Excellent learning resource site highlights

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  48

★ Excellent network security site highlights ★ Now, many of the Internet have important information on the interview, collection, interception, and destroying network users. All kinds of operating systems exist, the popularity of bugs or viruses has contributed to the above invasion or destroying behavior. But after all, there are people who have a sense of justice, and those who have been proficient in network security technologies have opened a lot of network security sites online, dynamically report the latest network security information, and provide many network security software for users to download. ★ System Security ★ UNIX System Security Service URL: www.alw.nih.gov provides security protection software for UNIX systems, some of which can also be run on other system platforms. These software include COPS, CRACK, NPASSWD, PASSWD, PGP, SOCKS, TRIPWIRE, and more.

★ Encryption technology ★

Password (Ciphers) URL: www.chiever.com/crypto.html If you want to send a secret message, you don't have time to create a smart password, you can find this password online. Although they are not completely secret, they are definitely smart. Maybe you are fortunate to meet a password that has not been seen yet.

Encryption Technology and Standard Website: www.rsa.com There are currently more than 1 billion products that use RSA encryption and reliability technology all over the world.

Password archive URL: www.austinlinks.com/crypto This has a summary list of password information on the Internet. If you are very serious about your password, you can include this site in your bookmark list. If you don't put it so much, you can also include this site in your list. It will leave your friends to be impressed.

Password software URL: crpto.swdev.co.nz If you need some password software, there are some procedures for free downloading and use: PPK, TEA, PGP, Tiny, IDEA, and SPC. All these programs are very secure. Try a try all the procedures to see which one is your favorite.

AT & T's secure encryption product website: www.att.com/secure_software AT & T provides state-of-the-art, Standards-Complaint Data Security Software and Toolkit, including SecretAgent, DSA Signature Software (DSA Signal Software ), Cryptographic Development Kits (Password Generation Tool).

★ hacker prevention ★

Fujian Strait Science and Technology Information Center Website: www.netpower.com.cn provides "hacker" intrusion prevention software ---- SECTOOL.

Beijing Bei Xinyuan Automation Technology Co., Ltd. URL: www.vrv.com.cn provides Novell Security Defense System Antihack 1.10.

★ Computer security organization, manufacturer ★

International Computer Security Federation: www.icsa.net is interested in Internet security issues, you can visit the US Computer Security Federation (NCSA) site. Here you will see more information about the US Computer Security Federation, including meetings, training, product certification and safety warnings. From here you can also connect to sites related to Internet security issues online.

US Network Alliance Global Website Website: www.nai.com contains the latest media news and reports, main department architecture, functions and contact methods, product information, support services, free software downloads, upgrades, and data updates, online ordering, market A large amount of relevant information such as strategy, partners. In addition, NAI Chinese website www.nai.com/china will also be officially promulgated in the recent.

Secure Computing Corporation URL: Www.sctc.com Network Security Company. Products include: firewall Internet information monitoring and filtration, authentication, authorization, auditing, and encryption technology.

Century Internet Communication Technology Co., Ltd. Website: NST.CENPOK.NET Century Internet Communication Technology Co., Ltd. is the United States Kyberpass China's business development partner, and the sales of Kyberpass safety products in China. Kyberpass is a company specializing in network security products developed in the United States. Its representative products are intelligent enterprise VPN systems. The product has been widely used in the network office, which effectively guarantees information security and encryption of network e-commerce. ActiveCard URL: www.activecard.com ActiveCard is a company specializing in network financial products, aspects of comprehensive identification and electronic identification technology, providing software and portable, hand-made network system devices. In terms of network security, there is a special security product for online online banking, local / off-site access.

ALADDIN website: www.aks.com Aladdin Knowledge System is one of the world's most important security systems. His network security solutions include Esafe, ETOKEN, ASE, and so on. The ESAFE provides "from the desktop to the gateway" anti-network virus and anti-"VANDALS" - active malicious procedures, solutions to avoid data damage or important information (such as password, credit card details, etc.).

