Windows Under Open Source Defect Tracking System Mantis Installation Guide

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  27

1 Introduction

Mantis is a php / mysql / web-based defect tracking system, the latest version is 0.19.2.

For more information, please

2. Download





3. Installation steps

1) Install the software that just downloaded

Let's assume that the installation directory of each software is

C: / mantis-0.19.2

C: /mysql-4.1.8

C: / php-5.0.3

C: /Apache-2.0.52

I am used to downloading the Zip version of the program, I can directly extract it to a directory. No, I have to download the Windows_Installer version :).

a. Install Apache2.0.52

I downloaded it.

Http:// x86-no_ssl.msi

Run the installer, choose to install it to the current user when installing, use 8080 port, do not install it into a service, do not have to me. You can also install it to Service after installation.

For details, please refer to:

APAHCE Installing Guide under WINDOWS

Run C: /Apache-2.0.52/bin/apache.exe, input in IE address bar

Http: // localhost: 8080 /, you can see the installation success. If the front is a service installed into an 80-port, enter

http: // localhost /

b. Other software directly extracts to the directory you want. Of course, if you download INSTALLER is also the same, running the installer directly, nothing more than a few start-up shortcut menu plus some default settings.

2) Configure PHP for Apache

Open the c: /apache-2.0.52 /conf/httpd.conf file, add the following to the file

#PHP 5

LoadFile "C: /PHP-5.0.3/php5ts.dll"

LoadModule PHP5_Module "C: /PHP-5.0.3/php5apache2.dll"

AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php

# Php.ini path


3) PHP configuration

Copy the php.ini-distth of C: /PHP-5.0.3 and change the name to php.ini

Find include_path, change to include_path = ".; c: / php-5.0.3/pear"

Find extension_dir, change to extension_dir = "c: / php-5.0.3/ext"

Find php_mysql.dll, remove this line, ";"

save document

4) Install the MANTIS system for Apache

Open the c: /apache-2.0.52 /conf/httpd.conf file, add the following to the file

Alias ​​/ mantis "c: / manngtis-0.19.2/"



Allow from all

Find DirectoryIndex, add index.php to the back. Like this DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php

5) Creating a database

Run C: /MYSQL-4.1.8/bin/mysqld, start the database


Create Database Bugtracker;

Use bugtracker;

Source C: /mantis-0.19.2/sql/db_generate.sql;

Of course, you can also create a database with other GUI tools.

6) MANTIS configuration

Copy CONFIG_INC.PHP.SAMPLE under C: / ManTis-0.19.2 and change the name to config_inc.php

If you change the root password, open this file, set $ g_db_password = 'Yourpassword'

7) Windows environment

Add C: /PHP-5.0.3 to the path

8) Start bug tracking system

First launch Apache and MySQL,

Enter the site

http: // localhost: 8080 / mantis / index.php or


You should be able to see the initial page. Log in with amdinistrator / root, Mantis starts to work for you.

9) Mail server configuration

Find SMTP in the C: /PHP-5.0.3/php.ini file, change localhost to your sender, such as SMTP = SMTP.163.COM

Find sendmail_from in the php.ini file, remove the previous divisions, and fill in the email address back

Add in c: / mantis-0.19.2/config_inc.php file

$ G_SMTP_HOST = '';

$ G_SMTP_USERNAME = 'YouruserName';

$ g_smtp_password = 'Yourpassword';

$ g_phpmailer_method = 2;

Find $ g_return_path_email, change the back the email address to a valid address,

This is very important, otherwise it will not be able to send the registered email.

Config_inc.php Other email addresses are best also changed to a valid address.

$ g_smtp_username, $ g_smtp_password is used when the server needs to verify, no need to verify, or set to


$ g_smtp_password = ''

Now you can register a new user and use the sending email feature.

10) Chinese display

Change AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1 to AddDefaultCharset Off in Apache's httpd.conf configuration file

Add from C: / ManTIS-0.19.2/config_inc.php

$ g_default_language = 'auto';

11) File upload

Add in config_inc.php

$ g_allow_file_upload = ON;

$ g_file_upload_method = disk;

And new UPLOAD directory below C: / ManTis-0.19.2

When you log in as an administrator, when you create a project, you fill in UPLOAD when you upload the file path. If you want to specify a different directory for each project, you can build a projectname in Upload, in the upload file path One fills upload / projectname, pay attention to it is best not to use the Chinese directory name, and do not take a space in the middle of the directory name. 4. Postscript

Integrated Apache PHP MYSQL ... installation tool,

Http:// Use it to install Very Easy, even if you don't understand anything, just a few minutes.

Download the installation package under Windows, setup, find apache / conf / httpd.conf, final addition to the file

Alias ​​/ mantis "c: / manngtis-0.19.2/"

Options indexes

DirectoryIndex Index.php



Allow from all

Start Apache and MySQL. Features and other settings of the email are shown above ...

The only thing is that he has installed a complete set of software. If you have installed Mysql on your machine, you will waste some hard disk space.

When debugging, pay attention to the monitoring of Rising email, otherwise PHP may not return a suitable error prompt and waste a lot of time.


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