Common English Proverbs Essence

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

All is flour what comes to his mill. It can be milled into his grind.

ALL IS Not at Hand That Helps. Useful things are not all playable

All is not lost this is in danger. In dangerous things may not be lost

ALL IS Well That Ends Well. The result is good. Ji people

All men are mortal. People are not dead.

ALL MEN Cannot Be First. It is impossible to have a first place.

ALL One "s Geese Are Swans.

All rivers run into the sea. Baichuan into the sea.

All roads lead to rome. Tarios Tong Rome.

All "s fish That comes to his net. It is fish in the network.

All Shall Be Well, Jack Shall Have Jill. Valentinens

All The Treasures of the Earth Would NOT BRING Back One Lost Moment. The chance lost no longer, thousands of wishes

All the wit in the world is not in one head.

All wisdom in the world cannot focus on a head

All the world "s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. The whole world is a stage, male and female, actors

All Things Are Difficult Before They Are Easy.

Everything is difficult

All things are easy. Are Done willingly. Doing things, everything is easy

All things are obedient to money. Money can make ghosts

All things will come round to him who will but wait.

As long as you are patient, everything will be pressed.

All time is no time when it is paste.

All truths are not to be told. Truth is not all clear

All Work and No Play; All Play and no Work Makes Jack a mere boy.

Only work, don't play, smart children want to be silly; do it, don't learn, smart children have no interest

Although It Rains, Throw Not away Your Watering Pot.

Even if the world is rain, take the kettle.

Always Taking Out of The Meal-Tub and Never Putting in, Soon Comes To The Bottom. Sitting on the Mountain


Girls have a lot of marriages often selected the worst one.

A maid That laughs is half taken. Teen girl is smileering, marriage and semi-complete

A man alone is each a saint or a devil.

People who are alone can be sanzies, but also for demon

A man apt to promise is apt to forget. Device is easy to forget

A Man Can Die But Once. Life is only one death.

Everything is only possible.

A Man Can Never Thrive Who Had a Wasteful Wife.

Wife is wasting, the husband will not come to a man cannot serve two masters. One servant can't matter.

A man can not spin and reel at the same time. One heart can not be used

A man cannot whistle and drink at He Same Time. Can't use

A Man Has Two Ears and One Mouth That He May Hear Much and Speak Little. There are two ears, just to listen to more

Books, Like Friends, SHOULD BE FEW AND WELL Chosen.

Books such as friends, should be less

Borrowed Garments Never Fit Well. Borrowed clothes do not fit

Brave Actions Never Want a trumpet. Brave behavior does not need to blow

Bread is The Staff of Life. People eat food

Brevity is the soul of wit.

Bring up a raven and he "LL Pick Out your EYES.

Burn Not Your House To Rid It of The Mouse.

Burnt Child Dreads The Fire. A snake bite, ten years of afraid of the well rope

Business Before Pleasure. The career is in the first, and you will enjoy it.

Business is business.

Business Is The Salt of Life. Salt of the business.

Business Makes a man as well as Tries Him.

Business May Be Troublesome, But Idleness Is Pernicious. Career is disturbing, lazy torrential

Business Neglected is Business Lost. It is equivalent to losing business

Business Sweetens Pleasure, And Labour Sweetens REST.

After work, pastime is more enjoyable, rest after labor is more comfortable.

By doing we learn. After a matter, long.

By falling we learn to go safely. Eat a meal, long wisdom.

By Gambling We Lose Both Time and Treasure, Two Things MOST Precious To The Life of Man.

Gambling makes us lose time and money, which is the most precious thing in the two people.

By Other "S Faults, Wise Men Correct Their Own. That stone, you can attack jade

BY CONVERSATION We Polish It. Reading can make my thoughts and conversation make it more perfect.

By The Hands of Many A Great Work Made Light.

Writing from Writing Middle School.

Better Wear Out Than Rust Out. It's better to be busy with it.

Better wit Than wealth. Intelligence is better than wealth.

Between Friends All Is Common. Friends are not divided into each other.

Between Two Stools One Falls to the Ground. The foot of the foot is empty

Beware of a man of one book. Don't argue with a person with expertise

BEWARE OF A Silent Dog and Still Water. Be wary of silent dogs will bite, calm water will come.

BEWARE OF HIM WHO Regards Not His Reputation.

Be aware of the people who don't have to weigh your reputation

Big mouthfuls ofter choke. Greedy chewing is not bad.