MCI WorldCom.com/services_for_bussiness MCI Worldcom is a company that produces advanced network security software, which includes Internet-VPN services for Microsoft Windows and NT systems. Given that MCI Worldcom is exciting in the Digital Communications meeting, I believe that the comprehensive, system of Internet, intranet, VPN, host, and e-commerce solutions will satisfy each of the large industrial communities depends on global Internet applications.

Argus URL: argus.cu-online.com Argus provides security products and services for UNIX operating systems. His safety products mainly include Decafe, Solaris security model and high credibility.

Arthur Andersen URL: Www.arthurandersen.com This company's computer risk management (CRM) helps customer audit system information, grasping risk, conducting security production services, thus handling security issues and information control issues. CRM services help customers estimate and manage business risks related to application technology, and help customer assessment, development and application of appraisal tasks for business systems, such as e-commerce, network security, and 2000 issues.

Atlantic website: www.atlantic.com This computer technology group company is an Internet consultation company specializing in Internet Security and Network Auditing. The company provides security solutions, managing networks, and firewall services, providing audits and external routing support for network redundancy. Atlantic supports a variety of brands of firewalls, including firewalls suitable for a variety of UNIX and Windows NT structures, and specific quotations can be found in this website. Atlantic also provides firewall management services, with the latest products: Atlantic VPN (Virtual Private Networking) and FireWall-1.

Blue Lance Website: www.blueelance.com The company is a company that produces security products such as network listeners. Their products can help you govern your network, protect precious information, avoid resource dissipation and effectively prevent waste, and improve your benefits. . The main contents of this URL include: product introduction, online registration, order, company background brief introduction, etc. The company's product introduction column includes the following products: LT Auditor, Printmeter, LT Stat, where LT Auditor: is an easy-to-master network inspection, security software, will not produce your network in information overload. Any impact and protect your precious information.

★ Computer security products ★

UNIX System Monitoring Tools URL: Most of the machines used in Ciac.llnl.gov/ciac network are based on UNIX systems. Therefore, the security issue of UNIX systems is very important. Some of the following sites are free to download free software for monitoring UNIX system security. Do you think your UNIX system is safe? If you can't affirm its security, try these software, you will get a sure answer. Computer Virus (Computer Viruses) Website: Pages.Prodigg.com www.cadvision.com/reinwarw www.kumite.com/mgths www.webworlds.com.uk is really a major problem with computer users. Is the virus really a major problem? The answer to this question is probably reflected when your system is infected by viral. There are a lot of information on viruses on these websites and software waiting for you to download.

EliaShim website: www.eliashim.com computer security, anti-virus products and free software downloads.

TIS Network Security Company Website: Www.tis.com provides network security solutions and products, including strategies, management, certification, and training.

Abirnet URL: www.abrinet.com provides a new generation of Internet and intranet protection technology, providing WIN95 and NT software, making you clearly knowing your network works without intrusion. The website includes the introduction of new generation of network security products, the latest news, product quality certification, etc., especially in detail, "SessionWall-3" and "FireWall-1" produced by MEMCO software company. Among them, SessionWall-3 adopts a new generation of Internet and intranet, providing unprecedented levels of network application intelligence technology, implementation technology, adaptive technology, and easy-to-operate operations.

★ Computer network security knowledge ★

Windows NT Security Problem URL: www.nesecwrit If you are using a Winows NT server or managing NT machines, you need to understand security issues. WINDOW NT is a powerful operating system, but all powerful operating systems have security vulnerabilities. This site can find a problem with the problem, so you can keep your review at any time.

Computer Security FAQ: www.iss.net guarantees the effectiveness of computer system security, requiring you to have many different fields of knowledge and technology. There is a FAQ (a list of common problems), this problem is an important issue for computer security. I suggest you spend some time to see these common problems, read each of the FAQ related to you.

