In the past few days, when I learned a good editor, SQL * Plus was too much trouble, and the notepad was too backward. Some development tools were really killed with chicken, and later I chose UltraEdit. To write a PL SQL code, the editor does not have the default high brightness to display the function of the PL SQL keyword, but fortunately, it is also found online.
It is always written some Struts code. In addition to using large tools such as JB, other tools are simply non-pressing Struts libraries, those class high brightness display features, but later follow the method of configuring PL SQL or configured. . However, this tool is still very inconvenient to write Java, special time JSP, servlet, and Struts code, thinking, Jcreator can expand some keywords, the structure can be expanded, the structure is still found, the structure is still found, the structure is still found, Methods as below:
1. Document java.syn
This file is in the D: / Program Files / XINOX Software / JCREATORV3 / SYNTAX directory. (Different according to your installation directory);
2. Open this file (it is recommended to open with the UltraEdit editor, there are many advantages).
3. Find , , , etc. in the file (otherwise you have to find hard).
"Add Struts here, etc.
5. It is my editing Struts keyword, as long as I add it in, if you can't use it, please send me email, I have a good file here, as long as you replace the original file, you can, to trust, you want java.syn files.
ApplicationConfig Word> AttributeDefinition WORD>
AttributeToscopetAg Word> BasefieldTag Word>
BaseHandlertag Word> BaseInputTag Word>
BaseTag Word> BufferedMultipartInputStream word>
ButtAg Word> CancelTag Word> CheckboxTag Word>
CommonSmultipartRequestHandler Word>
Commonsformfile Word> CompareTagBase Word>
ComponentConstants Word> ComponentContext WORD> Componentdefinition Word>
ComponentDefinitionsFactory Word>
ComponentDefinitionsFactoryWrapper word>
ConditionalTagBase Word> ConfigHelper Word>
confighelperinterface word> configruleSet Word>
Constants Word> Content Word>
ContentLengthxceedededException Word> ContentMap Word>
ContentMapStack Word> Controller Word>
ControllerConfig Word> Controllersupport WORD>
Cookietag Word> CookieTei Word>
DataSourceConfig Word> DefaultModuleConfiguration Word>
DefineTag Word> DefineTei Word>
definitionAttribute word>
definitionDispatchaction word>
DefinitionNameAttribute Word> DefinitionsFactory Word>
DefinitionsFactory Word> DefinitionsFactoryConfig Word>
DefinitionsFactoryException Word> DefinitionsUtil Word>
ServletPropertiesMap Word> DefinitionTag Word>
DefinitionTagsupport Word> DirectStringAttribute WORD>
DiskFile Word> DiskMultipartRequestHandler Word>
Dispatchaction Word> DynaActionform Word>
DynaActionformClass Word> DynavalidatorActionform Word> DynavalidatorForm Word> EmptyItemrator Word>
Emptytag Word> Equaltag Word> ErrorMESSAGES WORD>
Errorstag Word> ExceptionConfig Word>
ExceptionHandler Word> FactoryNotFoundException Word>
FactorySet Word> FieldChecks Word> FileTag Word>
FormBeanconfig Word> Formfile Word>
formpropertyconfig word> formtag word>
ForwardAction Word> ForwardConfig Word>
ForwardingActionForward Word> ForwardTag word>
Frametag Word> GenericDataSource Word>
GetAttributeTag Word> Gettag Word> GetTag Word>
Globals Word> GreateRequaltag Word>
GreaterThantag Word> Headertag Word>
Headertei Word> Hiddentag Word> HTMLTAG Word>
