Package com.Adrop.util;
Import *;
Import javax.servlet.http. *;
Import javax.servlet. *;
Import javax.servlet.jsp. *;
Public class protresutil {
Private property p;
PRIVATE Fileoutputstream out
/ **
* Load file according to the transfer file name
* @Param FileName String
* /
Public propertyTiesUTIL (String filename) {
THIS.FILENAME = filename;
File File = New File (filename);
Try {
IN = New fileInputstream (file);
P = new profment ();
// Load file
p.Load (in);
In.Close ();
Catch (filenotfoundexception e) {
System.err.Println ("Profile can't find !!");
E.PrintStackTrace ();
Catch (Exception E) {
System.err.Println ("Read Profile;
E.PrintStackTrace ();
/ **
* Profiles are all and are uniformly placed in the root directory of the web application.
* @Return String
* /
Public static string getconfigfile (httpservlet hs) {
Return getConfigfile (HS, "");
/ **
* Used in servlet, use this directly as the parameters, httpservlet type
* Find the configuration file from the root of the current web application based on the configuration file name
* @Param configFileName String Profile Name
* @Return String
* /
Public Static String getconfigfile (httpservlet HS, String configfilename) {
String configfile = "";
ServletContext sc = hs.getservletContext ();
Configfile = sc.getRealPath ("/" configfilename);
IF (configfile == null || configfile.equals (")) {
Configfile = "/" configFileName;
Return Configfile;
/ **
* JSP uses PageContext as a parameter
* @Param HS PageContext
* @Param configFileName String Profile Name
* @Return String
* /
Public Static String getconfigfile (pagecontext hs, string configfilename) {string configfile = ""
ServletContext sc = hs.getservletContext ();
Configfile = sc.getRealPath ("/" configfilename);
IF (configfile == null || configfile.equals (")) {
Configfile = "/" configFileName;
Return Configfile;
/ **
* List all configuration file content
* /
Public void list () {
p.List (System.out);
/ **
* Specify the configuration item name, return to the configuration value
* @Param ItemName String
* @Return String
* /
Public String getValue (string itemname) {
Return P.GetProperty (itemname);
/ **
* Specify the configuration item name and default value, return to the configuration value
* @Param ItemName String
* @Param DefaultValue String
* @Return String
* /
Public String getValue (String ItemName,
String defaultValue) {
Return P.getProperty (itemname, defaultValue);
/ **
* Set the configuration item name and its value
* @Param ItemName String
* @Param Value String
* /
Public void setvalue (string itemname, string value) {
P.SetProperty (itemName, Value);
/ **
* Save the configuration file, specify the file name and header description
* @Param FileName String
* @Param Description String
* @Throws Exception
* /
Public void savefile (string filename, string description) throws exception {
Try {
FILE F = New File (filename);
= New FileOutputStream (f);
P.Store (out, description); // Save File
Out.close ();
Catch (IOException EX) {
Throw new Exception
("Unable to save the specified configuration file:" filename);
/ **
* Save the configuration file, specify the file name
* @Param FileName String
* @Throws Exception
* /
Public void savefile (String filename)
Throws exception {
Savefile (filename, ");
/ **
* Save the configuration file, use the original text name
* @Throws Exception
* /
Public void savefile () throws exception {
IF (filename.length () == 0) Throw new Exception
("You need to specify the saved configuration file name");
Savefile (filename);
/ **
* Delete an attribute
* @Param Value String
* /
Public void deleteValue (string value) {
P.Remove (Value);
/ **
* Main Method for Test
* @Param args string []
* /
Public static void main (String [] args) {
String file = "f: //";
PropertiesUTIL PU = New PropertiesUTIL (file);
pu.list ();