Computer Security Terminology: www.issc.gmu.edu/merged.glossary.html There are many technical terms in computer security, some of which are very puzzled. The words you don't know are not a strange thing. The next time you encounter this, just check it out in this computer.

Java security problem URL: www.cs.princeton.edu/sip site here, there are many information about Java security issues. If you want to discuss related questions with others, you can add Java discussion group.

★ Safety vulnerabilities and patches ★

UNIX Security Vulnerability URL: Infosec.cei.gov.cn/unixappa.html Bugtrag Mail List is specifically used to discuss UNIX system security vulnerabilities. It focuses on the definition and confirmation of this problem and discusses how to prevent system potential destructiveness. If you are a Unix system super user, this is a good mailing list, which makes you clear what happens in this insecure world. There is also a secure document on UNIX system on this site.

Security Vulnerability Library URL: www.iss.net/nt-vulnerabilities.html When you put your web server on the Internet, your computer is open to the world. Of course, your server program should be able to limit others' access to the scope of protection, protect your privacy.

Computer Security Patch URL: www.iss.net/vulnsprc_statd.html A patch is a modification of some program, usually in the correcting program. There are currently many security issues that are currently the most commonly used operating systems. For most of these problems, here you can download patch software, which can be used directly for your operating system. If you are interested in the security issues of multi-user systems, you should take some time to look at this clear patch table to see if there are some related to your system. Phantom Brigade http://www.ph4nt0m.org/

HTTP: //hackbase.com/

〓 Chinese hacker alliance 〓http://www.cnhacker.com/

20CN Network Security Group http://www.20cn.net/

PC Nuclear Safety Network http://www.pchoer.com/index.asp

Rootshell online home http://www.ns-one.com/home.htm

Xfocus Official WebsiteHttp://www.xfocus.org/

Virus observation http://www.virusview.net/

Black and white network http://www.heibai.net/

Red Guest League http://www.cnhonker.com/index.php

Fire Dragon Network http://www.comxc.com/index.php

Look at the Snow Academy http://www.pediy.com/

Blue ideal http://www.blueidea.com/compute/index.asp

Green Alliance Technology http://www.nsfocus.net/

Green Corps http://www.isbase.net/

Unified Teaching Network http://www.tongyi.net/

Network Security Station http://www.51cnet.com/

China Crack League http://www.mumayi.net/

China Net Man League http://www.hackhome.com/

China Protocol Analysis Network http://www.cnpaf.net/

Chinese Eagle Distributor Http://www.chinaeagle.org/

ENET Silicon Valley Power http://www.net.com.cn/HOME/

Evil eight-year China http://www.eviloctal.com/forum/index.php

Ant commune http://www.antpower.org/

★ Best website for learning search ★

California Berkeley Branch Library Search Tutorial Home: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/teachinglib/guides/internet/findinfo.html Basic Policy: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/teachinglib/guides/ Internet / Strategies.html - Many famous university libraries have the homepage of teaching search, California Berkeley has made great progress in the past six months, and all free search prices on online can be ranked first. It is more suitable for bias academicization, students and professionals. The grasp of the search engine is excellent, but the understanding of the search engine is not enough.

"Searcher" magazine http://www.infotoday.com/searcher/ --- Internet, the best search experience, the latest and highest search experience in Searcher magazine. The only problem is that it is a charging publication. Each period is only available for free reading, but this is enough for you. WebMasterWorld http://www.webmasterworld.com/ --- is the best forum for the search engine on the Internet. Although it mainly discusses the search engine registration and ranking, it is fast about the change of the search engine, the deep excavation of the search engine, such as the brilliance of the cloud master's insights, "makes people's understanding of the search engine. A new height. "- PANDIA language.

SearchTools http://www.searchtools.com/ --- The best search product research website on the Internet, related news, reviews, conferences, surveys, comparison, purchase, principles, source, Background, design, suggestion. The "search product" here is more general, there is no Google or Yahoo position, the searcher does not have to go, leave it to the manufacturer, buyers, researchers. Search Engine Conference http://www.infonortics.com/searchengines/ --- The annual event of the engine industry. If you have to understand the technology trends of each search engine and major search engines, there is no better place than this.