Bind The Sack Before It Be Full. It should be appropriate.

BiRDS of a feather flock together. Type, people with population.

Birth is much, but beding is more.

Of course, it is more important and important.

Bite Off More Than One Can CHEW. Gluttest.

Bite the Hand That Feeds One. Ethians.

Bitter Pills May Have WholeSome Effects.

Good medicine suffering

Blessed Is He Who EXPECTS NOTHING, FOR He Shall Never Be disappointed. People do not ask for the most popular, because he is not disappointing

BLIND MEN CAN JUDGE NO COLOURS. It is not easy to ask blindness.

Blood Is Thicker Than Water. Blood is full of water.

Blood will have blood. Blood debts should be used to use blood.

Be honest Rather Clever. Honest is more important than smart.

Being on sea, soil; being on land, settle.

BE Just to All, But Trust Not ALL.

To treat all people just, but don't trust everyone.

Believe no tales from the enemy.

Believe Not All That You See Nor Half What You Hear.

I can't believe in my me, I can't believe in half a letter.

Believe Somebody On His Bare Word.

Don't be credible.

Benefits Please Like Flowers, While They is Fresh.

Enza is happy, like flowers to make people feel drunk.

BE PREPARED to Put One "S Hand in One" s Pocket.

Prepare generosity.

Slow in choosing a friend; slower

Choose a friend to be cautious, abandoning more important.

Be Slow to Promise and Quick to Perform. Not light, Nuo

Be swift to hear, Slow to speak.

Better a Bachelor "s Life Than A Slovenly Wife.

Life, better than a wife

Better A Glorious Death Than A Shameful Life.

Being humiliated, greedy is not as glorious.

Better a Little Fire to Warm US, Than a Great One to Burn US. The right amount of hot warm, the bears are burned.

Better an egg Today Than a Hen Tomorrow.

Although the future is far, the reality is especially expensive.

Better an Empty Purse Than An Empty Head.

Ning better money bags, don't blame your head.

Better An Open Enemy Than A False Friend.

Ming gun is easy to hide, dark arrows are difficult to prevent.

Better Are Small Fish Than An Empty Dish. It is worse than Better Be Alone Than in Bad Company. Merchants are not as good as friends.

Better be out of the world than out of fashion.

Do not take the trend, not as if it is separated from the world

DON "T Speak All you know, but know all you speak.

Don't make a word, but I have to know what I do.

Don "T Teach your Grandmother to suck eggs.

Have a break

DON "T throw out your dirty water before get in Fresh. Qingshui is not playing, the stack is Mo lost

DON "T Trouble Trouble Until Trouble Troubles you.

Don't self find trouble

DON "T WHISTLE Until you are out of the wood.

Don't get out of danger, don't be too happy

Do One "s Level Best. Trying to

Doubt is the key of knowge. Suspected that the key is the key

Do Well is worse than Say Well. It's better to do so good.

Downy Lips Make Thoughtness Slips. No hair on your mouth, no work

Draw Not Your Bow Till Your Arrow Is Fixed.

Never prepare, do not move

Draw Water with a sieve. Bamboo basket is empty

Dreams Go by Contraries. Dream is always opposite

Drive your business, do not let it drive you.

To promote your business, don't let your business to promote you

Drop by Drop The Oceans Are Filled; Stone by Stone The Walls Are Built, Drops

Drowning Man Will Catch At a straw. People in drowning also have to catch

Drunken Days Have All Their Tomorrows.

Today, the day, tomorrow, feld to the poor

Drunkenness Reveals What Sobernes CONCEALS.

Dumb dogs are dangerous. Dumb duckle is the most fierce

Dying is as natural as living. Death is as natural as survival

Dogs Wag Their Tails Not So Much in Love To you as your break. Dog shake tail, love is bread

Doing is better touring.

Do I in rome as the romans do.

Do Not All You CAN, Spend Not All you have; beelieve not all you hear; and tell not all you know.

Don't spend all the best, don't spend all, don't let us know, don't justice

Do Not Cut Down The Tree That Gives You Shade.

Don't forget

Do Not Despise your enemy.

Do Not Give A Dog Bread Every Time HE Wags His Tail.

Don't be seeking

Do Not Praise a day before sunset. Don't be too early

Do Not Run Too Fast After Gain. Don't see the profit

Do Not Speak of Your Happiness To One Less Fortunate Than Yourself. Don't tell your happiness or do not swap horses When Crossing a stream.

