Java commonly used omissions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  48

J2EETM JAVATM 2PLATFORMENTERPRISEEDITION: J2EE (Java2 Enterprise Version) platform provides a way for component design, development, collection, and business applications. The J2EE platform provides multiple layers, distributed application models, reuse the ability of components, unified security models, and flexible processing control capabilities. J2METM JAVATM 2MICROEDITION J2ME: (Java2 Lite) API specification is based on J2SETM, but is modified to be a single requirement that can only be suitable for some product. J2ME makes the Java program to other consumer products such as phone cards, paging machines.

J2se Javatm 2Standardedition: J2SE (Java2 Standard Edition) includes basic compilers, gadgets, runtime environments, APIs for developing, running Applets and Java programs. JavaBean JavaBean is a software component that can reuse in the Java development language, conceptually similar to the ActiveX control method used by the Visual Basic application. JavaBean can be combined with creating applets, which can be considered to run micrographers running on a web browser.

JECF Java Electronic Commerce Frame-Work: Java e-commerce structure. Java SDK-Java Software Developments Kit (JDK1.2 from JDK 1.2.1 is renamed Java SDK 2)

JDK Java Development Kit: Includes JRE, Compilation Tools, Debug Tools, Source Codes ... JFC Java Foundation Classes. Java basic class combines GUI components and other services that simplify development and expand desktops and Internet / Intranet applications. JIT JUST IN TIME COMPILER: The second generation of JVM. JNI JavaTMnative Interface: Java Local Interface is a local programming interface in JAVA in JDK. JNI allows Java code operations to use other advanced (recommended) programming languages ​​(such as C, C, C, C, C ) application and library. JRE JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT: is a Java runtime, including JVM and standard Java Lib, extension in $ Java_Home / JRE / EXT /

JSP Java Server Pages: Close to ASP technology, create a highly dynamic web development environment. Jswdk Java Server Web Developments Kit. JVM Java Virtual Machine: Java virtual machine. Plug-in refers to an optional JVM in your browser. Generally, each browser runs the applet with a specific JVM.

RMI Remote Method Invocation: Remote Call

JWSDP Java (TM) Web Services Developer Pack

API Application Programing Interface

: Application interface


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