Research - http://ciseer.nj.nec.com/cs - The most abundant search engine technical papers on the Internet.

Search Engine Watch http://searchenginewatch.com/ "search day" http://searchenginewatch.com/searchday/archives.html --- is the biggest website of the search engine on the Internet, partial search engine news and registration rankings. The intensiveness of the website is suitable for the search engine's past, and the outstanding magazine "Search Day" is suitable for the search engine.

Search forum http://newbbs2.sina.com.cn/index.shtml?search:Search

Chinese search engine guide http://www.sowang.com/ --- The above mentioned all English websites, if you need Chinese, then, I recommend searching for forums and Chinese search engine guidelines, the former has the most masters, The latter has the most comprehensive information.

Search engine ranking research expert http://www.5china.com/webranks-ideas/iedeas-index-1.htm

Microsoft Chinese Technology Community Essence Article Zone http://www.mscommunity.com/Article/default.asp

Microsoft China Community http://www.microsoft.com/china/community/default.mspx

Microsoft Advanced Training Forum http://www.devmanclub.com/default.aspx

Cisco and network technology http://www.net130.com/

Algorithm and data structure http://algorithm.myrice.com/

★ XML specification and learning resources ★

★ XML specification ★

XML 1.0 specification http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/Rec-xml-19980210 CSS1 specification http://www.w3.org/tr/rec-css1

CSS2 specification http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/Rec-css2-19980512/

XML Namespace specification http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/Rec-xml-names-19990114/

XSL specification http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/wd-xsl-19990421/

XLINK specification http://www.w3.org/tr/xlink

XPointer specification http://www.w3.org/tr/1998/wd-xptr-19980303

DOM 1.0 specification http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/Rec-Dom-level-1-19981001/

XML Schema specification http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/note-sox-19980930

XML-QL specification http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/note-xml-ql-19980819/

Vector markup language VMLHTTP: //www.w3.org/TR/1998/Note-vml-19980513

Mathematical markup language http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/07/Rec-mathml-19990707/xhtml 1.0 specification http://www.w3.org/tr/markup/

SVG specification http://www.w3.org/graphics/svg/

★ XML website ★

W3C xmlhttp://www.w3.org/xml

IBM xmlhttp://www.software.ibm.com/xml/


Oracle's xmlhttp://www.racle.com/xml

Textuality's http://www.texTuality.com/xml/


XML-DEV mail list http://www.lists.ic.ac.uk/hypermail/xml-dev/


Microstar's XML tools and resources http://www.microstar.com/xml/index.html

Arbortext XmlstylerHttp://www.arbortext.com/xmlstyler

Netscape's XMLHTTP: //www.mozilla.org/rdf/doc/xml.html

XML One ConferenceHttp://www.xmlconference.com/

DataChannel's XML resources http://www.datachannel.com/xml_resources/


XML exchange http://www.xmlx.com/

Visual Xmlhttp://www.pieriou.com/visxml


Http://xml.apache.org/ is the official site of Apache XML Project.

http://xml.apache.org/cocoonhttp://xml.apache.org/cocoon2 is the Big Camp for Cocoon and XSP technology. Recommended!

Http://xml.apache.org/fop/ Introduction Apache FOP.

Http://www.w3schools.com/ Many tutorials, XML, XSL, WML, DTD, Schema, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

Http://zvon.org/xml technology tutorial and technical reference, very comprehensive.

http://www.xml.com/ Suitable for readers with a certain XML technology basis.

Http://www.xml.com.cn/ China XML Forum, Content, Technology, Readability First Class.

http://www.xml.org.cn/ China XML Alliance.

