Network port and detailed explanation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

According to the port number, it can be divided into 3 categories: (1) Well Known Ports: From 0 to 1023, their close binding (binding) in some services. Usually the communication of these ports clearly shows the protocol of some service. For example: 80 ports are actually HTTP communication. (2) Registered ports: from 1024 to 49151. They are loosely bound to some services. That is to say, many services are bound to these ports, which are also used in many other purposes. For example: Many systems processes the dynamic port starting from around 1024. (3) Dynamic and / or private ports (Dynamic and / or Private Ports): from 49152 to 65535. In theory, these ports should not be assigned to the service. In fact, the machine usually allocates a dynamic port from 1024. But there are also exceptions: Sun's RPC port begins with 32768. 0 usually used to analyze the operating system. This method can work because "0" in some systems is invalid port, which will produce different results when you try to use a usual closing port to connect it. A typical scan: Use the IP address of to set the ACK bit and broadcast in Ethernet layer.

1 tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer Transmission Control Protocol port service multiplexer selector 2 compressnet Management Utility compressnet Administration Utility 3 compressnet Compression Process compression process 5 rje Remote Job Entry remote job Login 7 echo Echo Echo 9 discard Discard dropped 11 systat Active User Daytime Time 17 qotd Quote of The Day Daily Reference 18 MSP Message Send Protocol Message Send Agreement 19 Chargen Character Generator Characterizer 20 FTP-DATA File Transfer [Default Data] File Transfer Protocol (Default Data) 21 FTP File Transfer [Control] File Transfer Protocol (Control) 22 SSH SSH Remote Login Protocol SSH Remote Login Protocol 23 Telnet Telnet Terminal Simulation Protocol 24 Any Private Mail System Reserved to Personal Mail System 25 SMTP SIMPLE Mail Transfer Simple Mail Transit Agreement 27 NSW-FE NSW User System Fe NSW User System Scene Engineer 29 MSG-ICP MSG ICP MSG ICP 31 MSG-Auth MSG Authentication MSG Verification 33 DSP Display Support Protocol Display Support Protocol 35 Any Private Printer Server Reserved 37 Time Time Time 38 RAP ROUTE Access Protocol Route Access Protocol 39 RLP Resource Location Protocol Resource Location Protocol 41 Graphics Graphics Graphics 42 Nameserv Er Wins Host Name Server WINS Host Name Service 43 NICName Who IS "Nickname"

WHO IS Service 44 MPM-Flags MPM Flags Protocol MPM (Message Processing Module) Sign Protocol 45 MPM Message Processing Module [RECV] Message Processing Module 46 MPM-SND MPM [Default Send] Message Process Module (Default Send Port) 47 Ni-FTP Ni FTP NI FTP 48 Auditd Digital Audit Daemon Digital Audio Background Service 49 TACACS Login Host Protocol (TACACS) TACACS Login Host Protocol 50 RE-MAIL-CK Remote Mail Checking Protocol Remote Mail Check Protocol [Unbound] 51 LA-MAINT IMP LOGICAL ADDRESS Maintenance IMP (Interface Information Processing Machine) Logic Address Maintenance 52 XNS-Time XNS Time Protocol Xi Xi Network Service System Time Agreement 53 Domain Domain Name Server Domain Name Server 54 XNS-CH XNS Clearinghouse Server 54 ISI-GL ISI Graphics Language ISI graphics 56 xns-auth xns authentication Xerox Network Service System Verification 57? Any Private Terminal Access Reserved Personal Terminal Access 58 XNS-Mail Xns Mail Xerox Network Service System Mail 59 Any Private File Service Reserved Personal File Service 60 Unassigned Define 61 Ni-mail Ni Mail Ni Mail? 62 ACAS ACA Services Asynchronous Communication Adapter Service 63 Whois WHOIS WHOIS

