Win2000 Apache + PHP + JSP + MySQL + PHPADMIN full configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

win2000 under APACHE PHP JSP MYSQL PHPADMIN fully configured November 30, 2004 Author: yxm from: http: // Win Apache PHP MySQL Tcomcat phpMyAdmin required software list: (This includes the following software version is complete) JAKARTA-TOMCAT-5.0.29.EXE APAMCAT-5.0.29.EXE APACHE_2.0.52-Win32-X86-NO_SSL.EXE J2SDK1.4.1 .exe mod_jk_1.2.6_2.0.50.dll mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar Start installation: 1. APAHCE PHP MYSQL installation configuration 1. Install apache_2.0.52-win32 -x86-no_ssl, press the prompt settings to install the path as needed (my path is D: / usr /). After the installation is complete, if the Apache directory is moved, the parameters below Apache2 are must be changed, modify the configuration file httpd.conf under the Apache Configuration Directory confation, this example is D: /usR/apache2/conf/httpd.conf 1) ServerRoot: APChe's program (this example is D: / usr / apache2) (2) ServerAdmin: server administrator E-mail (3) port: Service port, default 80 (4) ServerName: Computer network ID , Must be consistent with the actual, otherwise some problems that can appear (5) DocumentRoot: Default web file directory (this example is D: / usr / www) (6) DirectoryIndex: Default page, add PHP support, (This is, for example, Next) DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.php3 index.php4 (7) Scriptalias (script alias), CGI program scriptalias / cgi-bin "D: / usr / apache2 / cgi-bin" 2. Install PHP-5.0.2-Win32 decompression, decompression path custom (this example is D: / usr / php5). 3. Configure PHP and Apache so that it can analyze the PHP program.

PHP configuration: Renname "php.ini-dist" in the PHP directory, and modify php.ini as follows: (1) DOC_ROOT: HTDOCS of Apache, this example is D: / usr / www (2) EXTENSION_DIR This example is D: / usr / php5 / ext (3) include_path This example is D: / usr / php5 / incrudes (4) remove the semicolon in front of the extension = php_mysql.dll, and copy the PHP directory Libmysql.dll file to c: / winnt / system32 apache configuration: Add the following statement to the Apache configuration file to support PHP program: addlanguage zh-cn .cn defaultlanguage en-cn adddefaultcharset GB2312 Scriptalias / PHP / D: / USR / PHP5 / "LOADFILE D: /USR/PHP5/php5ts.dll loadModule php5_module d: /usr/php5/php5apache2.dll phpinidir d: /usr/php5/php.ini addtype application / x-httpd-php .php. PHP3 .php4 .phtml addtype application / x-httpd-php-source .PHPS These adds the content directory section and the actual inconsistent self-modification 4. Restart the Apache server, write the following statement with the editor: Save the file name "Test.php" to the user home directory (this example is the D: / USR / WWW) directory, then open the browser Browse: http://localhost/test.php, the basic information of PHP will explain the configuration success. 5. Install mysql-4.0.12-win, press "Next" to successfully install, then execute "winmysqladmin.exe" in the c: / mysql / bin directory, the initial information of MySQL appears, indicating that the installation is successful.

6, install phpMyadmin to extract to a directory, this example is D: / usr / phpmyadmin, enter the directory profile Modify $ CFG ['PMABSOLURI'] HTTP: / / localhost / phpMyadmin modifies $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['Auth_Type'] = 'cookie'; modify $ cfg ['blowfish_secret'] = 'admin'; modify $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I ] ['user'] Modify $ CFG ['Servers'] for mysql users [$ I] ['password'] is the basic content of the phpMyAdmin configuration, and other configurations are edited as needed to edit Apache profile httpd.conf Finally, add the following statement: php_admin_flag engine on php_admin_flag safe_mode off Alias ​​/ phpMyAdmin "d: / usr / phpMyAdmin" DirectoryIndex index.php Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow, deny Allow from all php_admin_flag ENGINE ON PHP_ADMIN_FLAG SAFE_MODE OFF PHP_ADMIN_VALUE OPEN_BASEDIR NONE PHP_ADMIN_VALUE OPEN_BASEDIR "D: / usr / phpMyadmin" The above directory path portion is modified according to actual needs. 7. Test Apache PHP MySQL Enter http: // localhost / phpMyAdmin if the phpmyAdmin information appears successfully. Second, install JDK and Tomcat 1. Install Jrawarta-Tomcat-5.0.29.EXE after installing J2SDK1.4.1, and JDK installation must be done before Tomcat.

