Personal resume vocabulary

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

Resume vocabulary Daquan profile name name alias alias pen name pen name date of birth date of birth birth date birth date born born in birth place of birth age age, native place native place province provincial city city autonomous region autonomous prefecture area county county nationality ethnicity, national citizenship dual nationality duel citizenship address current address address current address present address current address permanent address permanent address postal code zip code home phone home phone office phone office phone business phone office phone Tel. phone sex male female gender male female height weight height and weight marital status marital status, family status family status married married single / unmarried unmarried divorced divorced number of children separated Separated number of children none no street alley lane street, house number house health district health status lane road Road district health condition health of blood type blood type short-sighted Myopia Far-Sighted Farm Color-Blind Color ID Card No. ID Number Date of Availability Database & Sports President Vice-President President Vice-President Vice President Director Counters Standing Director Standing Director SECRETARY General Secretary General Society Association Association Association Research Association

Education education education education educational history educational background education curriculum courses major major minor minor educational highlights the key part of the course curriculum included courses include specialized courses specialized courses courses taken courses courses completed the special training courses specially trained social practice what they have learned social practice part -time jobs job summer jobs summer jobs holiday vacation jobs working refresher course refresher courses extracurricular activities extracurricular activities physical activities sports activities recreational activities recreational activities academic activities academic activities social activities social activities rewards scholarship award scholarships "Three Goods" student roll student excellent League member outstanding members excellent leader of outstanding cadres student council students off-job training full-time training in-job training job training educational system schooling academic year academic semester semester (US) vice-president, vice president term semester (UK) president president dean dean assistant dean professor, associate professor professor professor associate provost department chairman Dean, vice president of academic dean guest professor visiting professor lecturer lecturer teaching assistant teaching assistant research fellow researcher research assistant principal research assistant supervisor thesis advisor Secondary school principals (US) headmaster Secondary school principals (English) Master Primary School President (US)

dean of studies provost dean of students headmaster dean of students headmaster teacher teacher probation teacher substitute teachers tutor tutor governess governess intelligence quotient IQ pass pass fail fail marks score grades scores scores scores examination exam grade-grade class class monitor monitor vice-monitor the vice squad commissary in charge of studies commissary commissary in charge of entertainment Civic members commissary in charge of sports sports members commissary in charge of physical labor labor members Party branch secretary of Party branch secretary of the League branch secretary league secretary commissary in charge of organization organization members commissary in charge of publicity propaganda committee member post doctorate degree degree Bachelor of postdoctoral doctor, Dr. (Ph.D) Master master bachelor student graduate student graduate student abroad student students returned student returning student foreign student foreign student undergraduate college senior senior undergraduates Student; third-year student at high school third-year students; second-year student at high school second-year student, University of High School, University of High School; High School First-year Student Freshman University First Part of Guest Student (Ying) Auditor, listening to students (US) Government-Supported Student Flag Health CommONer Self-Fisheng EXTERN Walking Student Day-Student Walking Students Intern Intern Prize Fellow Scholarship Boarder Home Site Classmate Tongban Schoolmat e-class students Graduate Graduate

Work experience Accomplish completion (task, etc.) Achievements work achievement, performance adapted TO adapts to ADEPT INTMINISTER Management Advanced Worker Advance Worker Analyze Analysis Appointed Appointed Assist Assist Assist Auxiliary Authorized appointed; Approved Be Proposed To is upgraded to be proposed as was nominated for; be recommended as behave performance breakthrough remarkable progress, solve break the key issues of the record to break the record business background experience business experience work experience business history work experience conduct business, process control control cost costs; reduce costs create create decrease demonstrate proved that the design develop demonstration design and development, play evise design, direct guidance double invention doubles the double duties responsibilities earn get to earn effect effect, eliminate the role of the elimination of employment experience experience work experience employment work employment record enlarge expand enliven enliven enrich the Enrich Establish (company, etc.); make the opening; establish an evataration valuation, evaluate Excellent Party Member Excellent member Excellent Party Member Excellent Party members Execute implementation, implementing Expand promotion; expand Expedite speed; promotion Experience Explloit Development (Resources, Products) Export Exit Found Creating GENERATE GOUD AT is good at guide guidance; manipulating import import Improve Improvement, Improve IMPORT Improve Improvement, Improve Increase Influence Impact Initiate Initiate Found, Create Innovate Reform, Reproduction Inspired Inspired; Enjuditive Install Install Integrate Make Integrated Introducture Inves Inves Invest Invest Investing Job Title Justified Proven; Legal Launch Opening (New Enterprise) Lead Leaders Lengthen Extension Lessen Reduces (Production Cost) Level Level Localize MAINTAIN Keeping; Maintenance Make Manage Management, Operating Manufacture MODERNIZE manufacturing MASTERED makes modern Motivate promotes, stimulates NEGOTIATE negotiation nominated nominated; appointed Occupational History work experience Operate operation, start (machine, etc.), operate (factory ore) Organize organizational Originate, invent Overcome overcome (difficult, etc.) Participate in participates in Perfect to improve;

