp -v -d -i -n -g [host name] -V Displays all response information of the remote server. -D use debugging mode. -N Limits an automatic login of FTP, ie not .NETRC files. -G cancels the global file name. The internal command used by FTP is as follows (where bracket represents optional): 1.! [cmd [args] Performs interaction shell in the local machine, exit returns to the FTP environment, such as! ls * .zip. 2. ¥ Macro-AME [ARGS] Perform a macro definition macro-name. 3. Acount [Password] provides the supplementary password required to access the system resource after logging in to the remote system. 4.AppendLocal-file [remote-file] Add a local file to a remote system host. If the remote system file name is not specified, the local file name is used. 5.ASCII uses the ASCII type transmission mode. 6. Bell Each command is executed, the computer rings once. 7.bin uses binary files. 8. Bye exits the FTP session process. 9. Case When using MGET, transfers the uppercase of the remote host file name to lowercase letters. 10.CD Remote-Dir enters the remote host directory. 11. CDUP enters the parent directory of the remote host directory. 12.chmod modefile-name Sets the way remote-name to Mode, such as Chmod 777 A.out. 13.Close interrupt FTP session with the remote server (corresponding to Open). 14. When CR transmits a file using the ASSCII mode, convert the return line to a back. 15. Delete Remote-file Deletes the remote host file. 16.Debug [debug-value] Setup debug mode, display each command sent to the remote host, such as DEBUP3, if set to 0, indicates canceling the debug. 17.DIR [remote-dir] [local-file] Displays the remote host directory and stores the result to local-file. 18.Disconnection with a Close. 19.Form Format Sets the file transfer mode to Format, defaults to File mode. 20.GetRemote-file [local-file] Transfers the remote host file Remote-File to local-file of the local hard drive. 21.Glob Sets the file name extension of MDelete, MGET, MPUT, and does not extend the file name, the -g parameter with the command line is not expanded. 22. Hash is transmitted 1024 bytes per transmitted, showing an HASH symbol (#). 23.Help [cmd] Displays help information for the FTP internal command CMD, such as Help Get. 24.idle [Seconds] Sets the sleep timer of the remote server to [Seconds] seconds. 25. Setting the binary transmission mode (with binary) 26.lcd [dir] Switch the local working directory to DIR. [remote-dir] [local-file] Displays the remote directory Remote-Dir and stores local local-file. 28. MacDef Macro-Name Defines a macro, when you encounter a blank line under MacDef, the macro definition ends. 29.mdelete [remote-file] Deletes remote host files.


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