MYSQL4 Installing Client Does Not Support Authentication Protocol Requested Problem Solution

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  50

MYSQL4 Installing Client Does Not Support Authentication Protocol Requested Problem Solution

Today, I upgraded a MySQL database, and the following error occurred: Client Does Not Support Authentication Protocol Requester; Consider Upgrading MySQL Client

Upgrade to version 4.1.7: [root @ Eygle GBOOK] # mysql -uroot -p -heygleEnter Password: Welcome to the mysql monitor. Commands end with; or /g.Your mysql connection ID is 44 to Server Version: 4.1.7 -max

Type 'help;' or '/ h' for help. Type '/ c' to clear the buffer.


Query it, discovery the solution in the official website:

A total of two solutions:


MySQL> Set Password for-> 'Some_User' @ 'Some_Host' = Old_Password ('newpwd');


MySQL> update mysql.user set password = Old_password ('newpwd') -> where host = 'some_host' and user = 'some_user'; mysql> flush privilege

This problem is solved using the second method.


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