This example is installed to D: / usr / 2. Copy mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar files to the J2SDK subdirectory lib and tomcat subdirectory COMMON / LIB, copy mod_jk_1.2.6_2.0.50.dll to Apache subdirectory Moud 3. Configuring Apache Tomcat JSP (1) Add loadModule JK_Module modules / mod_jk_1.2.6_2.0.50.dll JkWorkersfile "D: / usr / tomcat 5.0 / conf /" after apache configuration file JKMount / servlet / * ajp13 jkmount /*.jsp AJP13 (2) New D: / usr / tomcat 5.0 / conf / content is as follows: workers.catalina_home = D: / usr / tomcat 5.0 workers.java_home = D: /usr/j2sdk1.4 ps = / # worker.list = ajp13 worker.list = ajp12, ajp13 worker.ajp12.port = 8007 = localhost worker.ajp12.type = ajp12 worker.ajp12.lbFactor = 1 worker.ajp13.port = 8009 = localhost worker.ajp13.type = ajp13 worker.ajp13.lbfactor = 1 worker.loadbalancer.type = lb worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers = ajp12, ajp13 worker.inprocess. Type = jni worker.inprocess.class_path = $ (workers.catalina_home) $ (ps) class. in inprocess.class_path = $ (workers.catalina_home) $ (PS) lib $ (ps) jaxp.jar worker.inprocess.class_path = $ (Worke Rs.catalina_Home $ (PS) LIB $ (PS) Parser.jar worker.inprocess.class_path = $ (workers.catalina_home) $ (ps) Common $ (ps) lib $ (ps) jasper.jar worker.inprocess.class_path = $ (workers.catalina_home) $ (PS) COMMON $ (PS) LIB $ (PS) servlet.jar worker.inprocess.class_path = $ (workers.catalina_home) $ (PS) COMMON $ (PS) LIB $ (PS) Webserver.jar worker.inprocess.class_path = $ (workers.java_home) $ (ps) lib $ (ps) Tools.jar worker.inprocess.cmd_line = -config worker.inprocess.cmd_line = $ (workers.catalina_home) / conf / JNI_Server.xml worker.inprocess.cmd_line = -home worker.inprocess.cmd_line = $ (workers.catalina_home) worker.inprocess.jvm_lib =

$ (workers.java_home) $ (PS) JRE $ (PS) BIN $ (PS) Classic $ (PS) JVM.dll Worker.inProcess.stdout = $ (Workers.catalina_Home) $ (PS) Inprocess.stdout Worker.inProcess .stderr = $ (workers.catalina_home) $ (ps) inProcess.stderr worker.inprocess.sysprops = tomcat.home = $ (workers.catalina_home) (3) Set environment variables (desktop -> My Computer -> Right click - > Select "Properties" -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables) The content is as follows: /usr/j2sdk1.4 (variable) Path (Variable Name).;% Java_home / bin; (variable Value) Catalina_Home D: / usr / tomcat 5.0 (Variable) Catalina_base (Variable Name) D: / USR / Tomcat 5.0 (Variable) CALSSPATH (Variable Name).;% Java_home% libdt.jar;% java_home % libtools.jar;% catalina_home% commonlibservlet.jar (Variable value) (5) Edit the server.xml file under Tomcat / Conf, add the following 转载请注明原文地址:

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