xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

You can find 1 in org.springframework.web.struts, LookUpdispatchactionSupport is more than a MAP than the latter. For the former, which key corresponds to the method name is taken in this map, and this MAP must correspond One source file, can be Class, or Properties, so, if you want to use the former, you must have a resource file, the JSP page is displayed is Value (ie, the value of key / value in the resource file), and The key in the Map object in the Action class is the key in the resource file, and an example: An example. The following is the following is the resource file: sendpage.send = sendsendpage.save = save Set the resource file, in the JSP page To write two submission buttons: Send and Save should write this: The method here must be configured in the parameter property in in Struts-Config.xml, as follows:

TYPE = "com.ztesoft.ds.Application.web.Message.MessageDispatchaction"

Name = "Messagesendform"

parameter = "method" /> When submitting, method or equal to send, or equal to save, submitted to the action after the call related methods by getKeyMethodMap in LookupDispatchActionSupport in, getKeyMethodMap method would look like this: protected Map getKeyMethodMap () {Map map = New hashMap (); map.put ("sendpage.send", "postmessage"); map.put ("SendPage.Save", "SaveMessage"); return map;} where the Map is in the resource file Key, Value is a method in which KEY is detected in this action, calling the corresponding method example II, the write method of the URL is in the JSP page, usually call the next page through the URL, in the LookUpdispatchActionSupport, this is written : Resource file: sendpage.link = link, then write this in your URL: URL = "<% = Request.getContextPath ()%> / message.do?method =Link"; where the Action is configured As in the above, Parameter wants to set it to Method, and in the URL to keep consistent then forward to the action, its getKeyMethodMap should write this: protected map getKeyMethodMap () {map map = new hashmap (); map.put ("SendPage .link "," linkMessage "); // linkMessage is the method name, SendPage.Link is the key return map in the resource file;} 2, if it is useless, if you use DispatChactionSupport, it is not so troublesome, just need to write this in the URL. Yes: URL = "<% = Request.getContextPath ()%> / message.do?method=LINKMESSAGE "//linkMessage is the method name but one is the same, that is, the Action's parameter is set to Method (you also Can be set, but Be sure to be consistent with the JSP page). But this is a fatal disadvantage, that is, there is a commit button on the page. In fact, the Dispatch cannot be submitted or submitted directly by using the Submit button, but can still be used by Button, JavaScript method implementation, but This looks unclear, not cool.


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