Using ADSL under Linux

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  48

Beijing Telecom's ADSL uses PPPoE dialing, so you must use ADSL under Linux to install PPPoE client software. The following explains how to install: This article is based on Redhat Linux 6.2 as an experimental platform, and the Linux installation method of other platforms can refer to the step of installing from the source code. First, the prerequisite of the installation 1. Make sure the NIC is installed and the normal use command #ifconfig eth0 View NIC status 2. Do not set the default route (gateway) in the system, let the ADSL dialing After you have set the default route, use The following method is deleted: Delete the gateway = this line in the file / etc / sysconfig / network, then execute with root: # / etc / rc.d / init.d / network restart 3. Already installed PPPD packages If there is file / USR / SBIN / PPPD, the PPPD has been installed; if not installed, install the PPP-2.3.11-4.i386.rpm on the Redhatlinux 6.2 installation CD, install the PPPoe client Linux under Linux PPPoE customers There are more terminal software, and most of which use GNU License, we recommend using RP-PPPoe packages. From This website, not only the binary package of RP-PPPoE under the Redhat 62 platform can be planted, but also the planting source code package. 1. Installation of binary packages: A. Add binary package B. Mounting with root execution: # rpm -uvh RP-PPPOE-3.2-1.i386.rpm 2. Install from source code: Installing from source code equally Linux for other platforms, but must install GCC compilers in the Linux system. A. Lower planting source code package B. Decompression #TAR XVFZ RP-PPPOE-3.2.TAR.GZ #CD RP-PPPoe -3.2 C. Compile and install and run the script #. / GO will automatically compile and install, finally, call / usr / sbin / adsl-setup for configuration, see three. Third, after configuring the PPPoE client software After installing the package, you must configure the PPPoE profile /etc/ppp/pppoE.conf to make the username, password, etc. in the configuration file when the ADSL dial is allowed.

We don't have to manually change this file, you can configure this tool using ADSL-SETUP: # / usr / sbin / adsl-setup When the appearance >>> Enter Your PPPoE User Name: Enter the user name of the ADSL account appears >>> Enter T Ethernet Interface Connected to the ADSL MODEM for Solaris, this Is Likey to Be Something Like / dev / hme0. For Linux, IT Will Be Ethn, WHERE 'N' IS A Number. (Default Eth0): Enter eth0, this is connected to ADSL Net card name When you appear >>> Enter the demand value (Default NO): Enter no When you appear >>> Enter The DNS Information Here: Enter Server, this means that the DNS server IP address that is automatically obtained using ADSL dial-up is >> > Please enter your pppoe password: Enter the password of the ADSL account When you appear >>> CHOOSE A TYPE OF FIREWALL (0-2): Enter 0 If the input information is correct, enter Y, complete the configuration, otherwise, enter N re-enter. Fourth, start the PPPoE client software to start the PPPoE client software using the command / usr / sbin / adsl-start, connect, if successful, will appear; if it is not successful, please check the network cable, ADSL MODEM and other physical devices, and view / Information / USR / SBIN / ADSL-STOP Close and ISP Connection / USR / SBIN / ADSL-Status View the status of the current connection If you want to start the ADSL connection when you want to start in the Linux system, enter the following command #CHKCONFIG --ADD ADSL will join the ADSL's self-start script in the current run level. After the connection is successful, use command #ifconfig -a in the output should contain a bunch of information about PPP0, which is also bound. IP address, the IP address has been obtained from the dial. Use the command #NetStat -nr to view routing table information, the default route should be the IP address obtained above. If there is no default route, we can manually add: #ROUTE Add Default GW The IP address acquired above Use the command #nslookup If the IP of Sina is parsed, the DNS server is finally obtained from the dialing. Use the command ping a domain name or IP, if there is a response, indicating that you have already gone.


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