Improve Perform execution, fulfill Plan Plan Position Position Professional History Professional Experience Professional Professional Professional Professional Profitation Promote Production, Production Promote Sales (Commod); Found (Enterprise), etc., supply RAISE to improve REACH reach realize implementation (goal, etc.); Profit) Receive received, received, received Recognize recognition (responsibilities, etc.) Recommended is recommended; Reconsolidate is reinprised; re-rectify Reconstruct reconstructing RecOrded recorded Recover recovery; make up for Rectify rectification, adjust Redouble, double reduction, Reduce (cost, etc.) refine refinement, refine Reform reform regenerate update, so that the regrietry registered Regularize makes systemized regular control (cost, etc.) Rehandle recycled; re-processing Rehash Procedure (old material) Reinforce Reinforce Calculation ( Cost, etc.) Renew rebuild, replacement renovate innovation; repair RePair repair, patch replace, replace Representative Representative, agent Research investigation, study resolve Resolve Resolve Resolve Resolve Resolve SECOND JOB Second Occupation Set Creation (Record, etc.) Settle Solution (Issue, etc.) Shorten reduced ... Effective show display, indicating that Significant is important, effective simplify simplified, streamline SOLVE Solving Sort Out cleaning SPECIFIC Experience Specific experience SPREED UP Acceleration Sponsor sponsored spread spread, expand STANDARD standard, Specifications streamline ... ... Design streamline stunthen strengthening, consolidating Study Research Succeed Success SuperVise Supervision, Managing Supply Supply, Meeting (Need) Systematize Make Systematize Turbs, Test Test Test, Test Top First, That Total Total, Total TRANSLATE Translation, transforming Travel travel unify makes it integral, unified USE use, use useful useful Utilize uses valuable Vivify to make active Work History work experience Work work work, work for working model labor Model Worth makes ... money, there is ...

Personal quality Able, active, active Active, active Adaptable adaptive adroit dexterity, anensis AGGRESSIVE has advanced ALERT MTR 灵 Ambitious Amibitious Amiable Amicable friendly Analytical is good at analyzing AppRehensive Understanding aspiring is ambiguous, with ambitious Audacious bold, adventurous Capable has the ability, talented Careful Carefully Candid orthored CHARITABLE Wide Competence can be competent confident confident consCIENTIENTIUS, Self-conscious considerate thoughtful constructive constructive contemplative. Pensive Coooperative has a spirit of Creative Creative dashing has a stranded, a hard-working dedicated dedication devoted has a decendable dependable reliable diplomatic, DISCIPLINED discipline discreet (in action, speaking, etc.) cautious Dutiful diced Dynamic Earnest carefully Well-Educated Efficient Efficient ENERGETIC Energent Enthusiastic Entreficial Expressive is good at expressing Faithful EXPRESSIVE Trustful, loyal forceful (personality) strong FRANK straightforward, sincere friendly friendly frugal simple generous wide macro gENTEEL has a well-cultivated Gentle courteous hard-working HEARTABLE full Honest honest hospitable attentive Humble Slope Humorous Humorous Impartial Jun's Industrious Diligent Ingenious Has Or Original Initiative First Spirit Have An Incuiring Mind Love Brain Intellective Intelligent Intelligent Comprehension INV Entive has inventive, creative Just, Knowledgeable, good-hearted knowledgeable, a knowledgeable Learned masterpiece, Liberal card, wide, big logical, a clear, Loyal, generic, Methodical, MODEST, modest, modest Objective objective open-minded 虚 虚 有 独 性

selfless selfless sensible hard practical actual precise meticulous persevering persevering punctual punctuality purposeful strong-willed qualified qualified rational rational realistic pragmatic reasonable reason of reliable trustworthy responsible responsible self-conscious self-conscious sensible Sincere Sincere Smart Smart Spirited Animal Sporting Bright Spiritual Steady Straightforward Homer Strict Stringent Systematic Strong-Willed Will Strong Sweet-Tempered Winter Temperate Stable Tireless Turnout Other Content

objective target career objective career goals employment objective goals position wanted hope post job objective goals position applied for Work position sought for the post of position desired wish positions for more specialized work for more specialized work for prospects of promotion to promotion prospects for higher Responsibility For the higher level of work responsibility for Wider Experience for expanding work experience Due to Close-Down of Company Due to CLOSE-Down of Company Due to the company's closed Due to EXPIRY OF EMPLOYMENT Because of the more challenging job opportunities for employment a more challenging Opportunity Sought a Better Job found a better work to look for a more challenging Opportunity to find a more challenging job opportunity To seek a better job to find a better job


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