64 covia Communications Integrator (CI) communication interface 65 tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service TACACS database service 66 sql * net Oracle SQL * NET Oracle SQL * NET 67 bootps Bootstrap Protocol Server Bootstrap Protocol server 68 bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Client Bootstrap Protocol Client 69 TFTP Trivial File Transfer Small File Transfer Protocol 70 Gopher Gopher Information Retrieval Protocol 71 NETRJS-1 Remote Job Service Remote Job Service 72 Netrjs-2 Remote Job Service Remote Job Service 73 Netrjs-3 Remote Job Service Remote Job Service 74 NetRJS- 4 Remote Job Service Remote Job Services 75 Any Private Dial Out Service Reserved To your personal dial-out service 76 DEOS Distributed External Object Store Distributed External Object Storage 77 ANY Private RJE Service Reserved to Personal Remote Job Enter Services 78 VETTCP VETTCP Correct TCP? 79 Finger Finger query remote host online user information 80 HTTP World Wide Web HTTP Global Information Network Hypertext Transport Protocol 81 Hosts2-NS Hosts2 Name Server Host2 Name Service 82 XFER XFER UTILITY Transport Utility 83 MIT-ML-dev ML Device Module Intelligent Terminal ML Equipment 84 CTF Common Trace Facility Public Tracking Device 85 ML-ML DEVICE Modular Intelligent Terminal ML Device 86 MFCOBOL Micro Focus Cobol Micro Focus Cobol Programming Language 87 Any Private Terminal L INK reserved for personal terminal connection 88 Kerberos Kerberos Kerberros Security Authentication System 89 SU-MIT-TG SU / MIT TELNET GATEWAY SU / MIT Terminal Simulation Gateway 90 DNSIX DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map DNSIX Security Properties Tags 91 MIT-DOV MIT DOVER SPOOLERER MIT Dover spool 92 npp network printing protocol network printing protocol 93 dcp device control protocol device control protocol 94 objcall Tivoli Object dispatcher Tivoli objects scheduler 95 supdup SUPDUP 96 dixie DIXIE protocol specification DIXIE protocol specification 97 swift-rvf (Swift Remote virtural File protocol ) Quick Remote Weight File Agreement 98 TACNEWS TAC News TAC News Agreement 99 Metagram Metagram Relay 100 NewAcct [Unauthorized Use] 101 = Nic Host Name Server 102 = ISO-TSAP 103 = Genesis Point-To-Point Trans Net 104 = Acr-Nema Digital IMAG. & COMM. 300 105 =

Mailbox Name Nameserver 106 = 3COM-TSMUX3com-tsmux 107 = Remote Telnet Service 108 = SNA Gateway Access Server 109 = Post Office Protocol - Version 2 110 = Post Office Protocol - Version 3 111 = SUN RPC 112 = McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol 113 = Authentication Service 114 = Audio News Multicast 115 = Simple File Transfer Protocol 116 = ANSA REX Notify 117 = UUCP Path Service 118 = SQL Servicessqlserv 119 = Network News Transfer Protocol 120 = CFDPTKTcfdptkt 121 = Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call 122 = SMAKYNETsmakynet 123 = Network Time Protocol 124 = ANSA REX Trader 125 = Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser 126 = Unisys Unitary Login 127 = Locus PC-Interface Conn Server 128 = GSS X License Verification 129 = Password Generator Protocol 130 = cisco FNATIVE 131 = cisco TNATIVE 132 = cisco SYSMAINT 133 = Statistics Service 134 = INGRES-NET Service 135 = Location Service 136 = PROFILE Naming System 137 = NETBIOS Name Service 138 = NETBIOS Datagram Service 139 = NETBIOS Session Service 140 = EMFIS Data Service 141 = EMFIS Control Service 142 = Britton-Lee IDM 143 = Interim Mail Access Protocol v2 144 = NewSnews 145 = UAAC Protocoluaac 146 = ISO-IP0iso-tp0 147 = ISO-IPiso-ip 148 = CRONUS-SUPPORT 149 = AED 512 Emulation Service 150 = SQL-NETsql-net 151 = HEMShems 152 = Background File Transfer Program 153 = SGMPsgmp 154 ​​= NETSCnetsc-prod 155 = NETSCnetsc-dev 156 = SQL Service 157 = KNET / VM Command / Message Protocol 158 = PCMail Serverpcmail-srv 159 = NSS-Routingnss-routing 160 = SGMP-TRAPSsgmp-traps 161 = SNMP 162 = SNMP TRAP 163 = CMIP / TCP Manager 164 = CMIP / TCP Agent 165 = Xeroxxns-Courier 166 =


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