i18nfactoryset word> ImageButtonBean WORD>
ImageTag Word> Imgtag Word>
ImportAttributeTag Word> Includaction Word>
IncludetAg Word> IncludeTei Word>
InitDefinitionStag Word> InsertTAG Word>
INSERTTAG Word> TagHandler Word> IteletAg Word> ItelettetElettei Word> IteratorAdapter Word>
JavaScriptValidatorTortAg Word> LabelValueBean Word>
Lessequaltag Word> LessThantag Word>
LinkTag Word> LookUpdispatchaction Word>
Matchtag Word> MaxLengthThexceedededException Word>
MenuItem Word> MessageResources Word>
MessageResourcesConfig word>
MessageResourcesFactory Word>
MessageSnotpresentTAG Word> MessagesPresentTag Word>
MessageStag Word> Messagestei Word>
MessageTag Word> ModuleConfig Word>
ModuleConfiguration Word> ModuleConfigIMPL Word>
ModuleConfigverifier Word> ModuleException Word>
MultiBoxTag Word> MultipartBoundaryInputStream Word>
MultipartElement Word> MultipartIterator Word>
MultipartRequestHandler Word>
MultipartRequestWrapper Word> MultipartValuestReam Word>
NestedemptyTytag Word> Nestedequaltag WORD>
NestedErrorStag Word> NestedFileTag Word>
NestedFormTag Word> NestedgreateRequaltag Word> Nestedgreaterthantag Word> NestedHidDentag Word>
NestedItemateTag Word> NestEdItemateTetei Word>
NESTEDLESSEQUALTAG Word> NestedLesSsthantag Word>
NestedLinkTag Word> NestedMatchTag Word>
NestedMessagesPresenttag Word> NESTEDMESSAGESTAG WORD>
NestedNoteQualTag Word> NESTEDNOTMATCHTAG Word>
NESTEDOptionsCollectionTag Word> NESTEDOptionStag Word>
NestedParentsupport Word> NESTEDPasswordTag Word>
NestedPropertySupport Word> EstedPropertyTag Word>
NestedRadiotag Word> NestedReference word>
NestedsizetAg Word> NestedSubmitTag Word>
NestedTagsupport Word> NestedTextaretag Word>
NestedTextTag Word> NestedWriteNestingTag Word>
NestedWritetag Word> NoopAction Word> NosuchdefinitionException Word> NotemptyTag Word>
Notequaltag Word> NOTMATCHTAG WORD>
NOTESENTTAG Word> OptionsCollectionTag WORD>
OptionStag Word> OptionTag Word> PageTag Word>
PageTei Word> ParameterTAG Word>
Parametertei Word> PasswordTag Word>
Pathattribute Word> Plugin Word>
PluginConfig Word> PluginSetPropertyRule Word>
PresentTAG Word> PropertyMessageResources Word>
PropertyMessageResourcesFactory Word> PutlistTAG Word>
PutlistTagParent Word> Puttag Word> Puttag Word>
PuttagParent Word> Radiotag Word>
RedirectingActionForward Word> RedirectTAG Word>
ReloadableDefinitionsFactory Word> ReloadDefinitionsAction
Word> RequestActionMapping Word> RequestProcessor Word>
RequestUtils Word> Resettag Word> Resources Word>
ResourceEtAg Word> ResourceTei WORD>
Responseutils Word> REWRITETAG WORD>
SELECTTAG Word> ServletContextWriter Word>
SessionActionMapping Word> SetActionMappingClassRule Word> SimpleMenuItem Word> Sirtag Word> SirtA Word>
StrutStag Word> Strutstei Word>
StrutsValidator Word> StrutsValidatorUtil Word>
SubmitTag Word> SwitchAction Word>
Tagutils Word> Textaretag Word> TextTAG Word>
TextTag Word> TilesAction Word>
TileSexception Word> TILESPLUGIN WORD>
TilesRequestProcessor Word> TilesSrvlet Word>
TilesUtil Word> TilesutiliMPL Word>
TilesUtilStrutsImpl Word> TilesUtilStrutsModulesImpl word
> UndyppedAttribute Word> UrlController Word>
UsettributeEtAg Word> UsettributeTei WORD>
ValidatorActionform Word> ValidatorForm Word>
ValidatorPlugin Word> ViewDefinitionSAction Word>
WriteTag Word> XHTMLTAG Word>
Xmlattribute Word> XmLDefinition WORD>
XmldefinitionsSet Word> XMllistAttribute Word>
XMLParser Word>