In the crisis, it is not appropriate to be more

Do No..............

Don't give up freedom because of afraid of poor

Do Not to Others What You do Not Wish Them To Do Not You. Don't do it, don't do it to others

Do Not Wash Dirty Linen in Public. Is home ugly unusual.

Don "T Cast Out The Foul Water Till You Bring in The Clean. Qingshui Future, Mo Pang Water

DON "T cross the bridgetill you get to it. Don't worry

Don "t fly till you wings are feathered. Feather is not rich

Don "T Halloo Till You Are Out of The Wood.

Don't be free to cheer

Don "T Put Off Till Tomorrow What Should Be Done Today.

Today, I have finished today.


Diamond Cuts Diamond. Strong is more strong

Diet Cures More Than The Doctor. Pharmaceutical is not as good as food supplement

Diligence is Near Success. Diligence is almost successful

Diligence is The Mother of success. Diligent is the mother of success

Discontent is the first step in progress. It is not known to the first step in progress.

Disease, Enemy, And Debt --These Three Must Be Cut Off AS Soon as The Begin To Grow. Disease, Qi and Bundry, I cut off

Disease of the Soul More Dangerous THOSE OF THE BODY. Disease on the soul is more dangerous than the disease.

Diseses Come on Horseback, But Go Away on Foot.

The disease is like a mountain, sick

Do As Most Men Do And Men Will Speak Well of Thee.

For the public, the audience boasts

DO Business, But Be Not a Slave To IT.

To do things, but don't do a slave.

Dog Does Not Eat Dog. Don't hurt the class

Dogs That Bark At A Distance Bite Not At Hand.

The dog is called the dog, will not always bite people

Danger is next neighbour to security. Danger is a secure neighbor

Danger itself is the best remedy for danger.

The danger itself is the best way to deal with danger

Dead Men Tell No Taales. The dead will not move

Death is The Grand Leveller. Everyone must die, everyone is the same.

Death Meets US Everywhere. Death is everywhere.

Death pays all debts. People die hundreds of debts.

Death When IT Comes Will Have No Denial.

When death is coming, no resistance

Debt is better Than Death. The liabilities are summarized than death. DEEDS Are Fruits; Words Are But Leaves. Action is fruit, the speech is only leaves

Deeds are Males, And Words Are Females. 柔 柔 无 无 无,,

Deep Rivers Move In Silence, Shallow Brooks Are Noisy.

Deep water is quiet, shallow stream flow.

DELAYS Are Dangerous. Sitting and missing opportunities must be worried.

Deliberate Before You Begin, Then Execute with Vigour.

Be careful before starting, implementation to be decisive

Deliberating is not delaying. Be cautious is not delay

Deliver not Your Words by Number But by Weight.

Not in many words, but in things

Depend On Others and You ALWAYS RETINT. Relying on others to regret

Despair gives courage to a coward. People are rushing, dogs hasty

Tree strikes.

Devil Must Be Driven Out with Devils.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. The trouble of a friend is a real friend.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Facts are better than

All is not gold what glitters. The flash is not necessarily gold

An IDLE YOUTH, A NEEDY AGE. Less and unhappy, the old man is sad

Bitter Pills May Have WholeSome Effects. Good medicine

Do Wrong once and you "ll never hear the end of it. One lost, thousands of hates

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining.

Every Man Has His Fault.

First Come, First Served.

Haste Makes Waste. The speed is not reached

Honesty is the best policy. Honest

In Fair Weather Prepare for Foul.

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power

Let Bygones Be Bygone.

Look before you leap. Think twice

MAN proposes, god disposes. Square in people, a business event

Money Talks. Money Universal

No Gains without Pains. Eat bitterness

Practice Makes Perfect.

Silence is Golden. Offer is not as good as hiding

Speak Well of Your Friend, Of Your Enemy Say Nothing. Hidden evil

Take Things as They Come.

The Ear1y Bird Catches the Worm. First come first served

Time and Tide Wait for no man. Years are not forgiving

To Burn The Cand1e at Both Ends.

To Count One "S Chickens Before They Are Hatch.

To make a mountain out of a molehill.

Too Many Cooks Spoil Tbe Broth.

Well Begun Is Half Done. Half-mexion When you are in rome, do as the romans do.

Where there is life, there is stayed on the green hill, not afraid of non-mens.


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