ACDK White Paper - Script section

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

ACDK White Paper - Script section

Translation: Xue Changyu

In ACDK, all ACDK objects can be controlled by script.

This chapter of this chapter:

Call Java object from ACD

Use a specific example to illustrate a TCL interpreter

Call the ACDK object in ACDKLISP

Adjust the ACDK object from Perl

ACDK provides a very wide way to operate all ACDK objects through the construction language

The cost of high stubs and agents will not be generated, compiled, installed, or registered, which are methods that are called by WindowsShellHost (WSH) & COM or CORBA-Script and CORBA.

ACDK-Object is the script can be executed independently

The following scripting languages ​​and their combinations will provide these features:




Java 1.2,


PHP3 / 4,



ACDK Connect 'Nativ' Use component technology, so programmers can manage any external IDL compiler.

Script structure

Current script processing provides the following important advantages:

Components can be established using these scripting languages, which allows programmers to take advantage of existing familiar knowledge without having to learn anything else.

This can access all ACDK components to use scripting languages. Because of this, you can create an SAP interface using the Perl script language or by integrating CORBA transaction components. Perl programmers will do not need to leave his own world ('it's world') can access the ACDK's feature.

The interfaces of those IT-Structures and third-party manufacturers provide scripting languages ​​can be easily integrated into the ACDK object reference.

When establishing an ACDK object server, you can easily use many effective free software libraries through this technology without considering what specific languages ​​are based.

The released components and applications that already exist based on LINUX / APACHE / MYSQL / Perl & PHP solution can smoothly run from porting to the application server.

Call Java object from ACDK

RjavaObject :: Peek_Static ("java / lang / system", "out");

RjavaObject SB = JavaObject :: New ("Java / Lang / StringBuffer", "Hallo from Java");

OUT-> Invoke ("Println", SB-> Invoke ("toString"));

Use a specific example to illustrate a TCL interpreter

Rinterpreter interp = new tclinterpreter ();

Interp-> Parse ("./ mytcl.tcl");

Interp-> EVAL ("SET MSG /" Hello from ACDK / ");

System :: out-> println (Interp-> Call ("ShowMessage", Interp-> Get ("MSG"));

Interp-> Interactive (System :: In, System :: Out, System :: Err, Debug);

Call the ACDK object in ACDKLISP

(set out (peek-static 'ACDK / LANG / SYSTEM' OUT)

(Set SB (New 'ACDK / LANG / STRINGBUFFER "Hallo from ACDK"))

(Invoke Out 'Println (Invoke SB' TOString))

Adjust the ACDK object from Perl

My $ out = ACDK :: Peek_Static ("ACDK / LANG / SYSTEM", "OUT"); MY $ SB = ACDK :: New ("ACDK / LANG / STRINGBuffer", "Hello from ACDK");

$ out-> println ($ sb-> toString ());

I am a programmer, not a professional translation or author, so the content of translation may be very imperfect, please forgive me. At least this provides a way that is easier to understand this project.

Xue Changyu



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