★ Database ★

Beyond - Database Programming http://erwin.softwarechn.com/

Data Warehouse Road http://www.dwway.com/

Database class technology resource site http://www.examlink.com/technology/Database.htm

Data mining technology http://www.spssgz.com.cn/dataMine/reporting.html

Data Mining Discussion Group http://www.dmgroup.org.cn/

China Database Alliance Forum http://www.databaseunion.com/index.php

Database Teaching Website http://home.hennu.edu.cn/vfp/tiku/tiku.htm

★ Software technology ★

Delphi Developer Home http://www.delphidevelopers.com/


IBM Software Academy http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/

IT source http://www.iturls.com/

UML modeling forum http://www.vchelp.net/cndevforum/subject_list.asp?forum_id=56&order=reply_numuML software engineering organization http://www.uml.org.cn/

Software Engineering Expert Network http://www.51cmm.com/

System Analysis Window http://www.sawin.com.cn/

China System Analyst http://www.csai.cn/

Chinese Union VER2.0HTTP: //www.robochina.org/

★ Programming language ★


VC online http://www.vczx.com/

Amon Programming House

Programming, programming website, wonderful programming website http://www.htm programming enthusiast http://www.86.net/gO/?ttp://www.programfan.net/ezine.asp Words online http://www.5xsoft.com/ Welcome to Program Salon http://www.programsalon.com/

Assembly language http://www.ok1490.com/e-dnwl/ec/eca1a.htm limit technology network http://www.Alltips.com/

Gray fox http://www.huihoo.com/index.html

Technology Tiandi http://www0.ccidnet.com/tech/guide/ Jinqiao Network Information Service Network http://www.gbnis.com/index.php

Only c world http://www.vcok.com/ ask expert http://www.china-askpro.com/

VB new forces http://www.vbaspnew.com/ China DOTNET Club http://www.chinaspx.com/

China Programmer League http://www.codestudy.net/ IBM-DeveloperWorks theme Linux http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/linux/theme/special/#python

Visual C Development Guide Home http://www.vchelp.net/services/about_us/index2.asp

Linux Eden http://www.linuxeden.com/news/

IT expert network http://www.techtarget.com.cn/

Drive development network http://www.driverdevelop.com/index.php

80x86 assembly station http://www.x86asm.com/default.asp meter http://www.ccw.com.cn/app/aprog/

Website Daquan (programming design) http://www.v111.com/wz/program.htm

ASP Cool Technology Network http://www.aspcool.com

C language http://www.ok1490.com/e-dnwl/ec/eca2a.htm

DeveloperWorks theme Linux http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/linux/theme/special/#python

ENET Silicon Valley Power http://www.net.com.cn/HOME/

IT people http://www.iteer.net/modules/programmer/

Java home http://www.javajia.com/index.php

Java learning http://www.studyjava.com/


Linux technology in http://www.chinalinuxpub.compython http://wiki.donews.com/wiki/python

Python Programming Languagehttp://www.python.org/

Python Chinese Community http://python.cn/

Sun technology community http://gceclub.sun.com.cn/index.html

VB World http://vbworld.sxnw.gov.cn/

★ News Group ★

News.webking.com.cn has more than 300 newsgroups, and has a unique Chinese news group name. It is currently very popular in China, and the speed is also very fast. And from time to time, some new newsgroups will be opened.

News.Freesoft.cei.gov.cn (China Free Software Library) There are not many newsgroups. To discuss free software, Linux, FreeBSD, the technical atmosphere is strong, and there are also doctoral guidance. It is especially suitable for Linux enthusiasts.

News.bentium.com (Pentium) is actually the same server with news.clinux.cz.js.cn. More than 20,000 newsgroups can be said to be quite rich. The mirror icon of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the famous newsgroups in foreign countries. However, there seems to be not transmitted with overseas synchronous data, and there are many groups or read only.

Msnews.microsoft.com (Microsoft News Group) A thousand pure technical newsgroups, of course, is to discuss Microsoft products. Basically English.


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